SourceLocation element (version overrides)

Defines the location of a resource needed by the <Script> or <Page> elements used by custom functions in Excel, or needed by the <ReportPhishingCustomization> element, <DetectedEntity> extension point, or <LaunchEvent> extension point in Outlook.


This article only refers to the <SourceLocation> that is a child of the following:

  • <Page>, <Script>, or <ReportPhishingCustomization> elements
  • <DetectedEntity> or <LaunchEvent> extension points

For information about the <SourceLocation> element of the base manifest, see SourceLocation.

Add-in type: Custom function, Mail

Valid only in these VersionOverrides schemas:

  • Taskpane 1.0
  • Mail 1.1

For more information, see Version overrides in the add-in only manifest.

Associated with these requirement sets:

Contained in


Attribute Required Description
resid Yes The name of a URL resource defined in the <Resources> section of the manifest. Can be no more than 32 characters.

Child elements



<SourceLocation resid="pageURL"/>