@azure/cognitiveservices-entitysearch package
EntitiesOperations |
Class representing a EntitiesOperations. |
EntitySearchClient | |
EntitySearchClientContext |
Airport |
An interface representing Airport. |
Answer |
An interface representing Answer. |
CivicStructure |
An interface representing CivicStructure. |
ContractualRulesAttribution |
An interface representing ContractualRulesAttribution. |
ContractualRulesContractualRule |
An interface representing ContractualRulesContractualRule. |
ContractualRulesLicenseAttribution |
Defines a contractual rule for license attribution. |
ContractualRulesLinkAttribution |
Defines a contractual rule for link attribution. |
ContractualRulesMediaAttribution |
Defines a contractual rule for media attribution. |
ContractualRulesTextAttribution |
Defines a contractual rule for text attribution. |
CreativeWork |
An interface representing CreativeWork. |
EntertainmentBusiness |
An interface representing EntertainmentBusiness. |
Entities |
Defines an entity answer. |
EntitiesEntityPresentationInfo |
Defines additional information about an entity such as type hints. |
EntitiesSearchOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
EntitySearchClientOptions |
An interface representing EntitySearchClientOptions. |
ErrorModel |
Defines the error that occurred. |
ErrorResponse |
The top-level response that represents a failed request. |
FoodEstablishment |
An interface representing FoodEstablishment. |
Hotel |
An interface representing Hotel. |
Identifiable |
Defines the identity of a resource. |
ImageObject |
Defines an image |
Intangible |
An interface representing Intangible. |
License |
Defines the license under which the text or photo may be used. |
LocalBusiness |
An interface representing LocalBusiness. |
LodgingBusiness |
An interface representing LodgingBusiness. |
MediaObject |
An interface representing MediaObject. |
MovieTheater |
An interface representing MovieTheater. |
Organization |
Defines an organization. |
Place |
Defines information about a local entity, such as a restaurant or hotel. |
Places |
Defines a local entity answer. |
PostalAddress |
Defines a postal address. |
QueryContext |
Defines the query context that Bing used for the request. |
Response |
Defines a response. All schemas that could be returned at the root of a response should inherit from this |
ResponseBase |
An interface representing ResponseBase. |
Restaurant |
An interface representing Restaurant. |
SearchResponse |
Defines the top-level object that the response includes when the request succeeds. |
SearchResultsAnswer |
An interface representing SearchResultsAnswer. |
StructuredValue |
An interface representing StructuredValue. |
Thing |
An interface representing Thing. |
TouristAttraction |
An interface representing TouristAttraction. |
Type Aliases
AnswerType |
Defines values for AnswerType. Possible values include: 'Entities', 'Places' |
AnswerUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Answer. |
CivicStructureUnion |
Contains the possible cases for CivicStructure. |
ContractualRulesAttributionUnion |
Contains the possible cases for ContractualRulesAttribution. |
ContractualRulesContractualRuleUnion |
Contains the possible cases for ContractualRulesContractualRule. |
CreativeWorkUnion |
Contains the possible cases for CreativeWork. |
EntertainmentBusinessUnion |
Contains the possible cases for EntertainmentBusiness. |
EntitiesSearchResponse |
Contains response data for the search operation. |
EntityQueryScenario |
Defines values for EntityQueryScenario. Possible values include: 'DominantEntity', 'DominantEntityWithDisambiguation', 'Disambiguation', 'List', 'ListWithPivot' |
EntityScenario |
Defines values for EntityScenario. Possible values include: 'DominantEntity', 'DisambiguationItem', 'ListItem' |
EntityType |
Defines values for EntityType. Possible values include: 'Generic', 'Person', 'Place', 'Media', 'Organization', 'LocalBusiness', 'Restaurant', 'Hotel', 'TouristAttraction', 'Travel', 'City', 'Country', 'Attraction', 'House', 'State', 'RadioStation', 'StreetAddress', 'Neighborhood', 'Locality', 'PostalCode', 'Region', 'SubRegion', 'MinorRegion', 'Continent', 'PointOfInterest', 'Other', 'Movie', 'Book', 'TelevisionShow', 'TelevisionSeason', 'VideoGame', 'MusicAlbum', 'MusicRecording', 'MusicGroup', 'Composition', 'TheaterPlay', 'Event', 'Actor', 'Artist', 'Attorney', 'Speciality', 'CollegeOrUniversity', 'School', 'Food', 'Drug', 'Animal', 'SportsTeam', 'Product', 'Car' |
ErrorCode |
Defines values for ErrorCode. Possible values include: 'None', 'ServerError', 'InvalidRequest', 'RateLimitExceeded', 'InvalidAuthorization', 'InsufficientAuthorization' |
ErrorSubCode |
Defines values for ErrorSubCode. Possible values include: 'UnexpectedError', 'ResourceError', 'NotImplemented', 'ParameterMissing', 'ParameterInvalidValue', 'HttpNotAllowed', 'Blocked', 'AuthorizationMissing', 'AuthorizationRedundancy', 'AuthorizationDisabled', 'AuthorizationExpired' |
FoodEstablishmentUnion |
Contains the possible cases for FoodEstablishment. |
IdentifiableUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Identifiable. |
IntangibleUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Intangible. |
LocalBusinessUnion |
Contains the possible cases for LocalBusiness. |
LodgingBusinessUnion |
Contains the possible cases for LodgingBusiness. |
MediaObjectUnion |
Contains the possible cases for MediaObject. |
PlaceUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Place. |
ResponseBaseUnion |
Contains the possible cases for ResponseBase. |
ResponseFormat |
Defines values for ResponseFormat. Possible values include: 'Json', 'JsonLd' |
ResponseUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Response. |
SafeSearch |
Defines values for SafeSearch. Possible values include: 'Off', 'Moderate', 'Strict' |
SearchResultsAnswerUnion |
Contains the possible cases for SearchResultsAnswer. |
StructuredValueUnion |
Contains the possible cases for StructuredValue. |
ThingUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Thing. |