botbuilder package



Implement support for named actions which can be bound to a dialog to handle global utterances from the user like "help" or "cancel". Actions get pushed onto and off of the dialog stack as part of dialogs so these listeners can come into and out of scope as the conversation progresses. You can also bind named to actions to buttons which let your bot respond to button clicks on cards that have maybe scrolled off the screen.


Card builder class that simplifies building Animation cards.


Card builder class that simplifies building Media cards.


DEPRECATED use UniversalBot and a ChatConnector instead.


Builder class to simplify adding actions to a card.


Builder class to simplify adding images to a card.


Definition of a media entity for a card


Connects a UniversalBot to multiple channels via the Bot Framework.


DEPRECATED use an IntentDialog instead.


Connects a UniversalBot to the command line via a console window.


Base class for all dialogs. Dialogs are the core component of the BotBuilder framework. Bots use Dialogs to manage arbitrarily complex conversations with a user.


Dialog actions offer static shortcuts to implementing common actions. They also implement support for named actions which can be bound to a dialog to handle global utterances from the user like "help" or "cancel". Actions get pushed onto and off of the dialog stack as part of dialogs so these listeners can come into and out of scope as the conversation progresses. You can also bind named to actions to buttons which let your bot respond to button clicks on cards that have maybe scrolled off the screen.


Utility class used to parse & resolve common entities like datetimes received from LUIS.


Builder class to simplify creating a list of facts for a card like a receipt.


Card builder class that simplifies building hero cards. Hero cards contain the same information as a thumbnail card, just with a larger more pronounced layout for the cards images.


Identifies a users intent and optionally extracts entities from a users utterance.


Base class for all core recognizers. Allows conditional execution of a recognizer and post filtering of recognized intents. Derived class should override the abstract onRecognize() method.


Federates a recognize() call across a set of intent recognizers.


Card builder class that simplifies building keyboard cards.


A library of related dialogs used for routing purposes. Libraries can be chained together to enable the development of complex bots. The UniversalBot class is itself a Library that forms the root of this chain. Libraries of reusable parts can be developed by creating a new Library instance and adding dialogs just as you would to a bot. Your library should have a unique name that corresponds to either your libraries website or NPM module name. Bots can then reuse your library by simply adding your parts Library instance to their bot using UniversalBot.library(). If your library itself depends on other libraries you should add them to your library as a dependency using Library.library(). You can easily manage multiple versions of your library by adding a version number to your library name.

To invoke dialogs within your library bots will need to call session.beginDialog() with a fully qualified dialog id in the form of ':'. You'll typically hide this from the developer by exposing a function from their module that starts the dialog for them. So calling something like myLib.someDialog(session, { arg: '' }); would end up calling session.beginDialog('myLib:someDialog', args); under the covers.

It's worth noting that dialogs are always invoked within the current dialog so once your within a dialog from your library you don't need to prefix every beginDialog() call your with your libraries name. It's only when crossing from one library context to another that you need to include the library name prefix.


Version of the RegExpRecognizer that uses the frameworks localization system to retrieve a localized regular expression. The lookup key in the index.json file should be provided and upon receiving a message for a new locale, the recognizer will retrieve the localized expression and a new case insensitive RegExp will be created and used to recognize the intent. Libraries can use this feature to let a bot override their default matching expressions. just create instances of the recognizer using the namespace of your library and bot developers can customize your matching expressions by using a <namespace>.json file in their locale directory.


DEPRECATED use an IntentDialog with a LuisRecognizer instead.


Intent recognizer plugin that detects a users intent using Microsofts Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) The service URLs for multiple LUIS models (apps) can be passed in to support recognition across multiple languages.


Card builder class that simplifies building Media cards.


Default in memory storage implementation for storing user & session state data.


Message builder class that simplifies building complex messages with attachments.


Card builder class that simplifies building oauth cards.


Base class for built-in prompts and can be used to build new custom prompts. The Prompt class provides the basic logic to prompt/re-prompt a user and provides a set of extensible hooks to customize the prompts recognition of the users reply as well as the output sent to the user. Prompts should always have at least one onRecognize() handler registered and they support adding any number of matches() or matchesAny() handlers which can be used to add special user initiated commands to the prompt. For instance, the built-in prompts add a matches('BotBuilder.RepeatIntent') to listen for a user to ask to have a prompt repeated, causing the prompt to send its initial prompt again.


Customizable attachment prompt.


Customizable choice prompt.


Customizable confirmation prompt.


Customizable confirmation prompt.


Customizable text prompt.


Customizable time prompt.


Card builder class that simplifies building receipt cards.


Builder class to simplify adding items to a receipt card.


Intent recognizer plugin that detects a users intent using a regular expression. Multiple expressions can be passed in to support recognizing across multiple languages.


Logs session activity to a remote endpoint using debug events. The remote debugger is automatically used when the emulator connects to your bot. Non-emulator channels can stream their activity to the emulator by saving the address of the emulator session to session.privateConversationData["BotBuilder.Data.DebugSession"].


Manages the bots conversation with a user.


Default session logger used to log session activity to the console.


Card builder class that simplifies building signin cards.


Allows for the creation of custom dialogs that are based on a simple closure. This is useful for cases where you want a dynamic conversation flow or you have a situation that just doesn’t map very well to using a waterfall. The things to keep in mind:

  • Your dialogs closure is can get called in two different contexts that you potentially need to test for. It will get called as expected when the user send your dialog a message but if you call another prompt or dialog from your closure it will get called a second time with the results from the prompt/dialog. You can typically test for this second case by checking for the existant of an args.resumed property. It's important to avoid getting yourself into an infinite loop which can be easy to do.
  • Unlike a waterfall your dialog will not automatically end. It will remain the active dialog until you call session.endDialog().

DEPRECATED no longer supported as of v3.8. Use custom prompts instead.


Builder class to add suggested actions to a message


DEPRECATED use UniversalBot and a ConsoleConnector instead.


Card builder class that simplifies building thumbnail cards.


Manages your bots conversations with users across multiple channels.


Card builder class that simplifies building Video cards.


Allows for the creation of custom dialogs that are based on a waterfall.



Arguments passed to a triggered action.


Address routing information for an event. Addresses are bidirectional meaning they can be used to address both incoming and outgoing events. They're also connector specific meaning that connectors are free to add their own fields to the address. To send a proactive message to a user bots should save the address from a received message. Depending on the channel addresses can change, so bots should periodically update the address stored for a given user.


Interface definition for an animation card


Many messaging channels provide the ability to attach richer objects. Bot Builder lets you express these attachments in a cross channel way and connectors will do their best to render the attachments using the channels native constructs. If you desire more control over the channels rendering of a message you can use IEvent.sourceEvent to provide attachments using the channels native schema. The types of attachments that can be sent varies by channel but these are the basic types:

  • Media and Files: Basic files can be sent by setting contentType to the MIME type of the file and then passing a link to the file in contentUrl.
  • Cards: A rich set of visual cards can by setting contentType to the cards type and then passing the JSON for the card in content. If you use one of the rich card builder classes like HeroCard the attachment will automatically filled in for you.

Interface definition for an audio card


Options passed when defining a beginDialogAction().


Exported bot state data.


Result object returned from ChatConnector.exportBotStateData().


Replaceable storage system used by UniversalBot.


Context object passed to IBotStorage calls.


Data values persisted to IBotStorage.


Options passed when defining a cancelAction().


The action that should be performed when a card, button, or image is tapped.


An image on a card.


Url information describing media for a card


ChatConnector specific address.


Options used to set various endpoints in a ChatConnector instance. This should not be changed and is normally not provided by developers in IChatConnectorSettings. Instead the two properties in IChatConnectorSettings, "stateEndpoint," and "openIdMetadata" should be changed there.


Options used to initialize a ChatConnector instance.


A choice that can be passed to Prompts.choice() or [PromptRecognizers.recognizeChoices()][/en-us/node/builder/chat-reference/classes/botbuilder_d.promptrecognizers#recognizechoices].


Implemented by connector plugins for the UniversalBot.


A user has updated their contact list. /** A user has updated their contact list.


List of members within a conversation.


The Properties of a conversation have changed.


Result object returned from ChatConnector.getConversations().


Settings used to initialize an ILocalizer implementation.


Options passed when defining a dialog action.


Results returned by a child dialog to its parent via a call to session.endDialog().


An entry on the sessions dialog stack.


Options passed to Middleware.dialogVersion().


Signature for functions passed as steps to DialogAction.waterfall(). Waterfalls let you prompt a user for information using a sequence of questions. Each step of the waterfall can either execute one of the built-in Prompts, start a new dialog by calling session.beginDialog(), advance to the next step of the waterfall manually using skip(), or terminate the waterfall.

When either a dialog or built-in prompt is called from a waterfall step, the results from that dialog or prompt will be passed via the results parameter to the next step of the waterfall. Users can say things like "never mind" to cancel the built-in prompts so you should guard against that by at least checking for results.response before proceeding. A more detailed explanation of why the waterfall is being continued can be determined by looking at the code returned for results.resumed.

You can manually advance to the next step of the waterfall using the skip() function passed in. Calling skip({ response: "some text" }) with an IDialogResult lets you more accurately mimic the results from a built-in prompt and can simplify your overall waterfall logic.

You can terminate a waterfall early by either falling through every step of the waterfall using calls to skip() or simply not starting another prompt or dialog.

note: Waterfalls have a hidden last step which will automatically end the current dialog if if you call a prompt or dialog from the last step. This is useful where you have a deep stack of dialogs and want a call to session.endDialog() from the last child on the stack to end the entire stack. The close of the last child will trigger all of its parents to move to this hidden step which will cascade the close all the way up the stack. This is typically a desired behavior but if you want to avoid it or stop it somewhere in the middle you'll need to add a step to the end of your waterfall that either does nothing or calls something like session.send() which isn't going to advance the waterfall forward.


Route choices to pass to Prompts.disambiguate(). The key for the map should be the localized label to display to the user and the value should be the route to select when chosen by the user. You can pass null for the route to give the user the option to cancel.


Custom route disambiguation logic passed to UniversalBot.onDisambiguateRoute().


A recognized entity.


An event received from or being sent to a source.


Function signature for a piece of middleware that hooks the 'receive' or 'send' events.


A fact displayed on a card like a receipt.


Context passed to ActionSet.findActionRoutes().


Result returned from a call to EntityRecognizer.findBestMatch() or EntityRecognizer.findAllMatches().


Custom route searching logic passed to Library.onFindRoutes().


Options passed to Middleware.firstRun().


Represents a user, bot, or conversation.


A recognized intent.


Options used to configure an IntentDialog.


Interface implemented by intent recognizer plugins like the LuisRecognizer class.


Results returned by an intent recognizer.


Options used to configure an IntentRecognizerSet.


Implemented by classes that can be converted into an attachment.


Implemented by classes that can be converted into a card action.


Implemented by classes that can be converted into a card image.


Entities that can be converted to Media for cards


Implemented by classes that can be converted into a fact.


Implemented by classes that can be converted into an IMessage, like the Message builder class.


Implemented by classes that can be converted into a receipt item.


Implemented by classes that can be converted into suggested actions


Plugin for localizing messages sent to the user by a bot.


A per/local mapping of LUIS service url's to use for a LuisRecognizer.


Interface definition of a generic MediaCard, which in its concrete form can be an Audio, Animation or Video card


Supplementary parameter for media events.


A chat message sent between a User and a Bot. Messages from the bot to the user come in two flavors:

  • reactive messages are messages sent from the Bot to the User as a reply to an incoming message from the user.
  • proactive messages are messages sent from the Bot to the User in response to some external event like an alarm triggering.

In the reactive case the you should copy the address field from the incoming message to the outgoing message (if you use the Message builder class and initialize it with the session this will happen automatically) and then set the text or attachments. For proactive messages you’ll need save the address from the incoming message to an external storage somewhere. You can then later pass this in to UniversalBot.beginDialog() or copy it to an outgoing message passed to UniversalBot.send().

Composing a message to the user using the incoming address object will by default send a reply to the user in the context of the current conversation. Some channels allow for the starting of new conversations with the user. To start a new proactive conversation with the user simply delete the conversation field from the address object before composing the outgoing message.


Optional message properties that can be sent to things like prompts or session.say().


Message reaction object.


The Properties of a message have changed.


Map of middleware hooks that can be registered in a call to UniversalBot.use().


An interface representing OAuthCard. A card representing a request to peform a sign in via OAuth


Result object returned from ChatConnector.getConversationPagedMembers().


DEPRECATED the new prompt system just uses IPromptOptions.


Optional features for PromptAttachment class.


Options passed to Prompts.attachment() or in a session.beginDialog() call to a custom prompt based on the PromptAttachment class.


Strongly typed Attachment Prompt Result.


Optional features for PromptChoice class.


Options passed to Prompts.choice() or in a session.beginDialog() call to a custom prompt based on the PromptChoice class.


Strongly typed Choice Prompt Result.


Strongly typed Confirm Prompt Result.


Contextual information tracked for a Prompt. This information can be accessed within a prompt through session.dialogData.


Optional features that should be enabled/disabled when creating a custom Prompt


Options passed to Prompts.number() or in a session.beginDialog() call to a custom prompt based on the PromptNumber class.


Strongly typed Number Prompt Result.


Options passed to the built-in prompts.


Options passed to PromptRecognizers.recognizeChoices().


Options passed to PromptRecognizers.recognizeNumbers().


Options passed to PromptRecognizers.recognizeTimes().


Options passed to PromptRecognizers.recognizeValues().


DEPRECATED no longer supported as of v3.8. Use custom prompts instead.


DEPRECATED no longer supported as of v3.8. Use custom prompts instead.


Result returned from an IPromptRecognizer.


Dialog result returned by a system prompt.


Optional features for PromptText class.


Options passed to Prompts.text() or in a session.beginDialog() call to a custom prompt based on the PromptText class.


Strongly typed Text Prompt Result.


Strongly typed Time Prompt Result.


DEPRECATED no longer supported as of v3.8. Use custom prompts instead.


Displays a rich receipt to a user for something they've either bought or are planning to buy.


An individual item within a receipt.


Context of the received message passed to various recognition methods.


Context passed to Dialog.recognize().


Results from a call to a recognize() function. The implementation is free to add any additional properties to the result.


A per/local mapping of regular expressions to use for a RegExpRecognizer.


Candidate route returned by Library.findRoutes().


Custom route searching logic passed to Library.onSelectRoute().


Represents a reference to a programmatic action.


Function signature for a piece of middleware that hooks the 'botbuilder' event.


Options passed to the constructor of a session.


Persisted session state used to track a conversations dialog stack.


Displays a signin card and button to the user. Some channels may choose to render this as a text prompt and link to click.


A per/source mapping of custom event data to send.


Additional properties that can be passed in with the address to UniversalBot.beginDialog().


Suggested actions to send to the user and displayed as quick replies. Suggested actions will be displayed only on the channels that support suggested actions.


An interface representing TextHighlight. Refers to a substring of content within another field.


Displays a card to the user using either a smaller thumbnail layout or larger hero layout (the attachments contentType determines which). All of the cards fields are optional so this card can be used to specify things like a keyboard on certain channels. Some channels may choose to render a lower fidelity version of the card or use an alternate representation.


An interface representing TokenResponse. A response that includes a user token


An interface representing historic activities.


Options passed when defining a triggerAction().


Options used to initialize a UniversalBot instance.


Interface definition for a video card


Function for retrieving the value of a watched variable. Passed to Session.watchable().

Type Aliases


Some methods can take either an IAttachment in JSON form or one the various card builder classes that implement IIsAttachment.


Supported rules for matching a users utterance.

  • {RegExp} - A regular expression will be used to match the users utterance.
  • {string} - A named intent returned from a recognizer will be used to match the users utterance.
  • {(RegExp|string)[]} - An array of either regular expressions or named intents can be passed to match the users utterance in a number of possible ways. The rule generating the highest score (best match) will be used for scoring purposes.

Message based prompts that can be sent to a user.

  • {IMessage} - Message to send the user expressed using JSON. The message can contain attachments and suggested actions. Not all channels natively support all message properties but most channels will down render unsupported fields.
  • {IIsMessage} - An instance of the Message builder class. This class helps to localize your messages and provides helpers to aid with formatting the text portions of your message.

Flexible range of possible prompts that can be sent to a user.

  • {string} - A simple message to send the user.
  • {string[]} - Array of possible messages to send the user. One will be chosen at random.
  • {IMessage} - Message to send the user expressed using JSON. The message can contain attachments and suggested actions. Not all channels natively support all message properties but most channels will down render unsupported fields.
  • {IIsMessage} - An instance of the Message builder class. This class helps to localize your messages and provides helpers to aid with formatting the text portions of your message.

Text based prompts that can be sent to a user.

  • {string} - A simple message to send the user.
  • {string[]} - Array of possible messages to send the user. One will be chosen at random.

List of text values. The values can be expressed as a pipe delimited string like "value1|value2|value3" or simple array of values.



Type of list to render for PromptType.choice prompt.


Type of prompt invoked.


Controls an IntentDialogs processing of the users text utterances.


Order in which an IntentDialogs recognizers should be evaluated.


Reason codes for why a dialog was resumed.