How to: Subscribe to enhanced presence content
Learn how to use Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK to create a subscription to the enhanced presence published by a user.
Applies to: Lync 2013 | Lync Server 2013
In this article |
The prerequisites for subscribing to presence information are as follows:
Microsoft Lync 2013 must be installed and running on the development computer.
You must have sign-in credentials for Microsoft Lync Server 2013.
Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK must be installed on the development computer.
Core concepts to know
Topic |
Description |
Explains the concept of enhanced presence in Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK. |
Explains what it means to publish or subscribe to presence. |
Subscribe to user presence information publications
To subscribe to presence publications
Create a new Microsoft.Lync.Model.ContactSubscription.
_contactSubscription = LyncClient.GetClient().ContactManager.CreateSubscription();
Create a List<ContactInformationType> object to hold an enumerated collection of the information types that are to be subscribed.
_ContactInformationList = new List<ContactInformationType>();
Add an Microsoft.Lync.Model.ContactInformationType enumerator for each kind of enhanced presence information that you want to be notified about when it's updated.
Add a Contact object to the subscription for each user whose contact information that you want to subscribe to by calling the ContactSubscription.AddContact method.
Start the subscription to each contact’s presence publications by calling the ContactSubscription.Subscribe method.
_ContactInformationList = new List<ContactInformationType>(); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.Activity); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.ActivityId); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.AttributionString); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.Availability); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.Capabilities); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.CapabilityDetails); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.CapabilityString); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.Company); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.ContactEndpoints); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.ContactType); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.CurrentCalendarState); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.PersonalNote); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.OutOfficeNote); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.Photo); _ContactInformationList.Add(ContactInformationType.SourceNetwork); _contactSubscription = LyncClient.GetClient().ContactManager.CreateSubscription(); _contactSubscription.AddContact(_contact); _contactSubscription.Subscribe(ContactSubscriptionRefreshRate.High, _ContactInformationList);
![]() |
Be sure to call the ContactSubscription.Subscribe method. If you register for the Contact.ContactInformationChanged event on each Contact that you add to a ContactSubscription, the event is raised for any new subscribed presence publications by those subscribed contacts. The ContactSubscription object itself does not expose subscription or publication events. |
Suspend a presence subscription
An application can cache Microsoft.Lync.Model.Contact objects for later display in an application UI. For example, an application can get a set of Contact objects for the members of a large team of users in an organization. If these contacts are displayed in a collapsible or scrollable list, only a subset of these contacts are displayed in the application UI. To save network bandwidth and increase application performance, you should suspend the subscriptions for those contacts that are not displayed in the UI.
To suspend and restart a presence subscription
Call the ContactSubscription.Unsubscribe method on the subscription whose contact presence publication notifications are to be suspended.
Remove non-displayed contacts by calling the ContactSubscription.RemoveContact method for each of these contacts.
Add any displayed contacts that are not in the subscription by calling the ContactSubscription.AddContact method.
Get the cached List<ContactInformationType> object that was used to start the subscription for the first time by reading the ContactSubscription.LastSubscribedContactInformation property.
Call the ContactSubscription.Subscribe method when the subscription is to be restored and pass the list obtained in the previous step.
Modify an existing subscription contact information items list
You can change the set of enhanced presence information items that you get notification for by suspending the subscription, modifying the list of ContactInformationType objects, and restarting the subscription.
To modify an existing subscription contact information items list
Get the active Microsoft.Lync.Model.ContactSubscription object cached in your application.
Suspend the subscription by calling the ContactSubscription.Unsubscribe method.
Get the cached List<ContactInformationType> object that was used to start the subscription for the first time by reading the ContactSubscription.LastSubscribedContactInformation property.
Modify the list by adding or removing the desired items.
Restart the subscription by calling the Subscribe(ContactSubscriptionRefreshRate, IEnumerable<ContactInformationType>) method and passing the modified List<ContactInformationType> object.
Code examples: Contact subscription log
The following example declares a WPF page that displays a list of subscription-related events raised on a subscribed contact object when contact information is republished.
xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Lync.Controls;assembly=Microsoft.Lync.Controls" x:Class="ContactCapabilities.CapabilityPage"
d:DesignHeight="390" d:DesignWidth="754"
<ColumnDefinition Width="10*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="20*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="60*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="22"/>
<RowDefinition Height="30*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="0"
<Label Name="Contact_Label" Content="Contact" Foreground="CadetBlue"/>
<Label Name="Availability_Label" Content="Availability" Foreground="CadetBlue"/>
<Label Name="Capability_Label" Content="Capabilities" Foreground="CadetBlue"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1">
<Label Name="ContactName_Label" Content="Name"/>
<ListBox Name="Capability_List" Height="140" Margin="10,20,10,10"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="1">
<ListBox Name="SubscriptionLog_List" Height="303" Margin="10,20,10,10"/>
<Button Content="Back"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click_1"/>
<Button Content="Stop Subscribing"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click_2"/>
The following example gets a Microsoft.Lync.Model.Contact object for a supplied SIP address, creates a subscription, adds a collection of Microsoft.Lync.Model.ContactInformationType enumerators and the contact object, starts the subscription, and handles events raised when the contact republishes the items that are enumerated in the subscription.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using Microsoft.Lync.Model;
namespace ContactCapabilities
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for CapabilityPage.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class CapabilityPage : Page
Contact _contact;
ContactSubscription _contactSubscription;
List<ContactInformationType> _ContactInformationList;
object _ParentContent;
public CapabilityPage()
public CapabilityPage(string SIPAddy, object parentContent)
_contact = LyncClient.GetClient().ContactManager.GetContactByUri(SIPAddy);
//Register for event raised when selected user contact information
//is re-published.
_contact.ContactInformationChanged += _contact_ContactInformationChanged;
//Set presence indicator source to the URI of the selected user.
pI.Source = _contact.Uri;
//cache the original content of the main window in order to restore it
//when user clicks the Back button.
_ParentContent = parentContent;
//Show the name of the user
ContactName_Label.Content = _contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.DisplayName).ToString();
//Get the users capabilities to communicate.
_ContactInformationList = new List<ContactInformationType>();
_contactSubscription = LyncClient.GetClient().ContactManager.CreateSubscription();
_contactSubscription.Subscribe(ContactSubscriptionRefreshRate.High, _ContactInformationList);
public CapabilityPage(Contact contact, object parentContent)
_contact = contact;
//Register for event raised when selected user contact information
//is re-published.
_contact.ContactInformationChanged += _contact_ContactInformationChanged;
//Set presence indicator source to the URI of the selected user.
pI.Source = _contact.Uri;
//cache the original content of the main window in order to restore it
//when user clicks the Back button.
_ParentContent = parentContent;
//Show the name of the user
ContactName_Label.Content = _contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.DisplayName).ToString();
//Get the users capabilities to communicate.
/// <summary>
/// Raised when user information is republished. This event handler reloads the
/// capability list when the capability summary string or capability details are
/// re-published by a user as they sign into more or less capable endpoints such as
/// cell phones or computers that have webcams.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void _contact_ContactInformationChanged(object sender, ContactInformationChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedContactInformation.Contains(ContactInformationType.CapabilityString)
|| e.ChangedContactInformation.Contains(ContactInformationType.CapabilityDetails))
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new NoParamDelegate(GetCapabilityString));
foreach (ContactInformationType infoType in e.ChangedContactInformation)
if (!infoType.ToString().StartsWith("Reserved"))
string newValue = _contact.GetContactInformation(infoType).ToString();
if (newValue != null)
new Parms1Delegate(WriteToSubscriptionLog),
new object[] { GetNowString() + " " + infoType.ToString() + " " + newValue });
catch (ItemNotFoundException inf)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Item not found " + inf.Message);
private string GetNowString()
return System.DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() +
":" +
System.DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() +
":" +
System.DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() +
" " +
private delegate void NoParamDelegate();
private delegate void Parms1Delegate(string logValue);
private void GetCapabilityString()
Capability_List.Items.Add("Summary: " + _contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.CapabilityString));
private void WriteToSubscriptionLog(string logValue)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the details of capability to communicate in all possible modalities and displays the
/// details in the list.
/// </summary>
private void GetCapabilityDetails()
List<object> details = (List<object>)_contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.CapabilityDetails);
foreach (object capabilityObj in details)
PresenceCapability capability = (PresenceCapability)capabilityObj;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string currentAvailability = ConvertAvailabilityIntToEnum(capability.Availability).ToString();
sb.Append(capability.Type.ToString() + " is " + currentAvailability + ". ");
if (capability.CanRender)
sb.Append("Can render, ");
sb.Append("Cannot render, ");
if (capability.CanCapture)
sb.Append("Can capture");
sb.Append("Cannot capture");
private ContactAvailability ConvertAvailabilityIntToEnum(int availability)
ContactAvailability returnValue = ContactAvailability.None;
if (availability >= 0 && availability < 5000)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.Free;
if (availability >= 5000 && availability < 6500)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.FreeIdle;
if (availability >= 6500 && availability < 7500)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.Busy;
if (availability >= 7500 && availability < 9500)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.BusyIdle;
if (availability >= 9500 && availability < 12500)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.DoNotDisturb;
if (availability >= 12500 && availability < 15500)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.TemporarilyAway;
if (availability >= 15500 && availability < 18500)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.Away;
if (availability >= 18500)
returnValue = ContactAvailability.Offline;
return returnValue;
/// <summary>
/// Set the content of the main window back to the original cached content.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Window win = (Window)this.Parent;
win.Content = _ParentContent;
private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (Subscribe_Button.Content.ToString().StartsWith("Stop"))
Subscribe_Button.Content = "Subscribe";
_contactSubscription.Subscribe(ContactSubscriptionRefreshRate.High, _ContactInformationList);
Subscribe_Button.Content = "Stop Subscribing";