@azure/arm-storsimple8000series package
AccessControlRecord |
The access control record. |
AccessControlRecordList |
The collection of access control records. |
AccessControlRecords |
Interface representing a AccessControlRecords. |
AccessControlRecordsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccessControlRecordsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccessControlRecordsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccessControlRecordsListByManagerOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AcsConfiguration |
The ACS configuration. |
Alert |
The alert. |
AlertErrorDetails |
The details of the error for which the alert was raised |
AlertFilter |
The OData filters to be used for Alert |
AlertList |
The collection of alerts. |
AlertSettings |
The alert settings. |
AlertSource |
The source details at which the alert was raised |
Alerts |
Interface representing a Alerts. |
AlertsClearOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AlertsListByManagerNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AlertsListByManagerOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AlertsSendTestEmailOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AsymmetricEncryptedSecret |
Represent the secrets intended for encryption with asymmetric key pair. |
AvailableProviderOperation |
Represents available provider operation. |
AvailableProviderOperationDisplay |
Contains the localized display information for this particular operation/action. These value will be used by several clients for (a) custom role definitions for RBAC, (b) complex query filters for the event service and (c) audit history/records for management operations. |
AvailableProviderOperationList |
List of available provider operations. |
Backup |
The backup. |
BackupElement |
The backup element. |
BackupFilter |
The OData filters to be used for backups. |
BackupList |
The collection of backups. |
BackupPolicies |
Interface representing a BackupPolicies. |
BackupPoliciesBackupNowOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesListByDeviceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPolicy |
The backup policy. |
BackupPolicyList |
The collection of backup policies. |
BackupSchedule |
The backup schedule. |
BackupScheduleList |
The backup schedule list. |
BackupSchedules |
Interface representing a BackupSchedules. |
BackupSchedulesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupSchedulesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupSchedulesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupSchedulesListByBackupPolicyOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Backups |
Interface representing a Backups. |
BackupsCloneOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsListByDeviceNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsListByDeviceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsRestoreOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BandwidthSchedule |
The schedule for bandwidth setting. |
BandwidthSetting |
The bandwidth setting. |
BandwidthSettingList |
The collection of bandwidth setting entities. |
BandwidthSettings |
Interface representing a BandwidthSettings. |
BandwidthSettingsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BandwidthSettingsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BandwidthSettingsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BandwidthSettingsListByManagerOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BaseModel |
Represents the base class for all other ARM object models |
ChapSettings |
The Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) settings. |
ClearAlertRequest |
The request for clearing the alert |
CloneRequest |
The clone job request. |
CloudAppliance |
The cloud appliance. |
CloudApplianceConfiguration |
The cloud appliance configuration |
CloudApplianceConfigurationList |
The cloud appliance configuration list |
CloudApplianceSettings |
The cloud appliance settings. |
CloudAppliances |
Interface representing a CloudAppliances. |
CloudAppliancesListSupportedConfigurationsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
CloudAppliancesProvisionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ConfigureDeviceRequest |
The mandatory device configuration request. |
ControllerPowerStateChangeRequest |
The controller power state change request. |
DNSSettings |
The DNS(Domain Name Server) settings of a device. |
DataStatistics |
The additional details related to the data related statistics of a job. Currently applicable only for Backup, Clone and Restore jobs. |
Device |
The StorSimple device. |
DeviceDetails |
The additional device details regarding the end point count and volume container count. |
DeviceList |
The collection of devices. |
DevicePatch |
The device patch. |
DeviceRolloverDetails |
The additional device details for the service data encryption key rollover. |
DeviceSettings |
Interface representing a DeviceSettings. |
DeviceSettingsCreateOrUpdateAlertSettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsCreateOrUpdateTimeSettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsGetAlertSettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsGetNetworkSettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsGetSecuritySettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsGetTimeSettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsSyncRemotemanagementCertificateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsUpdateNetworkSettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DeviceSettingsUpdateSecuritySettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Devices |
Interface representing a Devices. |
DevicesAuthorizeForServiceEncryptionKeyRolloverOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesConfigureOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesDeactivateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesFailoverOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesGetUpdateSummaryOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesInstallUpdatesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesListByManagerOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesListFailoverSetsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesListFailoverTargetsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesListMetricDefinitionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesListMetricsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesScanForUpdatesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DevicesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
DimensionFilter |
The dimension filter. |
EncryptionSettings |
The encryption settings. |
FailoverRequest |
The request object for triggering a failover of volume containers, from a source device to a target device. |
FailoverSet |
The failover set on a device. |
FailoverSetEligibilityResult |
The eligibility result of failover set, for failover. |
FailoverSetsList |
The list of failover sets. |
FailoverTarget |
Represents the eligibility of a device as a failover target device. |
FailoverTargetsList |
The list of all devices in a resource and their eligibility status as a failover target device. |
Feature |
The feature. |
FeatureFilter |
The OData filter to be used for features. |
FeatureList |
The collections of features. |
HardwareComponent |
The hardware component. |
HardwareComponentGroup |
The hardware component group. |
HardwareComponentGroupList |
The collection of hardware component groups. |
HardwareComponentGroups |
Interface representing a HardwareComponentGroups. |
HardwareComponentGroupsChangeControllerPowerStateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
HardwareComponentGroupsListByDeviceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Job |
The job. |
JobErrorDetails |
The job error details. Contains list of job error items. |
JobErrorItem |
The job error items. |
JobFilter |
The OData filter to be used for jobs. |
JobList |
The collection of jobs. |
JobStage |
The details about the specific stage of a job. |
Jobs |
Interface representing a Jobs. |
JobsCancelOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
JobsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
JobsListByDeviceNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
JobsListByDeviceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
JobsListByManagerNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
JobsListByManagerOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Key |
The key. |
ListFailoverTargetsRequest |
The request object for fetching the list of failover targets (eligible devices for failover). |
Manager |
The StorSimple Manager. |
ManagerExtendedInfo |
The extended info of the manager. |
ManagerIntrinsicSettings |
Intrinsic settings which refers to the type of the StorSimple Manager. |
ManagerList |
The list of StorSimple Managers. |
ManagerPatch |
The StorSimple Manager patch. |
ManagerSku |
The Sku. |
Managers |
Interface representing a Managers. |
ManagersCreateExtendedInfoOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersDeleteExtendedInfoOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersGetActivationKeyOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersGetDevicePublicEncryptionKeyOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersGetEncryptionSettingsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersGetExtendedInfoOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersGetPublicEncryptionKeyOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersListFeatureSupportStatusOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersListMetricDefinitionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersListMetricsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersRegenerateActivationKeyOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersUpdateExtendedInfoOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagersUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MetricAvailablity |
The metric availability. |
MetricData |
The metric data. |
MetricDefinition |
The monitoring metric definition. |
MetricDefinitionList |
The list of metric definitions. |
MetricDimension |
The metric dimension. It indicates the source of the metric. |
MetricFilter |
The OData filters to be used for metrics. |
MetricList |
The metric list. |
MetricName |
The metric name. |
MetricNameFilter |
The metric name filter, specifying the name of the metric to be filtered on. |
Metrics |
The monitoring metric. |
NetworkAdapterList |
The collection of network adapters on the device. |
NetworkAdapters |
Represents the network adapter on device. |
NetworkInterfaceData0Settings |
The 'Data 0' network interface card settings. |
NetworkSettings |
Represents the network settings of a device. |
NetworkSettingsPatch |
Represents the patch request for the network settings of a device. |
NicIPv4 |
Details related to the IPv4 address configuration. |
NicIPv6 |
Details related to the IPv6 address configuration. |
Operations |
Interface representing a Operations. |
OperationsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
OperationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PublicKey |
The public key. |
RemoteManagementSettings |
The settings for remote management of a device. |
RemoteManagementSettingsPatch |
The settings for updating remote management mode of the device. |
Resource |
The Azure Resource. |
ScheduleRecurrence |
The schedule recurrence. |
SecondaryDNSSettings |
The secondary DNS settings. |
SecuritySettings |
The security settings of a device. |
SecuritySettingsPatch |
Represents the patch request for the security settings of a device. |
SendTestAlertEmailRequest |
The request for sending test alert email |
StorSimple8000SeriesManagementClientOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
StorageAccountCredential |
The storage account credential. |
StorageAccountCredentialList |
The collection of storage account credential entities. |
StorageAccountCredentials |
Interface representing a StorageAccountCredentials. |
StorageAccountCredentialsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
StorageAccountCredentialsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
StorageAccountCredentialsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
StorageAccountCredentialsListByManagerOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SymmetricEncryptedSecret |
Represents the secrets encrypted using Symmetric Encryption Key. |
TargetEligibilityErrorMessage |
The error/warning message due to which the device is ineligible as a failover target device. |
TargetEligibilityResult |
The eligibility result of device, as a failover target device. |
Time |
The time. |
TimeSettings |
The time settings of a device. |
Updates |
The updates profile of a device. |
VmImage |
The virtual machine image. |
Volume |
The volume. |
VolumeContainer |
The volume container. |
VolumeContainerFailoverMetadata |
The metadata of the volume container, that is being considered as part of a failover set. |
VolumeContainerList |
The collection of volume container entities. |
VolumeContainers |
Interface representing a VolumeContainers. |
VolumeContainersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeContainersDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeContainersGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeContainersListByDeviceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeContainersListMetricDefinitionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeContainersListMetricsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeFailoverMetadata |
The metadata of a volume that has valid cloud snapshot. |
VolumeList |
The collection of volumes. |
Volumes |
Interface representing a Volumes. |
VolumesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListByDeviceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListByVolumeContainerOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListMetricDefinitionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListMetricsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebproxySettings |
The web proxy settings on the device. |
Type Aliases
AccessControlRecordsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
AccessControlRecordsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AccessControlRecordsListByManagerResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManager operation. |
AlertEmailNotificationStatus |
Defines values for AlertEmailNotificationStatus. |
AlertScope |
Defines values for AlertScope. |
AlertSeverity |
Defines values for AlertSeverity. |
AlertSourceType |
Defines values for AlertSourceType. |
AlertStatus |
Defines values for AlertStatus. |
AlertsListByManagerNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManagerNext operation. |
AlertsListByManagerResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManager operation. |
AuthenticationType |
Defines values for AuthenticationType. |
AuthorizationEligibility |
Defines values for AuthorizationEligibility. |
AuthorizationStatus |
Defines values for AuthorizationStatus. |
BackupJobCreationType |
Defines values for BackupJobCreationType. |
BackupPoliciesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
BackupPoliciesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
BackupPoliciesListByDeviceResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDevice operation. |
BackupPolicyCreationType |
Defines values for BackupPolicyCreationType. |
BackupSchedulesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
BackupSchedulesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
BackupSchedulesListByBackupPolicyResponse |
Contains response data for the listByBackupPolicy operation. |
BackupStatus |
Defines values for BackupStatus. |
BackupType |
Defines values for BackupType. |
BackupsListByDeviceNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDeviceNext operation. |
BackupsListByDeviceResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDevice operation. |
BandwidthSettingsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
BandwidthSettingsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
BandwidthSettingsListByManagerResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManager operation. |
CloudAppliancesListSupportedConfigurationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSupportedConfigurations operation. |
ControllerId |
Defines values for ControllerId. |
ControllerPowerStateAction |
Defines values for ControllerPowerStateAction. |
ControllerStatus |
Defines values for ControllerStatus. |
DayOfWeek |
Defines values for DayOfWeek. |
DeviceConfigurationStatus |
Defines values for DeviceConfigurationStatus. |
DeviceSettingsCreateOrUpdateAlertSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateAlertSettings operation. |
DeviceSettingsCreateOrUpdateTimeSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateTimeSettings operation. |
DeviceSettingsGetAlertSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getAlertSettings operation. |
DeviceSettingsGetNetworkSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getNetworkSettings operation. |
DeviceSettingsGetSecuritySettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getSecuritySettings operation. |
DeviceSettingsGetTimeSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getTimeSettings operation. |
DeviceSettingsUpdateNetworkSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateNetworkSettings operation. |
DeviceSettingsUpdateSecuritySettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSecuritySettings operation. |
DeviceStatus |
Defines values for DeviceStatus. |
DeviceType |
Defines values for DeviceType. |
DevicesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
DevicesGetUpdateSummaryResponse |
Contains response data for the getUpdateSummary operation. |
DevicesListByManagerResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManager operation. |
DevicesListFailoverSetsResponse |
Contains response data for the listFailoverSets operation. |
DevicesListFailoverTargetsResponse |
Contains response data for the listFailoverTargets operation. |
DevicesListMetricDefinitionResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetricDefinition operation. |
DevicesListMetricsResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetrics operation. |
DevicesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
EncryptionAlgorithm |
Defines values for EncryptionAlgorithm. |
EncryptionStatus |
Defines values for EncryptionStatus. |
FeatureSupportStatus |
Defines values for FeatureSupportStatus. |
HardwareComponentGroupsListByDeviceResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDevice operation. |
HardwareComponentStatus |
Defines values for HardwareComponentStatus. |
InEligibilityCategory |
Defines values for InEligibilityCategory. |
IscsiAndCloudStatus |
Defines values for IscsiAndCloudStatus. |
JobStatus |
Defines values for JobStatus. |
JobType |
Defines values for JobType. |
JobsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
JobsListByDeviceNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDeviceNext operation. |
JobsListByDeviceResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDevice operation. |
JobsListByManagerNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManagerNext operation. |
JobsListByManagerResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManager operation. |
KeyRolloverStatus |
Defines values for KeyRolloverStatus. |
ManagerType |
Defines values for ManagerType. |
ManagersCreateExtendedInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the createExtendedInfo operation. |
ManagersCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ManagersGetActivationKeyResponse |
Contains response data for the getActivationKey operation. |
ManagersGetDevicePublicEncryptionKeyResponse |
Contains response data for the getDevicePublicEncryptionKey operation. |
ManagersGetEncryptionSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getEncryptionSettings operation. |
ManagersGetExtendedInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the getExtendedInfo operation. |
ManagersGetPublicEncryptionKeyResponse |
Contains response data for the getPublicEncryptionKey operation. |
ManagersGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagersListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
ManagersListFeatureSupportStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the listFeatureSupportStatus operation. |
ManagersListMetricDefinitionResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetricDefinition operation. |
ManagersListMetricsResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetrics operation. |
ManagersListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ManagersRegenerateActivationKeyResponse |
Contains response data for the regenerateActivationKey operation. |
ManagersUpdateExtendedInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the updateExtendedInfo operation. |
ManagersUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
MetricAggregationType |
Defines values for MetricAggregationType. |
MetricUnit |
Defines values for MetricUnit. |
MonitoringStatus |
Defines values for MonitoringStatus. |
NetInterfaceId |
Defines values for NetInterfaceId. |
NetInterfaceStatus |
Defines values for NetInterfaceStatus. |
NetworkMode |
Defines values for NetworkMode. |
OperationStatus |
Defines values for OperationStatus. |
OperationsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
OperationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
OwnerShipStatus |
Defines values for OwnerShipStatus. |
RecurrenceType |
Defines values for RecurrenceType. |
RemoteManagementModeConfiguration |
Defines values for RemoteManagementModeConfiguration. |
ScheduleStatus |
Defines values for ScheduleStatus. |
ScheduledBackupStatus |
Defines values for ScheduledBackupStatus. |
SslStatus |
Defines values for SslStatus. |
StorageAccountCredentialsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
StorageAccountCredentialsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
StorageAccountCredentialsListByManagerResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManager operation. |
TargetEligibilityResultCode |
Defines values for TargetEligibilityResultCode. |
TargetEligibilityStatus |
Defines values for TargetEligibilityStatus. |
VirtualMachineApiType |
Defines values for VirtualMachineApiType. |
VolumeContainersCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
VolumeContainersGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
VolumeContainersListByDeviceResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDevice operation. |
VolumeContainersListMetricDefinitionResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetricDefinition operation. |
VolumeContainersListMetricsResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetrics operation. |
VolumeStatus |
Defines values for VolumeStatus. |
VolumeType |
Defines values for VolumeType. |
VolumesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
VolumesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
VolumesListByDeviceResponse |
Contains response data for the listByDevice operation. |
VolumesListByVolumeContainerResponse |
Contains response data for the listByVolumeContainer operation. |
VolumesListMetricDefinitionResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetricDefinition operation. |
VolumesListMetricsResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetrics operation. |
get |
Given the last |
Function Details
Given the last .value
produced by the byPage
returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from
that point later.
function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined
- page
An object from accessing value
on the IteratorResult from a byPage
string | undefined
The continuation token that can be passed into byPage() during future calls.
Azure SDK for JavaScript