If you encounter a problem with Microsoft Defender Antivirus, you can search the below sections in this article to find a matching issue and potential solution.
Applies to:
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2
- Microsoft Defender Antivirus
How do I view a Microsoft Defender Antivirus event?
Open Event Viewer.
In the console tree, expand Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Windows Defender.
Double-click on Operational.
In the details pane, view the list of individual events to find your event.
Select the event to see specific details about an event in the lower pane, under the General and Details tabs.
Event ID 1000
Message: An antimalware scan started.
Scan ID: ID number of the relevant scan.
Scan Type: Scan type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, or Antimalware
Scan Parameters: Scan parameters. Examples: Full scan, Quick scan, or Customer scan
Scan Resources: Resources (such as files/directories/BHO) that were scanned.
User: Domain\User
Event ID 1001
Message: An antimalware scan finished.
Scan ID: ID number of the relevant scan.
Scan Type: Scan type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, or Antimalware
Scan Parameters: Scan parameters. Examples: Full scan, Quick scan, or Customer scan
User: Domain\User
Scan Time: The duration of a scan.
Event ID 1002
Message: An antimalware scan was stopped before it finished.
Scan ID: ID number of the relevant scan.
Scan Type: Scan type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, or Antimalware
Scan Parameters: Scan parameters. Examples: Full scan, Quick scan, or Customer scan
User: Domain\User
Scan Time: The duration of a scan.
Event ID 1006
Message: The antimalware engine found malware or other potentially unwanted software.
Description: For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description. Examples: Any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
Detection Origin: Detection origin. Examples: Unknown, Local computer, Network share, Internet, Incoming traffic, or Outgoing traffic
Detection Type: Detection type. Examples: Heuristics, Generic, Concrete, or Dynamic signature
Detection Source: Detection source for example:
User: user initiated
System: system initiated
Real-time: real-time component initiated
IOAV: IE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments initiated
NIS: Network inspection system
IEPROTECT: IE - IExtensionValidation; this protects against malicious webpage controls.
Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM). This source includes malware detected by the boot sequence.
Remote attestation
Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). Primarily used to protect scripts (PowerShell, VBS), though it can be invoked by third parties as well. UAC.
Status: Status
User: Domain\User
Process Name: Process in the PID
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Event ID 1007
Message: The antimalware platform performed an action to protect your system from malware or other potentially unwanted software.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus took action to protect this machine from malware or other potentially unwanted software. For more information, see the following details:
User: Domain\User
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Action: Action. Examples:
Clean: The resource was cleaned.
Quarantine: The resource was quarantined.
Remove: The resource was deleted.
Allow: The resource was allowed to execute/exist.
User defined: User-defined action that's typically from this list of actions specified by the user.
No action: No action
Block: The resource was blocked from executing.
Status: Status
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Event ID 1008
Message: The antimalware platform attempted to perform an action to protect your system from malware or other potentially unwanted software, but the action failed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error when taking action on malware or other potentially unwanted software. For more information, see the following details:
User: Domain\User
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
Action: Action. Examples:
Clean: The resource was cleaned.
Quarantine: The resource was quarantined.
Remove: The resource was deleted.
Allow: The resource was allowed to execute/exist.
User defined: User-defined action that's typically from this list of actions specified by the user.
No action: No action
Block: The resource was blocked from executing.
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Status: Status
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Event ID 1009
Message: The antimalware platform restored an item from quarantine.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus restored an item from quarantine. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
User: Domain\User
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Event ID 1010
Message: The antimalware platform couldn't restore an item from quarantine.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to restore an item from quarantine. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
User: Domain\User
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Event ID 1011
Message: The antimalware platform deleted an item from quarantine.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus deleted an item from quarantine. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
User: Domain\User
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Event ID 1012
Message: The antimalware platform couldn't delete an item from quarantine.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to delete an item from quarantine. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
User: Domain\User
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Event ID 1013
Message: The antimalware platform deleted history of malware and other potentially unwanted software.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus removed history of malware and other potentially unwanted software.
Time: The time when the event occurred, for example when the history is purged. This parameter isn't used in threat events so that there's no confusion regarding whether it's remediation time or infection time. For such events, we specifically call them as Action Time or Detection Time.
User: Domain\User
Event ID 1014
Message: The antimalware platform couldn't delete history of malware and other potentially unwanted software.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to remove history of malware and other potentially unwanted software.
Time: The time when the event occurred, for example when the history is purged. This parameter isn't used in threat events so that there's no confusion regarding whether it's remediation time or infection time. For such events, we specifically call them as Action Time or Detection Time.
User: Domain\User
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Event ID 1015
Message: The antimalware platform detected suspicious behavior.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus detected a suspicious behavior. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
Detection Origin: Detection origin. Examples: Unknown, Local computer, Network share, Internet, Incoming traffic, or Outgoing traffic
Detection Type: Detection type. Examples: Heuristics, Generic, Concrete, or Dynamic signature
Detection Source: Detection source for example:
User: user initiated
System: system initiated
Real-time: real-time component initiated
IOAV: IE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments initiated
NIS: Network inspection system
IEPROTECT: IE - IExtensionValidation; this source protects against malicious webpage controls.
Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM). This source includes malware detected by the boot sequence.
Remote attestation
Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). Primarily used to protect scripts (PowerShell, VBS), though it can be invoked by third parties as well. UAC
Status: Status
User: Domain\User
Process Name: Process in the PID
Signature ID: Enumeration matching severity.
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Fidelity Label:
Target File Name: File name Name of the file.
Event ID 1116
Message: The antimalware platform detected malware or other potentially unwanted software.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus detected malware or other potentially unwanted software. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
Detection Origin: Detection origin. Examples: Unknown, Local computer, Network share, Internet, Incoming traffic, or Outgoing traffic
Detection Type: Detection type. Examples: Heuristics, Generic, Concrete, or Dynamic signature
Detection Source: Detection source for example:
User: user initiated
System: system initiated
Real-time: real-time component initiated
IOAV: IE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments initiated
NIS: Network inspection system
IEPROTECT: IE - IExtensionValidation; this protects against malicious webpage controls.
Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM). This includes malware detected by the boot sequence.
Remote attestation
Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). Primarily used to protect scripts (PowerShell, VBS), though it can be invoked by third parties as well. UAC
User: Domain\User
Process Name: Process in the PID
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
User action: No action is required. Microsoft Defender Antivirus can suspend and take routine action on this threat. If you want to remove the threat manually, in the Microsoft Defender Antivirus interface, select Clean Computer.
Event ID 1117
Message: The antimalware platform performed an action to protect your system from malware or other potentially unwanted software.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus took action to protect this machine from malware or other potentially unwanted software. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
Detection Origin: Detection origin. Examples: Unknown, Local computer, Network share, Internet, Incoming traffic, or Outgoing traffic
Detection Type: Detection type. Examples: Heuristics, Generic, Concrete, or Dynamic signature
Detection Source: Detection source for example:
User: user initiated
System: system initiated
Real-time: real-time component initiated
IOAV: IE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments initiated
NIS: Network inspection system
IEPROTECT: IE - IExtensionValidation; this source protects against malicious webpage controls.
Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM). This includes malware detected by the boot sequence.
Remote attestation
Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). Primarily used to protect scripts (PowerShell, VBS), though it can be invoked by third parties as well. UAC
User: Domain\User
Process Name: Process in the PID
Action: Action. Examples:
Clean: The resource was cleaned.
Quarantine: The resource was quarantined.
Remove: The resource was deleted.
Allow: The resource was allowed to execute/exist.
User defined: User-defined action that's typically from this list of actions specified by the user.
No action: No action
Block: The resource was blocked from executing.
Action Status: Description of other actions
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Note: Whenever Microsoft Defender Antivirus, Malicious Software Removal Tool, or System Center Endpoint Protection detects a malware, it restores the following system settings and services that might have been changed by the malware:
- Default Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge setting
- User Access Control settings
- Chrome settings
- Boot Control Data
- Regedit and Task Manager registry settings
- Windows Update, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, and Remote Procedure Call service
- Windows Operating System files
The above context applies to the following client and server versions:
- Operating system: Client Operating System
Operating system version: Windows Vista (Service Pack 1, or Service Pack 2), Windows 7 and later
- Operating system: Server Operating System
Operating system version: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2016
User action: No action is necessary. Microsoft Defender Antivirus removed or quarantined a threat.
Event ID 1118
Message: The antimalware platform attempted to perform an action to protect your system from malware or other potentially unwanted software, but the action failed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered a noncritical error when taking action on malware or other potentially unwanted software. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
Detection Origin: Detection origin. Examples: Unknown, Local computer, Network share, Internet, Incoming traffic, or Outgoing traffic
Detection Type: Detection type. Examples: Heuristics, Generic, Concrete, or Dynamic signature
Detection Source: Detection source for example:
User: user initiated
System: system initiated
Real-time: real-time component initiated
IOAV: IE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments initiated
NIS: Network inspection system
IEPROTECT: IE - IExtensionValidation; this protects against malicious webpage controls.
Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM). This includes malware detected by the boot sequence.
Remote attestation
Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). Primarily used to protect scripts (PowerShell, VBS), though it can be invoked by third parties as well. UAC
User: Domain\User
Process Name: Process in the PID
Action: Action. Examples:
Clean: The resource was cleaned.
Quarantine: The resource was quarantined.
Remove: The resource was deleted.
Allow: The resource was allowed to execute/exist
User defined: User-defined action that's typically from this list of actions specified by the user.
No action: No action
Block: The resource was blocked from executing
Action Status: Description of additional actions
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
User action: No action is necessary. Microsoft Defender Antivirus failed to complete a task related to the malware remediation. This isn't a critical failure.
Event ID 1119
Message: The antimalware platform encountered a critical error when trying to take action on malware or other potentially unwanted software. There are more details in the event message.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered a critical error when taking action on malware or other potentially unwanted software. For more information, see the following details:
Name: Threat name
ID: Threat ID
Severity: Severity. Examples: Low, Moderate, High, or Severe
Category: Category description, for example, any threat or malware type.
Path: File path
Detection Origin: Detection origin. Examples: Unknown, Local computer, Network share, Internet, Incoming traffic, or Outgoing traffic
Detection Type: Detection type. Examples: Heuristics, Generic, Concrete, or Dynamic signature
Detection Source: Detection source for example:
User: user initiated
System: system initiated
Real-time: real-time component initiated
IOAV: IE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments initiated
NIS: Network inspection system
IEPROTECT: IE - IExtensionValidation; this protects against malicious webpage controls.
Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM). This includes malware detected by the boot sequence
Remote attestation
Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). Primarily used to protect scripts (PowerShell, VBS), though it can be invoked by third parties as well. UAC
User: Domain\User
Process Name: Process in the PID
Action: Action. Examples:
Clean: The resource was cleaned
Quarantine: The resource was quarantined.
Remove: The resource was deleted.
Allow: The resource was allowed to execute/exist.
User defined: User-defined action that's typically from this list of actions specified by the user.
No action: No action
Block: The resource was blocked from executing.
Action Status: Description of other actions
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
User action: The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client encountered this error due to critical issues. The endpoint might not be protected. Review the error description then follow the relevant User action steps.
Action: Remove User action: Update the definitions then verify that the removal was successful.
Action: Clean User action: Update the definitions then verify that the remediation was successful.
Action: Quarantine User action: Update the definitions and verify that the user has permission to access the necessary resources.
Action: Allow User action: Verify that the user has permission to access the necessary resources.
If this event persists:
Run the scan again.
If it fails in the same way, go to the Microsoft Support site, enter the error number in the Search box to look for the error code.
Contact Microsoft Technical Support.
Event ID 1120
Message: Microsoft Defender Antivirus deduced the hashes for a threat resource.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus client is up and running in a healthy state.
Current Platform Version: Current platform version
Threat Resource Path: Path
Hashes: Hashes
Note: This event will only be logged if the following policy is set: ThreatFileHashLogging unsigned.
Event ID 1121
Message: Event when an attack surface reduction rule fires in block mode.
Current Platform Version: Current platform version
Threat Resource Path: Path
Hashes: Hashes
Event ID 1127
Message: Controlled Folder Access(CFA) blocked an untrusted process from making changes to the memory.
Description: Controlled Folder Access blocked an untrusted process from potentially modifying disk sectors. For more information about the event record, see the following details:
EventID: EventID. Examples: 1127
Version: Version. Examples: 0
Level: Level. Examples: win: Warning
TimeCreated: SystemTime, time when the event was created.
EventRecordID: EventRecordID, index number of the event in the event log
Execution ProcessID: Execution ProcessID, process that generated the event
Channel: Event channel. Examples: Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational
Computer: Computer name
Security UserID: Security UserID
Product Name: Product Name. Examples: Microsoft Defender Antivirus
Product Version: Product Version
Detection Time: Detection Time, time when CFA blocked an untrusted process
User: Domain\User
Path: Device name, name of the device or disk that an untrusted process accessed for modification
Process Name: Process path, the process path name that CFA blocked from accessing the device or disk for modification
Security Intelligence Version: Security intelligence version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
User action: The user can add the blocked process to the Allowed Process list for CFA, using PowerShell or Windows Security Center.
Event ID 1150
Message: If your antimalware platform reports status to a monitoring platform, this event indicates that the antimalware platform is running and in a healthy state.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus client is up and running in a healthy state.
Platform Version: Current platform version
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
User action: No action is necessary. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client is in a healthy state. This event is reported on an hourly basis.
Event ID 1151
Message: Endpoint Protection client health report (time in UTC)
Description: Antivirus client health report.
Platform Version: Current platform version
Engine Version: Antimalware Engine version
Network Realtime Inspection engine version: Network Realtime Inspection engine version
Antivirus signature version: Antivirus signature version
Antispyware signature version: Antispyware signature version
Network Realtime Inspection signature version: Network Realtime Inspection signature version
RTP state: Realtime protection state (Enabled or Disabled)
OA state: On Access state (Enabled or Disabled)
IOAV state: IE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments state (Enabled or Disabled)
BM state: Behavior Monitoring state (Enabled or Disabled)
Antivirus signature age: Antivirus signature age (in days)
Antispyware signature age: Antispyware signature age (in days)
Last quick scan age: Last quick scan age (in days)
Last full scan age: Last full scan age (in days)
Antivirus signature creation time: Antivirus signature creation time
Antispyware signature creation time: Antispyware signature creation time
Last quick scan start time: Last quick scan start time
Last quick scan end time: Last quick scan end time
Last quick scan source: Last quick scan source (0 = scan didn't run, 1 = user initiated, 2 = system initiated)
Last full scan start time: Last full scan start time
Last full scan end time: Last full scan end time
Last full scan source: Last full scan source (0 = scan didn't run, 1 = user initiated, 2 = system initiated)
Product status: For internal troubleshooting
Event ID 2000
Message: The antimalware definitions updated successfully.
Description: Antivirus signature version was updated.
Current Signature Version: Current signature version
Previous Signature Version: Previous signature version
Signature Type: Signature type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, Antimalware, or Network Inspection System
Update Type: Update type, either Full or Delta.
User: Domain\User
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Previous Engine Version: Previous engine version
User action: No action is necessary. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client is in a healthy state. This event is reported when signatures are successfully updated.
Event ID 2001
Message: The security intelligence update failed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to update signatures.
New security intelligence version: New version number
Previous security intelligence version: Previous version
Update Source: Update source. Examples:
Security intelligence update folder
Internal security intelligence update server
Microsoft Update Server
File share
Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC)
Update Stage: Update stage. Examples: Search, Download, or Install
Source Path: File share name for Universal Naming Convention (UNC), server name for Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)/Microsoft Update/ADL.
Signature Type: Signature type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, Antimalware, or Network Inspection System
Update Type: Update type, either Full or Delta.
User: Domain\User
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Previous Engine Version: Previous engine version
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
User action: This error occurs when there's a problem updating definitions. To troubleshoot this event:
Update definitions and force a rescan directly on the endpoint.
Review the entries in the %Windir%\WindowsUpdate.log file for more information about this error.
Contact Microsoft Technical Support.
Event ID 2002
Message: The antimalware engine updated successfully.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus engine version was updated.
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Previous Engine Version: Previous engine version
Engine Type: Engine type, either antimalware engine or Network Inspection System engine.
User: Domain\User
User action: No action is necessary. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client is in a healthy state. This event is reported when the antimalware engine is successfully updated.
Event ID 2003
Message: The antimalware engine update failed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to update the engine.
New Engine Version:
Previous Engine Version: Previous engine version
Engine Type: Engine type, either antimalware engine or Network Inspection System engine.
User: Domain\User
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
User action: The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client update failed. This event occurs when the client fails to update itself. This event is due to an interruption in network connectivity during an update. To troubleshoot this event:
Update definitions and force a rescan directly on the endpoint.
Contact Microsoft Technical Support.
Event ID 2004
Message: There was a problem loading antimalware definition. The antimalware engine attempts to load the last-known good set of definitions.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to load signatures and will attempt reverting back to a known-good set of signatures.
Signatures Attempted:
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Signature Version: Definition version
Engine Version: Antimalware engine version
User action: The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client attempted to download and install the latest definitions file and failed. This error can occur when the client encounters an error while trying to load the definitions, or if the file is corrupt. Microsoft Defender Antivirus attempts to revert back to a known-good set of definitions. To troubleshoot this event:
Restart the computer and try again.
Download the latest definitions from the Microsoft Security Intelligence site.
Note: The size of the definitions file downloaded from the site can exceed 60 MB and shouldn't be used as a long-term solution for updating definitions.
Contact Microsoft Technical Support.
Event ID 2005
Message: The antimalware engine failed to load because the antimalware platform is out of date. The antimalware platform loads the last-known good antimalware engine and attempt to update.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus couldn't load antimalware engine because current platform version isn't supported. Microsoft Defender Antivirus reverts back to the last known-good engine and a platform update will be attempted.
- Current Platform Version: Current platform version
Event ID 2006
Message: The platform update failed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to update the platform.
Current Platform Version: Current platform version
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Event ID 2007
Message: The platform will soon be out of date. Download the latest platform to maintain up-to-date protection.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus will soon require a newer platform version to support future versions of the antimalware engine. Download the latest Microsoft Defender Antivirus platform to maintain the best level of protection available.
- Current Platform Version: Current platform version
Event ID 2010
Message: The antimalware engine used the Dynamic Signature Service to get other definitions.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus used Dynamic Signature Service to retrieve more signatures to help protect your machine.
Current Signature Version: Current signature version
Signature Type: Signature type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, Antimalware, or Network Inspection System
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Dynamic Signature Type: Dynamic signature type. Examples: Version, Timestamp, No limit, or Duration
Persistence Path: Path
Dynamic Signature Version: Version number
Dynamic Signature Compilation Timestamp: Timestamp
Persistence Limit Type: Persistence limit type. Examples: VDM version, Timestamp, or No limit
Persistence Limit: Persistence limit of the fastpath signature.
Event ID 2011
Message: The Dynamic Signature Service deleted the out-of-date dynamic definitions.
Change to default behavior: Change to dynamic signature event reporting default behavior.
When a dynamic signature is received by MDE, a 2010 event is reported. However, when the dynamic signature expires or is manually deleted a 2011 event is reported. In some cases, when a new signature is delivered to MDE sometimes hundreds of dynamic signatures expire at the same time; therefore hundreds of 2011 events are reported. The generation of so many 2011 events can cause a Security information and event management (SIEM) server to become flooded.
To avoid the previously described situation - starting with platform version 4.18.2207.7 - by default, Defender for Endpoint doesn't report 2011 events:
- This new default behavior is controlled by registry entry:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Reporting\EnableDynamicSignatureDroppedEventReporting
. - The default value for
is false, which means 2011 events aren't reported. If it's set to true, 2011 events are reported.
Because 2010 signature events are timely distributed sporadically - and won't cause a spike - 2010 signature event behavior is unchanged.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus used Dynamic Signature Service to discard obsolete signatures.
Current Signature Version: Current signature version
Signature Type: Signature type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, Antimalware, or Network Inspection System
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Dynamic Signature Type: Dynamic signature type. Examples: Version, Timestamp, No limit, or Duration
Persistence Path: Path
Dynamic Signature Version: Version number
Dynamic Signature Compilation Timestamp: Timestamp
Removal Reason:
Persistence Limit Type: Persistence limit type. Examples: VDM version, Timestamp, or No limit
Persistence Limit: Persistence limit of the fastpath signature.
User action: No action is necessary. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client is in a healthy state. This event is reported when the Dynamic Signature Service successfully deletes out-of-date dynamic definitions.
Event ID 2012
Message: The antimalware engine encountered an error when trying to use the Dynamic Signature Service.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to use Dynamic Signature Service.
Current Signature Version: Current signature version
Signature Type: Signature type. Examples: Antivirus, Antispyware, Antimalware, or Network Inspection System
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Dynamic Signature Type: Dynamic signature type. Examples: Version, Timestamp, No limit, or Duration
Persistence Path: Path
Dynamic Signature Version: Version number
Dynamic Signature Compilation Timestamp: Timestamp
Persistence Limit Type: Persistence limit type. Examples: VDM version, Timestamp, or No limit
Persistence Limit: Persistence limit of the fastpath signature.
User action: Check your Internet connectivity settings.
Event ID 2013
Message: The Dynamic Signature Service deleted all dynamic definitions.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus discarded all Dynamic Signature Service signatures.
- Current Signature Version: Current signature version
Event ID 2020
Message: The antimalware engine downloaded a clean file.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus downloaded a clean file.
Filename: File name Name of the file.
Current Signature Version: Current signature version
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Event ID 2021
Message: The antimalware engine failed to download a clean file.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to download a clean file.
Filename: File name Name of the file.
Current Signature Version: Current signature version
Current Engine Version: Current engine version
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
User action: Check your Internet connectivity settings. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client encountered an error when using the Dynamic Signature Service to download the latest definitions to a specific threat. This error is likely caused by a network connectivity issue.
Event ID 2030
Message: The antimalware engine was downloaded and is configured to run offline on the next system restart.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus downloaded and configured offline antivirus to run on the next reboot.
Event ID 2031
Message: The antimalware engine was unable to download and configure an offline scan.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered an error trying to download and configure offline antivirus.
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Event ID 2040
Message: Antimalware support for this operating system version will soon end.
Description: The support for your operating system expires shortly. Running Microsoft Defender Antivirus on an out of support operating system isn't an adequate solution to protect against threats.
Event ID 2041
Message: Antimalware support for this operating system has ended. You must upgrade the operating system for continued support.
Description: The support for your operating system has expired. Running Microsoft Defender Antivirus on an out of support operating system isn't an adequate solution to protect against threats.
Event ID 2042
Message: The antimalware engine no longer supports this operating system, and is no longer protecting your system from malware.
Description: The support for your operating system has expired. Microsoft Defender Antivirus is no longer supported on your operating system, has stopped functioning, and isn't protecting against malware threats.
Event ID 3002
Message: Real-time protection encountered an error and failed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus Real-Time Protection feature encountered an error and failed.
Feature: Feature. Examples: On Access, Internet Explorer downloads and Microsoft Outlook Express attachments, Behavior monitoring, or Network Inspection System.
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Reason: The reason Microsoft Defender Antivirus real-time protection restarted a feature.
User action: You should restart the system then run a full scan because it's possible the system wasn't protected for some time. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client's real-time protection feature encountered an error because one of the services failed to start. If it's followed by a 3007 event ID, the failure was temporary and the antimalware client recovered from the failure.
Event ID 3007
Message: Real-time protection recovered from a failure. We recommend running a full system scan when you see this error.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus Real-time Protection restarted a feature. It's recommended that you run a full system scan to detect any items that might have been missed while this agent was down.
Feature: Feature. Examples: On Access, IE downloads and Outlook Express attachments, Behavior monitoring, or Network Inspection System
Reason: The reason Microsoft Defender Antivirus real-time protection restarted a feature.
User action: The real-time protection feature restarted. If this event happens again, contact Microsoft Technical Support.
Event ID 5000
Message: Real-time protection is enabled.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus real-time protection scanning for malware and other potentially unwanted software was enabled.
Event ID 5001
Message: Real-time protection is disabled.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus real-time protection scanning for malware and other potentially unwanted software was disabled.
Event ID 5004
Message: The real-time protection configuration changed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus real-time protection feature configuration changed.
- Feature: Feature. Examples: On Access, IE downloads and Outlook Express attachments, Behavior monitoring, or Network Inspection System
- Configuration:
Event ID 5007
Message: The antimalware platform configuration changed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus configuration changed. If this event is unexpected, you should review the settings as the event might be the result of malware.
Old value: Old value number Old antivirus configuration value.
New value: New value number New antivirus configuration value.
Event ID 5008
Message: The antimalware engine encountered an error and failed.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus engine was terminated due to an unexpected error.
Failure Type: Failure type. Examples: Crash or Hang
Exception Code: Error code
Resource: Resource
User action: To troubleshoot this event:
Try to restart the service.
For antimalware, antivirus and spyware, at an elevated command prompt, type net stop msmpsvc, and then type net start msmpsvc to restart the antimalware engine.
For the Network Inspection System, at an elevated command prompt, type net start nissrv, and then type net start nissrv to restart the Network Inspection System engine by using the NiSSRV.exe file.
If it fails in the same way, look up the error code by accessing the Microsoft Support Site and entering the error number in the Search box, and contact Microsoft Technical Support.
User action: The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client engine stopped due to an unexpected error. To troubleshoot this event:
Run the scan again.
If it fails in the same way, go to the Microsoft Support site, enter the error number in the Search box to look for the error code.
Contact Microsoft Technical Support.
Event ID 5009
Message: Scanning for malware and other potentially unwanted software is enabled.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus enabled scanning for malware and other potentially unwanted software.
Event ID 5010
Message: Scanning for malware and other potentially unwanted software is disabled.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanning for malware and other potentially unwanted software is disabled.
Event ID 5011
Message: Scanning for viruses is enabled.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus enabled scanning for viruses.
Event ID 5012
Message: Scanning for viruses is disabled.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanning for viruses is disabled.
Event ID 5013
Message: Tamper protection blocked a change to Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
Description: If Tamper protection is enabled then any attempt to change any of Defender's settings is blocked. Event ID 5013 is generated and states which setting change was blocked.
Event ID 5100
Message: The antimalware platform expires soon.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus entered a grace period and will soon expire. After expiration, this program will disable protection against viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software.
Expiration Reason: The reason Microsoft Defender Antivirus expires.
Expiration Date: The date Microsoft Defender Antivirus expires.
Event ID 5101
Message: The antimalware platform is expired.
Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus grace period has expired. Protection against viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software is disabled.
Error Code: Error code Result code associated with threat status. Standard HRESULT values.
Error Description: Error description Description of the error.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus client error codes
If Microsoft Defender Antivirus experiences any issues, it will usually give you an error code to help you troubleshoot the issue. Most often an error means there was a problem installing an update. This section provides the following information about Microsoft Defender Antivirus client errors.
The error code
The possible reason for the error
Advice on what to do now
Use the following information to help troubleshoot Microsoft Defender Antivirus error codes.
Error code 0x80508007
Possible reason: This error indicates that you might have run out of memory.
Check the available memory on your device.
Close any unused applications that are running to free up memory on your device.
Restart the device and run the scan again.
Error code 0x8050800C
Possible reason: This error indicates that there might be a problem with your security product.
Update the definitions. Either:
Get your security intelligence updates in the Windows Security app.
Download the latest definitions from the Microsoft Security Intelligence site.
[!NOTE] The size of the definitions file downloaded from the site can exceed 60 MB and shouldn't be used as a long-term solution for updating definitions.
Run a full scan.
Restart the device and try again.
Error code 0x80508020
Possible reason: This error indicates that there might be an engine configuration error. Commonly, this error is related to input data that doesn't allow the engine to function properly.
Error code 0x805080211
Possible reason: This error indicates that Microsoft Defender Antivirus failed to quarantine a threat.
Error code 0x80508022
Possible reason: This error indicates that a reboot is required to complete threat removal.
Error code 0x80508023
Possible reason: This error indicates that the threat might no longer be present on the media, or malware might be stopping you from scanning your device.
Resolution: Run the Microsoft Safety Scanner then update your security software and try again.
Error code 0x80508024
Possible reason: This error indicates that a full system scan might be required.
Resolution: Run a full system scan.
Error code 0x80508025
Possible reason: This error indicates that manual steps are required to complete threat removal.
Resolution: Follow the manual remediation steps outlined in the Microsoft Malware Protection Encyclopedia. You can find a threat-specific link in the event history.
Error code 0x80508026
Possible reason: This error indicates that removal inside the container type might not be not supported.
Resolution: Microsoft Defender Antivirus isn't able to remediate threats detected inside the archive. Consider manually removing the detected resources.
Error code 0x80508027
Possible reason: This error indicates that removal of low and medium threats might be disabled.
Resolution: Check the detected threats and resolve them as required.
Error code 0x80508029
Possible reason: This error indicates a rescan of the threat is required.
Resolution: Run a full system scan.
Error code 0x80508030
Possible reason: This error indicates that an offline scan is required.
Resolution: Run offline Microsoft Defender Antivirus. For more information, see Help protect my PC with Microsoft Defender Offline.
Error code 0x80508031
Possible reason: This error indicates that Microsoft Defender Antivirus doesn't support the current version of the platform and requires a new version of the platform.
Resolution: You can only use Microsoft Defender Antivirus in Windows 10 and Windows 11. For Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you can use System Center Endpoint Protection.
Internal error codes
The following error codes are used during internal testing of Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
If you see these errors, you can try to update definitions and force a rescan directly on the endpoint.
Error code 0x80501004
Message displayed: ERROR_MP_NO_INTERNET_CONN
Possible reason for error and resolution: Check your Internet connection, then run the scan again.
Error code 0x80501000
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501001
Message displayed: ERROR_MP_ACTIONS_FAILED
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501002
Message displayed: ERROR_MP_NOENGINE
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501003
Message displayed: ERROR_MP_ACTIVE_THREATS
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x805011011
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501101
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501102
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501103
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501104
Message displayed: MP_ERROR_CODE_CANCELLED
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501105
Message displayed: MP_ERROR_CODE_NO_TARGETOS
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501106
Message displayed: MP_ERROR_CODE_BAD_REGEXP
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501107
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80501108
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508001
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_INIT_MODULES
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508002
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_DATABASE
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508004
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_UFS
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050800C
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_INPUT_DATA
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050800D
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_GLOBAL_STORAGE
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050800E
Message displayed: ERR_MP_OBSOLETE
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050800F
Message displayed: ERR_MP_NOT_SUPPORTED
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050800F
Message displayed: ERR_MP_NO_MORE_ITEMS
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508010
Message displayed: ERR_MP_NO_MORE_ITEMS
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508011
Message displayed: ERR_MP_DUPLICATE_SCANID
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508012
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_SCANID
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508013
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_USERDB_VERSION
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508014
Message displayed: ERR_MP_RESTORE_FAILED
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508016
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BAD_ACTION
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80508019
Message displayed: ERR_MP_NOT_FOUND
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80509001
Message displayed: ERR_RELO_BAD_EHANDLE
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x80509003
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050A001
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BADDB_OPEN
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050A002
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BADDB_HEADER
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050A003
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BADDB_OLDENGINE
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050A004
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BADDB_CONTENT
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050A005
Message displayed: ERR_MP_BADDB_NOTSIGNED
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. The cause isn't clearly defined.
Error code 0x8050801
Message displayed: ERR_MP_REMOVE_FAILED
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. It might be triggered when malware removal isn't successful.
Error code 0x80508018
Message displayed: ERR_MP_SCAN_ABORTED
Possible reason for error and resolution: This error is internal. It might have triggered when a scan fails to complete.