Object model expansion
The Microsoft Lync 2013 API includes new types to enable the features described in What's new in Lync 2013 SDK.
Applies to: Lync 2013 | Lync Server 2013
In this article |
New API types
The following sections list the API types that are new to Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK and support the new features.
Persistent Chat API
The following table lists the new API types that support Persistent Chat. For more information about Persistent Chat in the Lync 2013 API, see Get started with Persistent Chat.
Persistent Chat types
Type |
Description |
The state of the event raised when the membership of collection of user-followed chat rooms has changed. |
Encapsulates the state of the exception raised when a user fails to join a chat room. |
Encapsulates the state of the exception raised when a user attempts to join a chat room that he or she is not authorized to join. |
Encapsulates a Persistent Chat room. |
Enumerates the Persistent Chat room joining operation states. |
Encapsulates the state of the RoomJoinStateChanged event. |
Persistent Chat room manager that provides room query functionality. |
Enumerates the room manager state. |
Exposes the new state of a room manager. |
Defines a room message sent to a Persistent Chat room. |
A key/value pairing of a message format enumerator and actual message text. |
Encapsulates the state of the event raised when a local user sends a message to a Persistent Chat room. |
Encapsulates the state of the MessagesReceived event and contains a collection of the messages sent to a room. |
Enumerates the action taken by a chat room add-in for a room message. |
Enumerates the possible format types of a room message. |
Enumerates the possible types of a room message. |
Encapsulates the state of the ParticpiantsAdded and ParticipantsRemoved events and contains a collection of the room participants added or removed. |
Enumerates the room properties. |
Encapsulates the event data of the Room.PropertyChanged event and provides the new value of the changed property. |
A dictionary that contains the properties of a Persistent Chat room. |
Enumerates the possible room search mode types. |
Enumerates the room type. |
Defines a user in a Persistent Chat room. |
Encapsulates the state of the event raised when the ability of a group chat room user to send messages changes. |
Encapsulates the state of the event raised when the count of unread messages in a room changes. |
Resource sharing API
The following table lists the new API types that support resource sharing. For more information about resource sharing in the Lync 2013 API, see Get started with desktop, application, and display sharing.
Resource sharing types
Type |
Description |
Represents the application sharing modality of a conversation modality collection. |
Enumerates the detail of why sharing a particular resource is allowed or not allowed. |
Represents the event data of a ControllerChanged event. A controller is a user who takes control of a shared resource. |
Represents the event data of a ControlRequestReceivedEvent event. |
Encapsulates a shareable resource such as a desktop, application, or display. |
Encapsulates a collection of shareable resources. |
Enumerates the application sharing resource type. |
Meeting content API
The following table lists the new API types that support meeting content management. For more information about meeting content sharing in the Lync 2013 API, see Get started with content sharing.
Meeting content types
Type |
Description |
Represents the event data of a ActiveContentChanged event. |
Represents the event data of a ActivePresenterChangedEvent event. |
Represents the event data of a ContentCollectionChanged event. |
Creates and manages a collection of shareable content items. |
Enumerates the application sharing participation states. |
Represents the event data of a ParticipationStateChangedEvent event. |
Represents a PowerPoint slide deck that is shared on the meeting content stage. |
The ShareableContent class is the common class for all types of content |
Enumerates supported content actions. |
Represents the event data of a ShareableContentActionAvailabilityChangedEvent event. |
Maintains a collection of all shareable content objects. |
Enumerates the content properties. |
Represents the event data of a ShareableContentPropertyChangedEvent event. |
Enumerates the states of a ShareableContent object. |
Represents the event data of a ShareableContentStateChangedEvent. |
Enumerates supported content types. |
Other new types
The following table lists the new API types that enhance existing features.
Type |
Description |
Presence-based alert policy. |
Encapsulates the new state of an AlertLevel instance. |
Enumerates the modes of alert events. |
A privacy level for the level of alert. |
Encapsulates a presence capability as published by a contact. |
Enumerates the published communications capabilities of a contact. |
Enumerates the types of context data that can be sent in a conversation. |
Enumerates the types of user access that can be assigned to a conference. |
Encapsulates the new state of the Exchange ECP URL, which is raised when the Exchange ECP URL changes. |
Enumerates the notification types that are related to the level of alert. |
Enumerates the urgency levels for the notification. |
Changed types
The types in the following table have been changed by adding additional members.
Type |
Description of change |
When called from a Persistent Chat room add-in, gets the Room object of the hosting chat room. |
Enumerates the conference admission types. |
New properties and events: Properties, State, InformationChanged, and StateChanged. |
New enumerators: LyncAutodiscover and SipAuthBroker. |
New enumerator to support contact capability details. CapabilityDetails |
New enumerators to support resource and meeting content sharing. |
New enumerators to support resource and meeting content sharing. |
New members: GetAlertLevelForNotification, AlertLevelChanged. |
New property: ExchangeECPUrl. New Event: Utilities.ExchangeECPUrlChanged. |