ResultReason enum


This API is now deprecated.

Defines the possible reasons a recognition result might be generated.


NoMatch = 0

Indicates speech could not be recognized. More details can be found in the NoMatchDetails object.

Canceled = 1

Indicates that the recognition was canceled. More details can be found using the CancellationDetails object.

RecognizingSpeech = 2

Indicates the speech result contains hypothesis text.

RecognizedSpeech = 3

Indicates the speech result contains final text that has been recognized. Speech Recognition is now complete for this phrase.

RecognizedKeyword = 4

Indicates the speech result contains a finalized acceptance of a provided keyword. Speech recognition will continue unless otherwise configured.

RecognizingIntent = 5

Indicates the intent result contains hypothesis text and intent.

RecognizedIntent = 6

Indicates the intent result contains final text and intent. Speech Recognition and Intent determination are now complete for this phrase.

TranslatingSpeech = 7

Indicates the translation result contains hypothesis text and its translation(s).

TranslatedSpeech = 8

Indicates the translation result contains final text and corresponding translation(s). Speech Recognition and Translation are now complete for this phrase.

SynthesizingAudio = 9

Indicates the synthesized audio result contains a non-zero amount of audio data

SynthesizingAudioCompleted = 10

Indicates the synthesized audio is now complete for this phrase.

SynthesizingAudioStarted = 11

Indicates the speech synthesis is now started

EnrollingVoiceProfile = 12

Indicates the voice profile is being enrolled and customers need to send more audio to create a voice profile.

EnrolledVoiceProfile = 13

Indicates the voice profile has been enrolled.

RecognizedSpeakers = 14

Indicates successful identification of some speakers.

RecognizedSpeaker = 15

Indicates successfully verified one speaker.

ResetVoiceProfile = 16

Indicates a voice profile has been reset successfully.

DeletedVoiceProfile = 17

Indicates a voice profile has been deleted successfully.

VoicesListRetrieved = 18

Indicates synthesis voices list has been successfully retrieved.

TranslatingParticipantSpeech = 19

Indicates the transcription result contains hypothesis text and its translation(s) for other participants in the conversation.

TranslatedParticipantSpeech = 20

Indicates the transcription result contains final text and corresponding translation(s) for other participants in the conversation. Speech Recognition and Translation are now complete for this phrase.

TranslatedInstantMessage = 21 Indicates the transcription result contains the instant message and corresponding translation(s).
TranslatedParticipantInstantMessage = 22

Indicates the transcription result contains the instant message for other participants in the conversation and corresponding translation(s).