Excel.ValueErrorCellValueSubType enum

Represents types of #VALUE! errors.


[ API set: ExcelApi 1.16 ]


coerceStringToBoolInvalid = "CoerceStringToBoolInvalid"

An error caused by encountering a string where a boolean was expected, and that string not being coercible to a boolean. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

coerceStringToInvalidType = "CoerceStringToInvalidType"

An error caused by conversion of a string to a type other than a boolean or number. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

coerceStringToNumberInvalid = "CoerceStringToNumberInvalid"

An error caused by encountering a string where a number was expected, and that string not being coercible to a number. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexAlphaAssertionUnknown = "CRegexAlphaAssertionUnknown"

An error in the regex pattern. The (*alpha_assertion) isn't recognized. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBackslashCSyntax = "CRegexBackslashCSyntax"

An error in the regex pattern. \c must be followed by a printable American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBackslashGSyntax = "CRegexBackslashGSyntax"

An error in the regex pattern. \g isn't followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name or number, or by a plain number. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBackslashKInLookaround = "CRegexBackslashKInLookaround"

An error in the regex pattern. \K isn't allowed in lookarounds=. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBackslashNInClass = "CRegexBackslashNInClass"

An error in the regex pattern. \N isn't supported in class. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBackslashOMissingBrace = "CRegexBackslashOMissingBrace"

An error in the regex pattern. Missing opening brace after \o. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBackslashUCodePointTooBig = "CRegexBackslashUCodePointTooBig"

An error in the regex pattern. A character code point value in the \u... sequence is too large. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBadRelativeReference = "CRegexBadRelativeReference"

An error in the regex pattern. Digit expected after (?+ or (?-. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexBadSubpatternReference = "CRegexBadSubpatternReference"

An error in the regex pattern. Reference to nonexistent subpattern. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexCalloutBadStringDelimiter = "CRegexCalloutBadStringDelimiter"

An error in the regex pattern. Unrecognized string delimiter follows (?C. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexCalloutNoStringDelimiter = "CRegexCalloutNoStringDelimiter"

An error in the regex pattern. Missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argument. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexCalloutNumberTooBig = "CRegexCalloutNumberTooBig"

An error in the regex pattern. Number after (?C is greater than 255. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexCalloutStringTooLong = "CRegexCalloutStringTooLong"

An error in the regex pattern. The callout string is too long. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexClassInvalidRange = "CRegexClassInvalidRange"

An error in the regex pattern. Invalid range in character class. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexCodePointTooBig = "CRegexCodePointTooBig"

An error in the regex pattern. Character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too large. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexConditionAtomicAssertionExpected = "CRegexConditionAtomicAssertionExpected"

An error in the regex pattern. Atomic assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C). Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexDefineTooManyBranches = "CRegexDefineTooManyBranches"

An error in the regex pattern. DEFINE subpattern contains more than one branch. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexDuplicateSubpatternName = "CRegexDuplicateSubpatternName"

An error in the regex pattern. Two named subpatterns have the same name. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexEndBackslash = "CRegexEndBackslash"

An error in the regex pattern. \ at end of pattern. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexEndBackslashC = "CRegexEndBackslashC"

An error in the regex pattern. \c at end of pattern. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexErrorGeneric = "CRegexErrorGeneric"

An error in the regex pattern. An unknown compile error has occurred. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexEscapeInvalidInClass = "CRegexEscapeInvalidInClass"

An error in the regex pattern. Escape sequence is invalid in character class. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexEscapeInvalidInVerb = "CRegexEscapeInvalidInVerb"

An error in the regex pattern. Invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) name. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexInvalidAfterParensQuery = "CRegexInvalidAfterParensQuery"

An error in the regex pattern. Unrecognized character after (? or (?-. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexInvalidHexadecimal = "CRegexInvalidHexadecimal"

An error in the regex pattern. A non-hexadecimal character in \x{} is present. The most common reason for this error is a missing closing brace. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexInvalidHyphenInOptions = "CRegexInvalidHyphenInOptions"

An error in the regex pattern. Invalid hyphen in option setting. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexInvalidOctal = "CRegexInvalidOctal"

An error in the regex pattern. A non-octal character in \o{} is present. The most common reason for this error is a missing closing brace. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexInvalidSubpatternName = "CRegexInvalidSubpatternName"

An error in the regex pattern. Subpattern name must start with a non-digit. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexLookbehindNotFixedLength = "CRegexLookbehindNotFixedLength"

An error in the regex pattern. Length of lookbehind assertion isn't limited. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexLookbehindTooComplicated = "CRegexLookbehindTooComplicated"

An error in the regex pattern. lookbehind is too complicated. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexLookbehindTooLong = "CRegexLookbehindTooLong"

An error in the regex pattern. lookbehind assertion is too long. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMalformedUnicodeProperty = "CRegexMalformedUnicodeProperty"

An error in the regex pattern. Malformed \P or \p sequence. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMarkMissingArgument = "CRegexMarkMissingArgument"

An error in the regex pattern. The (*MARK) must have an argument. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMissingCalloutClosing = "CRegexMissingCalloutClosing"

An error in the regex pattern. Closing parenthesis for (?C expected. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMissingClosingParenthesis = "CRegexMissingClosingParenthesis"

An error in the regex pattern. Missing closing parenthesis. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMissingCommentClosing = "CRegexMissingCommentClosing"

An error in the regex pattern. Missing ) after (?# comment. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMissingConditionClosing = "CRegexMissingConditionClosing"

An error in the regex pattern. Missing closing parenthesis for condition. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMissingNameTerminator = "CRegexMissingNameTerminator"

An error in the regex pattern. Syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator?). Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMissingOctalOrHexDigits = "CRegexMissingOctalOrHexDigits"

An error in the regex pattern. Digits are missing in \x{}, \o{}, or \N{U+}. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexMissingSquareBracket = "CRegexMissingSquareBracket"

An error in the regex pattern. Missing terminating ] for character class. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexParensQueryRMissingClosing = "CRegexParensQueryRMissingClosing"

An error in the regex pattern. The recursive pattern call (?R must be followed by a closing parenthesis. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexParenthesesNestTooDeep = "CRegexParenthesesNestTooDeep"

An error in the regex pattern. Parentheses are too deeply nested. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexPatternStringTooLong = "CRegexPatternStringTooLong"

An error in the regex pattern. Pattern string is longer than the limit set by the application. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexPatternTooComplicated = "CRegexPatternTooComplicated"

An error in the regex pattern. Regular expression is too complicated. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexPatternTooLarge = "CRegexPatternTooLarge"

An error in the regex pattern. Regular expression is too large. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexPosixClassNotInClass = "CRegexPosixClassNotInClass"

An error in the regex pattern. POSIX named classes are supported only within a class. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexPosixNoSupportCollating = "CRegexPosixNoSupportCollating"

An error in the regex pattern. POSIX collating elements aren't supported. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexQuantifierInvalid = "CRegexQuantifierInvalid"

An error in the regex pattern. Quantifier doesn't follow a repeatable item. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexQuantifierOutOfOrder = "CRegexQuantifierOutOfOrder"

An error in the regex pattern. Number out of order in {} quantifier. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexQuantifierTooBig = "CRegexQuantifierTooBig"

An error in the regex pattern. Number too big in quantifier {}. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexQueryBarjxNestTooDeep = "CRegexQueryBarjxNestTooDeep"

An error in the regex pattern. The (?|, (?J:, or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nested. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexSubpatternNameExpected = "CRegexSubpatternNameExpected"

An error in the regex pattern. Subpattern name expected. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexSubpatternNamesMismatch = "CRegexSubpatternNamesMismatch"

An error in the regex pattern. Different names for subpatterns of the same number aren't allowed. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexSubpatternNameTooLong = "CRegexSubpatternNameTooLong"

An error in the regex pattern. Subpattern name is too long. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexSubpatternNumberTooBig = "CRegexSubpatternNumberTooBig"

An error in the regex pattern. The subpattern number exceeds the limit of 65,535. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexTooManyCaptures = "CRegexTooManyCaptures"

An error in the regex pattern. Too many capturing groups (maximum 65535). Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexTooManyConditionBranches = "CRegexTooManyConditionBranches"

An error in the regex pattern. Conditional subpattern contains more than two branches. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexTooManyNamedSubpatterns = "CRegexTooManyNamedSubpatterns"

An error in the regex pattern. Too many named subpatterns. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnicodeDisallowedCodePoint = "CRegexUnicodeDisallowedCodePoint"

An error in the regex pattern. Disallowed Unicode point (>= 0xD800 && <= 0xDFFF). Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnicodePropertiesUnavailable = "CRegexUnicodePropertiesUnavailable"

An error in the regex pattern. This version of PCRE2 doesn't have support for \P, \p, or \X. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnknownEscape = "CRegexUnknownEscape"

An error in the regex pattern. Unrecognized character follows . Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnknownPosixClass = "CRegexUnknownPosixClass"

An error in the regex pattern. Unknown POSIX class name. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnknownUnicodeProperty = "CRegexUnknownUnicodeProperty"

An error in the regex pattern. Unknown property after \P or \p. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnmatchedClosingParenthesis = "CRegexUnmatchedClosingParenthesis"

An error in the regex pattern. Unmatched closing parenthesis. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnrecognizedAfterQueryP = "CRegexUnrecognizedAfterQueryP"

An error in the regex pattern. Unrecongnized character after (?P. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexUnsupportedEscapeSequence = "CRegexUnsupportedEscapeSequence"

An error in the regex pattern. PCRE2 doesn't support \F, \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexVerbNameTooLong = "CRegexVerbNameTooLong"

An error in the regex pattern. A name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN). Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexVerbUnknown = "CRegexVerbUnknown"

An error in the regex pattern. The (*VERB) isn't recognized or is malformed. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexVersionConditionSyntax = "CRegexVersionConditionSyntax"

An error in the regex pattern. There's a syntax error, or a number is too big in the (?(VERSION condition. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

cRegexZeroRelativeReference = "CRegexZeroRelativeReference"

An error in the regex pattern. A relative value of zero isn't allowed. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

eRegexErrorGeneric = "ERegexErrorGeneric"

An unknown regex error occurred. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

eRegexNoCaptureGroups = "ERegexNoCaptureGroups"

No capture groups were found in the regex pattern. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

hlookupResultNotFound = "HlookupResultNotFound"

An error caused by HLOOKUP not finding its lookup_value parameter. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

hlookupRowIndexLessThanOne = "HlookupRowIndexLessThanOne"

An error caused by a row_index_num parameter of HLOOKUP of less than 1. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaInvalidAltText = "ImageFormulaInvalidAltText"

An error caused by a non-string alt_text parameter to an IMAGE function. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaInvalidHeight = "ImageFormulaInvalidHeight"

An error caused by a non-numerical or invalid height argument passed to IMAGE. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaInvalidImageFormat = "ImageFormulaInvalidImageFormat"

An error caused by an unsupported image formula. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaInvalidSizing = "ImageFormulaInvalidSizing"

An error caused by invalid size parameters to IMAGE. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaInvalidSource = "ImageFormulaInvalidSource"

An error caused by a non-string source parameter to an IMAGE function. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaInvalidWidth = "ImageFormulaInvalidWidth"

An error caused by a non-numerical or invalid width argument passed to IMAGE. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaNotEnoughArgs = "ImageFormulaNotEnoughArgs"

An error caused by too few arguments passed to IMAGE. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

imageFormulaTooManyArgs = "ImageFormulaTooManyArgs"

An error caused by passing too many arguments to an IMAGE function. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

invalidCellValueTypeCoercion = "InvalidCellValueTypeCoercion"

An error caused by an argument with the wrong data type passed to a custom function. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

invalidImageUrl = "InvalidImageUrl"

An error caused by a WebImageValue with an invalid URL. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

lambdaWrongParamCount = "LambdaWrongParamCount"

An error caused by passing the incorrect number of parameters to a lambda value. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexBadReplacement = "MRegexBadReplacement"

An error in regex match. Invalid replacement string. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexBadReplacementEscape = "MRegexBadReplacementEscape"

An error in regex match. There's an incorrect escape sequence in the replacement string. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexBadSubstitution = "MRegexBadSubstitution"

An error in regex match. There's an incorrect substitution in the replacement string. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexDepthLimit = "MRegexDepthLimit"

An error in regex match. Matching depth limit exceeded. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexErrorGeneric = "MRegexErrorGeneric"

An error in regex match. An unknown match error has occurred. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexMatchLimit = "MRegexMatchLimit"

An error in regex match. Match limit exceeded. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexNoSubstring = "MRegexNoSubstring"

An error in regex match. Unknown substring. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexRecursiveLoop = "MRegexRecursiveLoop"

An error in regex match. Recursive loop. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

mRegexReplacementMissingBrace = "MRegexReplacementMissingBrace"

An error in regex match. Expected closing curly bracket in replacement string. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryEndBeforeStart = "StockHistoryEndBeforeStart"

An error caused by passing an end_date parameter that precedes the start_date parameter to STOCKHISTORY. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryInvalidDate = "StockHistoryInvalidDate"

An error caused by passing an invalid date to STOCKHISTORY. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryInvalidEnum = "StockHistoryInvalidEnum"

An error caused by invalid interval or header parameters for STOCKHISTORY. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryNonTradingDays = "StockHistoryNonTradingDays"

An error caused by STOCKHISTORY having a date range which only contains days that don't have stock trading. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryNotAStock = "StockHistoryNotAStock"

An error caused by passing a stock parameter which is not a stock to STOCKHISTORY. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryNotFound = "StockHistoryNotFound"

An error caused by STOCKHISTORY not finding the history of the specified stock. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryOnlyDateRequested = "StockHistoryOnlyDateRequested"

An error caused by STOCKHISTORY parameters that request only the date and no other fields. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

stockHistoryStartInFuture = "StockHistoryStartInFuture"

An error caused by passing a future start_date parameter to STOCKHISTORY. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

subArrayStartColumnMissingEndColumnNot = "SubArrayStartColumnMissingEndColumnNot"

An error caused by SUBARRAY missing a start column. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

subArrayStartRowMissingEndRowNot = "SubArrayStartRowMissingEndRowNot"

An error caused by SUBARRAY missing a start row. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

translateStringTooLong = "TranslateStringTooLong"

An error caused by the text parameter to TRANSLATE being too long. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

translateUnsupportedSrcLanguage = "TranslateUnsupportedSrcLanguage"

An error caused because the source_language parameter to TRANSLATE isn't supported. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

translateUnsupportedTargetLanguage = "TranslateUnsupportedTargetLanguage"

An error caused because the target_language parameter to TRANSLATE isn't supported. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

unknown = "Unknown"

An unknown type of error. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

vlookupColumnIndexLessThanOne = "VlookupColumnIndexLessThanOne"

An error caused by a column_index_num parameter of VLOOKUP of less than 1. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.

vlookupResultNotFound = "VlookupResultNotFound"

An error caused by VLOOKUP not finding its lookup_value parameter. Displays as error type #VALUE! in Excel.