FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions interface
change |
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) change time property for the directory. A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request. By default, the value will be set to the time of the request. |
creation |
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) creation time property for the directory. A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request. By default, the value will be set as now. |
file |
The file system attributes to be set on the file or directory. |
file |
The permission(security descriptor) to be set for the file or directory in the Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) or binary. If specified, it must have an owner, group, and discretionary access control list (DACL). A value of inherit may be passed to inherit from the parent directory. Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified. And if both are not specified, inherit will be set to filePermission as default value by client library. |
file |
Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later. Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable values are SDDL or binary. If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format. If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary encoding of the permission |
file |
The key of the permission to be set for the file or directory. This can be created using the Create-Permission API. Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified. |
last |
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) last write property for the directory. A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request. By default, the value will be set as now. |
posix |
Optional properties to set on NFS files. Note that this property is only applicable to files created in NFS shares. |
Property Details
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) change time property for the directory. A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request. By default, the value will be set to the time of the request.
changeTime?: Date | "now"
Property Value
Date | "now"
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) creation time property for the directory. A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request. By default, the value will be set as now.
creationTime?: Date | "now"
Property Value
Date | "now"
The file system attributes to be set on the file or directory.
fileAttributes?: FileSystemAttributes
Property Value
The permission(security descriptor) to be set for the file or directory in the Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) or binary. If specified, it must have an owner, group, and discretionary access control list (DACL). A value of inherit may be passed to inherit from the parent directory.
Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified. And if both are not specified, inherit will be set to filePermission as default value by client library.
filePermission?: string
Property Value
Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later. Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable values are SDDL or binary. If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format. If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary encoding of the permission
filePermissionFormat?: FilePermissionFormat
Property Value
The key of the permission to be set for the file or directory. This can be created using the Create-Permission API.
Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.
filePermissionKey?: string
Property Value
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) last write property for the directory. A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request. By default, the value will be set as now.
lastWriteTime?: Date | "now"
Property Value
Date | "now"
Optional properties to set on NFS files. Note that this property is only applicable to files created in NFS shares.
posixProperties?: FilePosixProperties