
Defines a rich tooltip (both Title and Description). It is used by both Button controls and Menu controls.


Supertips are only supported in Office desktop clients. In Outlook on the web and on new Outlook on Windows, only the <Title> child element is supported.

Add-in type: Task pane, Mail

Valid only in these VersionOverrides schemas:

  • Taskpane 1.0
  • Mail 1.0
  • Mail 1.1

For more information, see Version overrides in the add-in only manifest.

Associated with these requirement sets:

  • AddinCommands 1.1 when the parent <VersionOverrides> is type Taskpane 1.0.
  • Mailbox 1.3 when the parent <VersionOverrides> is type Mail 1.0.
  • Mailbox 1.5 when the parent <VersionOverrides> is type Mail 1.1.

Child elements

Element Required Description
Title Yes The text for the supertip.
Description Yes The description for the supertip.

Important: In Outlook, the <Description> child element is only supported in the Windows and Mac clients.


Required. The text for the supertip. The resid attribute can be no more than 32 characters and must be set to the value of the id attribute of a <String> element in the <ShortStrings> element in the Resources element.


Required. The description for the supertip. The resid attribute can be no more than 32 characters and must be set to the value of the id attribute of a <String> element in the <LongStrings> element in the Resources element.


In Outlook, the <Description> child element is only supported in the Windows and Mac clients.


    <Title resid="funcReadSuperTipTitle" />
    <Description resid="funcReadSuperTipDescription" />