ProvisioningDeviceClient class

Client object used to communicate with the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service.


create(string, string, X509ProvisioningTransport | SymmetricKeyProvisioningTransport | TpmProvisioningTransport, X509SecurityClient | TpmSecurityClient | SymmetricKeySecurityClient)

Construct a client object which can be used to communicate with the Azure Device Provisioning Service.

Method Details

create(string, string, X509ProvisioningTransport | SymmetricKeyProvisioningTransport | TpmProvisioningTransport, X509SecurityClient | TpmSecurityClient | SymmetricKeySecurityClient)

Construct a client object which can be used to communicate with the Azure Device Provisioning Service.

static function create(provisioningHost: string, idScope: string, transport: X509ProvisioningTransport | SymmetricKeyProvisioningTransport | TpmProvisioningTransport, securityClient: X509SecurityClient | TpmSecurityClient | SymmetricKeySecurityClient): RegistrationClient




Host running the Device Provisioning Service. Can be found in the Azure portal in the 'Essentials' section of the 'Overview' tab as the string 'Global device endpoint'



Scope of IDs for the Device Provisioning Service. Can be found in the Azure portal in the 'Essentials' section of the 'Overview' tab as the string 'ID Scope'


X509ProvisioningTransport | SymmetricKeyProvisioningTransport | TpmProvisioningTransport

Constructor function for provisioning transport to use. Can be one of the following: azure-iot-provisioning-device-http.Http azure-iot-provisioning-device-amqp.Amqp azure-iot-provisioning-device-amqp.AmqpWs azure-iot-provisioning-device-mqtt.Mqtt azure-iot-provisioning-device-mqtt.MqttWs


X509SecurityClient | TpmSecurityClient | SymmetricKeySecurityClient

Instance of Security client object implementing either the X509SecurityClient or the TpmSecurityClient interface. SymmetricKeySecurityClient interface. Suggested implementations of these interfaces include X509Security or TpmSecurityClient SymmetricKeySecurityClient



An object supporting the RegistrationClient interface which can be usd to register the device/
