Office.Time interface

The Time object is returned as the start or end property of an appointment in compose mode.


getAsync(options, callback)

Gets the start or end time of an appointment.

The date and time is provided as a Date object in the asyncResult.value property. The value is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can convert the UTC time to the local client time by using the convertToLocalClientTime method.


Gets the start or end time of an appointment.

The date and time is provided as a Date object in the asyncResult.value property. The value is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can convert the UTC time to the local client time by using the convertToLocalClientTime method.

setAsync(dateTime, options, callback)

Sets the start or end time of an appointment.

If the setAsync method is called on the start property, the end property will be adjusted to maintain the duration of the appointment as previously set. If the setAsync method is called on the end property, the duration of the appointment will be extended to the new end time.

The time must be in UTC; you can get the correct UTC time by using the convertToUtcClientTime method.

Important: In the Windows client, you can't use this method to update the start or end of a recurrence.

setAsync(dateTime, callback)

Sets the start or end time of an appointment.

If the setAsync method is called on the start property, the end property will be adjusted to maintain the duration of the appointment as previously set. If the setAsync method is called on the end property, the duration of the appointment will be extended to the new end time.

The time must be in UTC; you can get the correct UTC time by using the convertToUtcClientTime method.

Important: In the Windows client, you can't use this method to update the start or end of a recurrence.

Method Details

getAsync(options, callback)

Gets the start or end time of an appointment.

The date and time is provided as a Date object in the asyncResult.value property. The value is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can convert the UTC time to the local client time by using the convertToLocalClientTime method.

getAsync(options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Date>) => void): void;



An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Date>) => void

When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter of type Office.AsyncResult. The value property of the result is a Date object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose


Gets the start or end time of an appointment.

The date and time is provided as a Date object in the asyncResult.value property. The value is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can convert the UTC time to the local client time by using the convertToLocalClientTime method.

getAsync(callback: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Date>) => void): void;



(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Date>) => void

When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter of type Office.AsyncResult. The value property of the result is a Date object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.start.getAsync((result) => {
  if (result.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    console.error(`Action failed with message ${result.error.message}`);
  console.log(`Appointment starts: ${result.value}`);

setAsync(dateTime, options, callback)

Sets the start or end time of an appointment.

If the setAsync method is called on the start property, the end property will be adjusted to maintain the duration of the appointment as previously set. If the setAsync method is called on the end property, the duration of the appointment will be extended to the new end time.

The time must be in UTC; you can get the correct UTC time by using the convertToUtcClientTime method.

Important: In the Windows client, you can't use this method to update the start or end of a recurrence.

setAsync(dateTime: Date, options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;




A date-time object in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter of type Office.AsyncResult. If setting the date and time fails, the asyncResult.error property will contain an error code.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read/write item

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose


  • InvalidEndTime: The appointment end time is before the appointment start time.


// Link to full sample:

const start = new Date(); // Represents current date and time.
start.setDate(start.getDate() + 2); // Add 2 days to current date.
Office.context.mailbox.item.start.setAsync(start, (result) => {
  if (result.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    console.error(`Action failed with message ${result.error.message}`);
  console.log(`Successfully set start date and time to ${start}`);


Office.context.mailbox.item.start.getAsync((result) => {
  if (result.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    console.error(`Get start date failed with message ${result.error.message}`);

  const end = result.value; // Set end to current start date and time.
  end.setDate(end.getDate() + 1); // Set end as 1 day later than start date.
  Office.context.mailbox.item.end.setAsync(end, (result) => {
    if (result.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
      console.error(`Set end date failed with message ${result.error.message}`);
    console.log(`Successfully set end date and time to ${end}`);

setAsync(dateTime, callback)

Sets the start or end time of an appointment.

If the setAsync method is called on the start property, the end property will be adjusted to maintain the duration of the appointment as previously set. If the setAsync method is called on the end property, the duration of the appointment will be extended to the new end time.

The time must be in UTC; you can get the correct UTC time by using the convertToUtcClientTime method.

Important: In the Windows client, you can't use this method to update the start or end of a recurrence.

setAsync(dateTime: Date, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;




A date-time object in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter of type Office.AsyncResult. If setting the date and time fails, the asyncResult.error property will contain an error code.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read/write item

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose


  • InvalidEndTime: The appointment end time is before the appointment start time.