Conversation participants
Learn about how Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK represents the people who are participating in a Microsoft Lync 2013 conversation.
Applies to: Lync 2013 | Lync Server 2013
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Conversation participants
People who are participating in Lync 2013 are represented by Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation.Participant objects in a collection obtained by reading the Conversation.Participants property of a Conversation. A Participant object encapsulates the state of individuals in conversations. For example, the video stream pinned state for a user is exposed by the Participant object. Person-specific operations such as admitting or denying meeting access from a meeting lobby are done in the context of an individual Participant object. The Participant object exposes its own complete set of conversation modalities that encapsulate the IM, audio/video, or sharing interactions between individual conversation participants.
Inviting participants to a conversation
You can invite a person to a conversation by getting his or her Microsoft.Lync.Model.Contact object or the Microsoft.Lync.Model.ContactEndpoint of a telephone number to be dialed. There is an overload of the Conversation.AddParticipant method that is appropriate for the kind of entity that you're adding to the conversation. Participant objects are created by the API platform when you call the Conversation.AddParticipant (Contact) method or the Conversation.AddParticipant (ContactEndpoint) method. After a person or telephone number is added to a conversation and the Conversation.ParticipantAdded event is raised, you invite the person by sending an initial IM on the conversation Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation.InstantMessageModality modality or dial the added telephone number by connecting the conversation Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation.AudioVideo.AVModality.