Common Education iPad device restrictions

This article summarizes the configurations that are most commonly used for student and teacher iPads in educational organizations.

To learn more, see:


When creating a settings catalog profile in the Microsoft Intune admin center, you can copy a policy name from this article and paste it into the settings picker search field to find the desired policy.

General restrictions

Category Property Value Notes Payload property
Restrictions Allow Activity Continuation False allowActivityContinuation
Restrictions Allow Adding Game Center Friends False allowAddingGameCenterFriends
Restrictions Allow AirDrop False allowAirDrop
Restrictions Allow App Cellular Data Modification False allowAppCellularDataModification
Restrictions Allow App Installation False Disables the App Store, and the system removes its icon from the Home screen. Users are unable to install or update their apps. In iOS 10 and later, MDM commands can override this restriction. allowAppInstallation
Restrictions Allow Apple Personalized Advertising False allowApplePersonalizedAdvertising
Restrictions Allow Assistant False Disables Siri. allowAssistant
Restrictions Allow Assistant User Generated Content False allowAssistantUserGeneratedContent
Restrictions Allow Assistant While Locked False allowAssistantWhileLocked
Restrictions Allow Auto Unlock False allowAutoUnlock
Restrictions Allow Bookstore Erotica False allowBookstoreErotica
Restrictions Allow Cellular Plan Modification False allowCellularPlanModification
Restrictions Allow Chat False Disables the use of iMessage with supervised devices. If the device supports text messaging, the user can still send and receive text messages. allowChat
Restrictions Allow Cloud Backup False Disables backing up the device to iCloud as it can't be restricted to Managed Apple ID only. allowCloudBackup
Restrictions Allow Cloud Document Sync False Disables document and key-value syncing to iCloud. allowCloudDocumentSync
Restrictions Allow Cloud Keychain Sync False Disables iCloud keychain synchronization. allowCloudKeychainSync
Restrictions Allow Cloud Photo Library False Disables iCloud Photo Library. The system removes any photos from local storage that aren't fully downloaded from iCloud Photo Library to the device. allowCloudPhotoLibrary
Restrictions Allow Cloud Private Relay False Disables iCloud Private Relay. allowCloudPrivateRelay
Restrictions Allow Device Name Modification False Prevents the user from changing the device name. Intune Remote Action can override this restriction. allowDeviceNameModification
Restrictions Allow Enabling Restrictions False Disables the Enable Restrictions option in the Restrictions UI in Settings. allowEnablingRestrictions
Restrictions Allow Enterprise App Trust False Removes the Trust Enterprise Developer button in Settings > General > Profiles & Device Management, which prevents provisioning apps by universal provisioning profiles. allowEnterpriseAppTrust
Restrictions Allow ESIM Modification False allowESIMModification
Restrictions Allow Explicit Content False allowExplicitContent
Restrictions Allow Files Network Drive Access False allowFilesNetworkDriveAccess
Restrictions Allow Files USB Drive Access False allowFilesUSBDriveAccess
Restrictions Allow Find My Friends False allowFindMyFriends
Restrictions Allow Find My Friends Modification False allowFindMyFriendsModification
Restrictions Allow Game Center False allowGameCenter
Restrictions Allow In App Purchases False allowInAppPurchases
Restrictions Allow iPhone Widgets On Mac False allowiPhoneWidgetsOnMac
Restrictions Allow iTunes False allowiTunes
Restrictions Allow Lock Screen Control Center False allowLockScreenControlCenter
Restrictions Allow Lock Screen Notifications View False allowLockScreenNotificationsView
Restrictions Allow Lock Screen Today View False allowLockScreenTodayView
Restrictions Allow Managed Apps Cloud Sync False Prevents managed apps from using iCloud sync. allowManagedAppsCloudSync
Restrictions Allow Marketplace App Installation False Prevents installation of alternative marketplace apps from the web and prevents any installed alternative marketplace apps from installing apps.

Note: For select markets.
Restrictions Allow Multiplayer Gaming False allowMultiplayerGaming
Restrictions Allow Music Service False allowMusicService
Restrictions Allow News False allowNews
Restrictions Allow Notifications Modification False allowNotificationsModification
Restrictions Allow Paired Watch False allowPairedWatch
Restrictions Allow Passbook While Locked False Hides Passbook notifications from the lock screen. allowPassbookWhileLocked
Restrictions Allow Password Proximity Requests False Disables requesting passwords from nearby devices. allowPasswordProximityRequests
Restrictions Allow Password Sharing False allowPasswordSharing
Restrictions Allow Personal Hotspot Modification False allowPersonalHotspotModification
Restrictions Allow Podcasts False allowPodcasts
Restrictions Allow Proximity Setup To New Device False allowProximitySetupToNewDevice
Restrictions Allow Radio Service False allowRadioService
Restrictions Allow Shared Stream False Disables Shared Photo Stream. allowSharedStream
Restrictions Allow Spotlight Internet Results False Disables Spotlight Internet search results in Siri Suggestions. allowSpotlightInternetResults
Restrictions Allow System App Removal False allowSystemAppRemoval
Restrictions Allow UI App Installation False Disables the App Store, and the systems removes its icon from the Home screen. However, users can continue to use host apps such as iTunes or Configurator to install or update their apps. allowUIAppInstallation
Restrictions Allow UI Configuration Profile Installation False Prohibits the user from installing configuration profiles and certificates interactively. allowUIConfigurationProfileInstallation
Restrictions Allow VPN Creation False allowVPNCreation
Restrictions Allow Wallpaper Modification False allowWallpaperModification
Restrictions Allow Web Distribution App Installation False Prevents installation of apps directly from the web.

Note: For select markets.
Restrictions Force Assistant Profanity Filter True Forces the use of the profanity filter assistant. forceAssistantProfanityFilter
Restrictions Force Limit Ad Tracking True Disables app tracking and the Allow Apps to Request to Track setting. forceLimitAdTracking
Restrictions Force WiFi Power On True forceWiFiPowerOn
Restrictions Safari Force Fraud Warning True safariForceFraudWarning
Web Content Filter Auto Filter Enabled True Enables automatic filtering.

Note: iPadOS's built-in filter checks for adult content and doesn't cover categories that are educationally inappropriate. A separate filtering solution is recommended.

Settings that require additional consideration


Enable these settings with caution after carefully evaluating their effect on your environment.

Category Property Value Notes Payload property
Managed Settings > MDM Options Activation Lock Allowed While Supervised False Does not register a supervised device with Activation Lock. activationLockAllowedWhileSupervised
Restrictions Allow App Removal False Disables removal of apps from an iOS device.

Note: Could result in devices running out of disk space.
Restrictions Allow Erase Content And Settings False Without an ability to locally reset the device it complicates device recovery. allowEraseContentAndSettings
Restrictions Allow Unpaired External Boot To Recovery False Does not allow devices to be booted into recovery by an unpaired device. allowUnpairedExternalBootToRecovery
Restrictions Allow Untrusted TLS Prompt False Websites with untrusted certificates will not be displayed. If you use a DNS filtering solution or need to accept certificate changes due to SSL inspection, distribute the root CA certificate of the changed certificate from MDM. allowUntrustedTLSPrompt
Restrictions Allow Video Conferencing False Hides the FaceTime app.

Note: Disabling may prevent screen sharing in some remote assistant apps used by IT Helpdesk.
Restrictions Force WiFi To Allowed Networks Only True Limits the device to only join Wi-Fi networks set up through a configuration profile.

Note: Could potentially leave the device in an unmanageable state if unable to connect to allowed networks.