ExcelScript.DataValidationAlertStyle enum
Represents the data validation error alert style. The default is Stop
* This script creates a data validation rule for the range B1:B5.
* All values in that range must be a positive number.
* Attempts to enter other values are blocked and an error message appears.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// Get the range B1:B5 in the active worksheet.
const currentSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
const positiveNumberOnlyCells = currentSheet.getRange("B1:B5");
// Create a data validation rule to only allow positive numbers.
const positiveNumberValidation: ExcelScript.BasicDataValidation = {
formula1: "0",
operator: ExcelScript.DataValidationOperator.greaterThan
const positiveNumberOnlyRule: ExcelScript.DataValidationRule = {
wholeNumber: positiveNumberValidation
// Set the rule on the range.
const rangeDataValidation = positiveNumberOnlyCells.getDataValidation();
// Create an alert to appear when data other than positive numbers are entered.
const positiveNumberOnlyAlert: ExcelScript.DataValidationErrorAlert = {
message: "Positive numbers only",
showAlert: true,
style: ExcelScript.DataValidationAlertStyle.stop,
title: "Invalid data"
information | |
stop | |
warning |
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Office Scripts