Word.BreakType enum

Specifies the form of a break.


[ API set: WordApi 1.1 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/25-paragraph/insert-line-and-page-breaks.yaml

await Word.run(async (context) => {
  context.document.body.paragraphs.getFirst().insertBreak(Word.BreakType.page, "After");

  await context.sync();


line = "Line"

Line break.

next = "Next"

Warning: next has been deprecated. Use sectionNext instead.

page = "Page"

Page break at the insertion point.

sectionContinuous = "SectionContinuous"

New section without a corresponding page break.

sectionEven = "SectionEven"

Section break with the next section beginning on the next even-numbered page. If the section break falls on an even-numbered page, Word leaves the next odd-numbered page blank.

sectionNext = "SectionNext"

Section break on next page.

sectionOdd = "SectionOdd"

Section break with the next section beginning on the next odd-numbered page. If the section break falls on an odd-numbered page, Word leaves the next even-numbered page blank.