Manage locations
Microsoft Search in Bing is being retired on March 31, 2025. Some Microsoft Search answers will no longer be available after that date, including location answers. Learn more
Location helps your users find addresses and locate your organization's buildings by providing an accurate location for offices, campuses, and buildings, along with directions and navigation. Administrators should add all important locations of your organization. Unlike Bookmarks and Q&A, the index isn't refreshed immediately, and it can take several hours for new or changed locations to appear in search results.
Add or edit a single location
- In the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to Locations
- To add a new location, select Add.
- To edit a location, select the location in the relevant locations list.
- As you add or edit the information, the preview automatically updates.
- Save your changes.
Bulk add or edit locations
Administrators can use the Import or Export feature to bulk add or edit locations.
Use the import/export feature to:
- Bulk add location - Add details in the location template file, and then import it.
- Bulk edit locations - Export locations to a .csv file, then edit the location details in the exported .csv file, and then import the updated .csv file.
- Backup locations – Export existing locations to a .csv file.
To export or import locations:
- In the upper-right corner of the Locations tab, select Import. Select Export to download the existing locations in a .csv file.
- In the right pane, choose the option to import using a .csv file. Download the template file for a list of the required fields and details.
- Add or edit location details in the template file, and then save it on your computer.
- In the Import locations pane, select Browse, and then the .csv file that you want to import.
- Select Import.
Here are some important points regarding the template file:
- Never edit data in these fields: Id, Last Modified, and Last Modified By
- If you include the Id of an existing location, it's replaced with the information in the import file.
- Not all fields in the template file are required and required fields vary depending on the location state.
- Based on the State field, locations are saved as draft, suggested, scheduled, or they're published automatically.
- For partners who manage multiple organizations, you can export your locations from one org and import them into another. But you must remove the data in the Id column before you import.
You can't import Locations if there are any errors in the template file. To prevent errors, make sure your import file is properly formatted and include all the required information.
For more information on how to prevent error, see Prevent import errors.