Excel.NotAvailableErrorCellValueSubType enum


This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Represents types of #N/A! errors.


[ API set: ExcelApi BETA (PREVIEW ONLY) ]


eRegexMatchNoCapture = "ERegexMatchNoCapture"

No capture groups were matched. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

eRegexMatchNoResult = "ERegexMatchNoResult"

No match was found for the pattern in the text provided. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

eRegexReplaceOccurrenceNoResult = "ERegexReplaceOccurrenceNoResult"

Occurrence is greater than the total number of matches. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

hlookupValueNotFound = "HlookupValueNotFound"

An error caused by HLOOKUP not finding its lookup_value in the search range. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

pythonObjectUnknown = "PythonObjectUnknown"

An error caused by an external code service returning an unknown object. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

stockHistoryInvalidProperty = "StockHistoryInvalidProperty"

An error caused by an invalid property argument to STOCKHISTORY. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

stockHistoryNoData = "StockHistoryNoData"

An error caused by no data being available for a STOCKHISTORY function. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

unknown = "Unknown"

An unknown type of error. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.

vlookupValueNotFound = "VlookupValueNotFound"

An error caused by VLOOKUP not finding its lookup_value in the search range. Displays as error type #N/A! in Excel.