@microsoft/sp-http-base package
Base communication layer for the SharePoint Framework
AadHttpClient |
AadHttpClient is used to perform REST calls against an Azure AD Application. |
AadHttpClientConfiguration |
Configuration for HttpClient. |
AadHttpClientFactory |
Returns a preinitialized version of the AadHttpClient for a given resource url. For more information: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/use-aadhttpclient |
AadHttpClientResponse |
The Response subclass returned by methods such as |
AadTokenProvider |
This class allows a developer to obtain OAuth2 tokens from Azure AD. OAuth2 tokens are used to authenticate the user from the SharePoint page to other services such as PowerBI, Sway, Exchange, Yammer, etc. |
AadTokenProviderFactory |
Returns a preinitialized version of the AadTokenProviderFactory. |
BeforeRedirectEventArgs |
Arguments for before redirecting for a full page authentication |
DigestCache |
IDigestCache is an internal service used by SPHttpClient to maintain a cache of request digests for each SPWeb URL. A request digest is a security token that the SharePoint server requires for for any REST write operation, specified via the "X-RequestDigest" HTTP header. It is obtained by calling the "/_api/contextinfo" REST endpoint, and expires after a server configurable amount of time. For more information, see the MSDN article "Complete basic operations using SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints" |
HttpClient |
HttpClient implements a basic set of features for performing REST operations against a generic service. |
HttpClientConfiguration |
Configuration for HttpClient. |
HttpClientResponse |
The Response subclass returned by methods such as HttpClient.fetch(). |
ODataVersion |
Represents supported version of the "OData-Version" header, which is part of the Open Data Protocol standard. |
PopupEventArgs |
Arguments for a popup event if interaction is required during the login flow. |
SPHttpClient |
SPHttpClient is used to perform REST calls against SharePoint. It adds default headers, manages the digest needed for writes, and collects telemetry that helps the service to monitor the performance of an application. |
SPHttpClientBatch |
The SPHttpClientBatch class accumulates a number of REST service calls and transmits them as a single ODATA batch. This protocol is documented here: http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/odata-v4.0-part1-protocol.html The usage is to call SPHttpClientBatch.fetch() to queue each individual request, and then call SPHttpClientBatch.execute() to execute the batch operation. The execute() method returns a promise that resolves when the real REST call has completed. Each call to fetch() also returns a promise that will resolve with an SPHttpClientResponse object for that particular request. |
SPHttpClientBatchConfiguration |
Configuration for SPHttpClientBatch. |
SPHttpClientCommonConfiguration |
Common base class for SPHttpClientConfiguration and SPHttpClientBatchConfiguration. |
SPHttpClientConfiguration |
Configuration for SPHttpClient. |
SPHttpClientResponse |
The Response subclass returned by methods such as SPHttpClient.fetch(). |
TokenAcquisitionEventArgs |
Arguments for a token acquisition failure event. |
IAadHttpClientConfiguration |
Flags interface for HttpClientConfiguration. |
IAadHttpClientConfigurations |
Standard configurations for AadHttpClient. |
IAadHttpClientOptions |
Interface for overriding the default behavior of AadHttpClient. |
IAadTokenProvider |
This class allows a developer to obtain OAuth2 tokens from Azure AD. OAuth2 tokens are used to authenticate the user from the SharePoint page to other services such as PowerBI, Sway, Exchange, Yammer, etc. |
IAadTokenProviderConfiguration |
Required strings for constructing an AadTokenProvider. |
IBeforeRedirectEventArgs |
Represents arguments used before redirecting event. |
IDigestCache |
IDigestCache is an internal service used by SPHttpClient to maintain a cache of request digests for each SPWeb URL. A request digest is a security token that the SharePoint server requires for for any REST write operation, specified via the "X-RequestDigest" HTTP header. It is obtained by calling the "/_api/contextinfo" REST endpoint, and expires after a server configurable amount of time. For more information, see the MSDN article "Complete basic operations using SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints" |
IGetTokenOptions | |
IHttpClientConfiguration |
Flags interface for HttpClientConfiguration. |
IHttpClientConfigurations |
Standard configurations for HttpClient. |
IHttpClientOptions |
Options for HttpClient |
IPopupEventArgs |
Represents arguments used before popup event. |
ISPHttpClientBatchConfiguration |
Flags interface for SPHttpClientBatchConfiguration. |
ISPHttpClientBatchConfigurations |
Standard configurations for SPHttpClient. |
ISPHttpClientBatchCreationOptions |
This interface is passed to the SPHttpClientBatch constructor. It specifies options that affect the entire batch. |
ISPHttpClientBatchOptions |
This interface defines the options for an individual REST request that is part of an SPHttpClientBatch. It is based on the WHATWG API standard parameters that are documented here: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/ |
ISPHttpClientCommonConfiguration |
Flags interface for SPHttpClientCommonConfiguration |
ISPHttpClientConfiguration |
Flags interface for SPHttpClientConfiguration. |
ISPHttpClientConfigurations |
Standard configurations for SPHttpClient. |
ISPHttpClientOptions |
This interface defines the options for the SPHttpClient operations such as get(), post(), fetch(), etc. It is based on the WHATWG API standard parameters that are documented here: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/ |
ITokenAcquisitionEventArgs |
Represents arguments used for raising a token acquisiton failure event. |
IAuthenticationScheme |
Options for Authentication Scheme |
SPHttpHeader |
Standard HTTP headers used with SPHttpClient |