Scenarios and edge cases

Learn how sync-client integration works in key scenarios and edge cases.

Open in-sync third-party synced file via File Explorer for the first time (Windows)

User actions Product behavior
  1. In File Explorer or the Common File Dialog (CFD), double-clicks the third-party synced file.
  2. Edits or coauthors the file.
  3. Closes the file.
  1. Office uses the local path to the local file to open and display contents without requiring a network zero round trip if the file supports coauthoring. Otherwise, the file opens from the local file (no coauthoring).
  2. The local path is converted to a service URL via registry and COM calls. The hash of the local content is verified to match the hash from the sync client.
  3. Edits are uploaded to and downloaded from the service.
  4. The third-party sync client keeps the local file in sync.
  5. When the file is closed, it's deleted from the Office cache.

Open in-sync third-party synced file via the macOS Finder for the first time (macOS)

User actions Product behavior
  1. In the Finder, double-clicks the third-party synced file.
  2. Edits or coauthors the file.
  3. Closes the file.
  1. The third-party sync client is expected to set its sync domain with the OS so that a call to NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey succeeds.
  2. The XPC service converts the local path to a service URL after the service verifies that the local hash matches the hash from the sync client.
  3. Office uses the local path and the local file to open and display the file contents without requiring a network round trip if the file supports coauthoring. Otherwise, the file opens from the local file (no coauthoring).
  4. Edits are uploaded to and downloaded from the service.
  5. The third-party sync client keeps the local file in sync.
  6. When the file is closed, it's deleted from the Office cache.

Open third-party synced file while offline

In this scenario, while a user is offline, the user opens a third-party synced file in Microsoft Office by double-clicking the file in File Explorer or the macOS Finder.

User actions Product behavior
  1. Edits the file, then saves it.
  2. Closes Office.
  1. The third-party sync client is expected to respond, even when the user is offline.
  2. Office identifies the file as a third-party synced file via registry values. Then, it gets properties from the sync client via COM/XPC. If the properties returned by the host in CheckFileInfoindicate that the file doesn't support coauthoring (the SupportsCoauth property is false), Office opens the file as a local file (with no coauthoring).
  3. The file is in sync based on the FileChecksum property and the hash on disk.
  4. Office opens with coauthoring support without requiring a network round trip.
  5. Edits remain in the upload branch pending upload. Edits aren't persisted to the file on disk. While the user is offline, edits remain only in the Office cache.
  6. Pending Upload is shown in the title bar throughout the session.
  7. When the file is closed, the file remains in the Office cache because of the pending uploads.
  8. When the file is closed, a final modal prompt tells the user that contents aren't yet uploaded.

Open file with pending changes in Office file cache from previous session

User actions Product behavior
  1. Completes the Open third-party synced file while offline scenario.
  2. In File Explorer or the macOS Finder, double-clicks to open Office with a pending upload from the previous offline session file.
  3. Edits the file, and then saves it.
  4. Closes Office.
  1. If the file doesn't support coauthoring, the file is opened as a local file and pending changes aren't uploaded.
  2. If the file does support coauthoring, Office loads the contents from the Office cache.
  3. The contents from the local file in the synced folder are not used by Office, and they are not displayed to the user.
  4. The contents in the Office cache, including pending edits, are loaded and displayed to the user.
  5. Edits are uploaded to the service, along with edits from the previous session left in the cache.
  6. If uploads are successful, the file is deleted from the Office cache when the file is closed.

Open out-of-sync third-party synced file via File Explorer or macOS Finder

In this scenario, while a user is offline, the user edits a local third-party synced file via OpenOffice.

User actions Product behavior
  1. Closes OpenOffice.
  2. In File Explorer or the macOS Finder, double-clicks the file to open the same file with Office.
  3. Closes Office.
  1. Office identifies the file as a third-party synced file via registry values, and then gets the file properties from the sync client via COM/XPC. If the properties returned by the host in CheckFileInfo indicate that the file doesn't support coauthoring (the SupportsCoauth property is false), Office opens the file as a local file (with no coauthoring).
  2. The FileChecksum value that's retrieved from the sync client doesn't match the hash of the file on disk, which indicates that the local file isn't synced.
  3. Office opens the file as local-only with no coauthoring support.
  4. No entry is made for this file in the Office cache.
  5. The sync client maintains the local file in sync.

Open third-party synced file via path from the MRU list

In this scenario, the local path is stored in the most recently used (MRU) list from the previous sync-backed file open (the most common case).

User actions Product behavior
  1. Opens the file from the MRU list.
  2. Edits the file.
  3. Closes the file.
  1. The local path is mapped with help from the sync engine to the WOPI URL.
  2. Office opens the file without requiring a network round trip (including Excel) from the local disk, with coauthoring support. If the file properties returned by the host in CheckFileInfo indicate that the file doesn't support coauthoring (the SupportsCoauth property is false), Office opens the file as a local file (with no coauthoring).
  3. If everything is in sync, the file is deleted from the Office cache when the file is closed.

Open third-party synced file via URL from the MRU list

In this scenario, the service URL is stored from the previous URL open.

User actions Product behavior
  1. Opens the file from the MRU list.
  2. Edits the file.
  3. Closes the file.
  1. The URL isn't mapped to the local path. The local sync client isn't involved at all.
  2. Office doesn't open the file without a network round trip to download content. Because it's a first open, Office downloads the entire file prior to opening it.
  3. The file is opened with coauthoring support and edits are uploaded to the service. If the properties returned by the host in CheckFileInfo indicate that the file doesn't support coauthoring (the SupportsCoauth property is false), Office won't open the file.
  4. The file remains in the Office file cache because it was opened via a URL.

Open third-party synced file via File Explorer or the macOS Finder when the sync client doesn't respond

User actions Product behavior
  1. Opens Task Manager and stops the third-party sync client process.
  2. Double-clicks the file or CFD to open the Office file in the synced folder.
  3. Closes Office.
  1. When the file is opened, Office detects via registry values or the NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey API that the path belongs to a third-party sync client.
  2. Office attempts to cocreate the COM object to communicate with the sync client by using the IStorageProvider APIs or an XPC equivalent.
  3. Any failure that occurs while attempting to use CoCreate, GetPropertyHandlerFromPath, RetrieveProperties, or XPC equivalents from the sync client results in a local-only open without coauthoring support*. Includes scenarios in which:
    • The COM call times out.
    • The sync client isn't running.
    • The sync client failed to respond with all required properties.

    *If the sync client becomes responsive mid-session, nothing changes after the file is opened. Office writes only to the local file on disk without coauthoring support.

Save As to a third-party service offline

User actions Product behavior
  1. Opens an existing local file on the desktop.
  2. Saves as via Save A Copy > Browse > CFD > C:\users\syncclient.
  3. Enters a file name.
  4. Selects Save.
  5. Closes the file.
  1. Office doesn't find an existing file in the synced folder.
  2. Office doesn't attempt to communicate with the sync client.
  3. Office creates the file in the local synced folder.
  4. Office opens the file as local-only without coauthoring support.
  5. After the sync client is in sync, a subsequent open has coauthoring support.

Save As to a third-party synced folder via the macOS Finder or CFD

User actions Product behavior
  1. Drags a large file to a synced folder.
  2. Before the sync client uploads the file, double-clicks the file.
  3. Closes the file.
  1. Office detects that the file belongs to a sync root and attempts to get the file properties via COM or XPC.
  2. The sync client is expected to fail RetrieveProperties or the XPC call with NotFound or an equivalent error.
  3. Office opens the file as local-only without coauthoring support.
  4. The sync client continues to sync the file to the service while the file is open and after it's closed.

Drag a file to a third-party synced folder and immediately open

User actions Product behavior
  1. Drags a large file to a synced folder.
  2. Before the sync client uploads the file, double-clicks the file.
  3. Closes the file.
  1. Office detects that the file belongs to a sync root and attempts to get the file properties via COM or XPC.
  2. The sync client is expected to fail RetrieveProperties or the XPC call with NotFound or an equivalent error.
  3. Office opens the file as local-only without coauthoring support.
  4. The sync client continues to sync the file to the service while the file is open and after it's closed.

Open a file with more changes from the server

In this scenario, a third-party synced file is in sync locally, but pending changes on the service haven't yet been downloaded by the sync client.

User actions Product behavior
  1. Opens the file.
  2. Waits for changes to appear.
  3. Closes the file.
  1. The hash that's retrieved from the sync client and the hash of the file on disk matches.
  2. The file opens without requiring a network round trip and displays the contents on disk.
  3. Office uses the contents on disk to ask the service for any deltas.
  4. Server changes are downloaded and displayed to the user. The local file in the synced folder remains stale.
  5. The sync client independently keeps the local file in sync.
  6. When the file is closed, it's deleted from the Office cache.

Rename a file outside the app when the file is already in the Office cache with pending changes

User actions Product behavior
  1. Opens the file with third-party sync integration.
  2. Closes the file (leaving file in the Office cache).
  3. Renames the file via File Explorer or the macOS Finder and waits for the sync client to propagate changes to the service.
  4. Double-clicks to open the file in File Explorer or the macOS Finder.
  1. Office detects that the file is in the sync folder and gets the usual metadata through COM/XPC.
  2. WOPIUrl is critical because it indicates that the file exists on the service and allows the file to be mapped in the Office cache.*
  3. Office finds the existing row entry in its cache by using the WopiSrc value.
  4. The local contents from the disk aren't shown to the user.
  5. The contents in the cache are shown to the user and the file opens online with coauthoring support.

  6. *WOPIUrl contains the unique fileId, which doesn't change when a file is moved or renamed.

Open the locally synced file that's left after the sync client is uninstalled and remove fails

User actions Product behavior
  1. Stops syncing a root or uninstalls the sync client.
  2. The sync client is expected to remove synced files from client, but if failure occurs or while uninstalling the file, some files might be left over.
  3. Syncs the client folder and double-clicks the file in File Explorer to open the file.
  1. After Office fails to find the right handler in the registry, it opens the file as local-only.
  2. If a failure leaves the registry entries in place, Office fails while cocreating the nonexistent process. The file is again opened as local-only without coauthoring support.
  • In macOS, failures in NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey after the engine is uninstalled are expected.

Next steps

  • Learn how Office gets data from third-party sync engines.
  • Learn how Office gets metadata from third-party sync engines.