Encode and send data on the wire

This article explains how to encode and send data on the wire.

Frame protocol for sending chunks

The request/response payload is broken into frames to send the chunks. Each frame has a header that declares its frame type, extended header size, payload size, and extended header. All binary structures must be provided in big-endian byte order.

Illustration of byte order

Frame type

Four frame types are supported:

  • MessageJSON – Must be the first frame; contains request or response-body structured data serialized via JSON.
  • Chunk – Contains the full binary content for a given chunk. ChunkId is stored in the extended header field, and chunk data bytes are stored in the frame payload.
    • Frame Extended Header – Used for additional data for Chunk and ChunkRange frames.
    • Frame Payload – The frame payload is all the data in binary format.
  • ChunkRange - Contains the partial binary content for a chunk. ChunkId, offset, length, and Flags are stored in the extended header field, and chunk data bytes are stored in the frame payload.
  • EndFrame – Must be the last frame; indicates the end of the request payload.

The table lists all frame types and expected values for the fields:

FrameType Name FrameType ExtendedHeader Size Payload Size Extended Header Contents Extended Header Encoding Frame Payload
MessageJSON 2 0 64-bit integer Empty N/A Structured data applicable to that request or response
Chunk 3 16 64-bit integer ChunkId (128-bit spooky hash) Raw bytes All chunk data bytes
ChunkRange 4 36 64-bit integer
  • ChunkId (16 bytes)
  • Offset (64-bit unsigned integer)
  • Length (64-bit unsigned integer)
  • Flags (32-bit unsigned integer; indicates EndOfChunk
Raw bytes (all numbers in big-endian byte order) Chunk range bytes
EndFrame 1 0 0 Empty N/A Empty

ChunkRange extended header: This data is laid out in bytes as detailed in the preceding table. For the Flags field, these are the only valid values (for the 32-bit unsigned integer) currently:

  • 0 - Indicates a ChunkRange between the chunk.
  • 1 – Indicates the ChunkRange, which includes the end of the chunk.

Upload request stream example for zip archive file

Upload request stream example for zip archive file

Upload request stream example for non-zip archive file

Upload request stream example for non-zip archive file

Sample PutChunkedFile MessageJSON for a non-zip archive file:

  "ContentProperties": [],
  "Signatures": [
      "StreamId": "MainContent",
      "ChunkingScheme": "FullFile",
      "ChunkSignatures": [
          "ChunkId": "P4oXyRH4V/AHALoD7GZ9Yw==",
          "Length": 199999
      "StreamId": "Alternate",
      "ChunkingScheme": "FullFile",
      "ChunkSignatures": [
          "ChunkId": "YKWPmdVdMY14qK003yTMXg==",
          "Length": 2999
  "UploadSessionTokenToCommit": null

GetChunks response stream example for zip archive file:

GetChunks response stream example for zip archive file


The MessageJSON for all the requests and responses are encoded by using JSON.

Next steps

Learn about Multi-request file uploads.