BuildReason enum


None = 0

No reason. This value should not be used.

Manual = 1

The build was started manually.

IndividualCI = 2

The build was started for the trigger TriggerType.ContinuousIntegration.

BatchedCI = 4

The build was started for the trigger TriggerType.BatchedContinuousIntegration.

Schedule = 8

The build was started for the trigger TriggerType.Schedule.

ScheduleForced = 16

The build was started for the trigger TriggerType.ScheduleForced.

UserCreated = 32

The build was created by a user.

ValidateShelveset = 64

The build was started manually for private validation.

CheckInShelveset = 128

The build was started for the trigger ContinuousIntegrationType.Gated.

PullRequest = 256

The build was started by a pull request. Added in resource version 3.

BuildCompletion = 512

The build was started when another build completed.

ResourceTrigger = 1024

The build was started when resources in pipeline triggered it

Triggered = 1967

The build was triggered for retention policy purposes.

All = 2031

All reasons.