@azure/arm-servicefabricmanagedclusters package
ServiceFabricManagedClustersManagementClient |
AddRemoveIncrementalNamedPartitionScalingMechanism |
Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing named partitions of a stateless service. Partition names are in the format '0','1'...'N-1'. |
AdditionalNetworkInterfaceConfiguration |
Specifies the settings for a network interface to attach to the node type. |
ApplicationHealthPolicy |
Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its children entities. |
ApplicationResource |
The application resource. |
ApplicationResourceList |
The list of application resources. |
ApplicationTypeResource |
The application type name resource |
ApplicationTypeResourceList |
The list of application type names. |
ApplicationTypeUpdateParameters |
Application type update request |
ApplicationTypeVersionResource |
An application type version resource for the specified application type name resource. |
ApplicationTypeVersionResourceList |
The list of application type version resources for the specified application type name resource. |
ApplicationTypeVersionUpdateParameters |
Application type version update request |
ApplicationTypeVersions |
Interface representing a ApplicationTypeVersions. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsCleanupPolicy |
The policy used to clean up unused versions. When the policy is not specified explicitly, the default unused application versions to keep will be 3. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsCreateOrUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for ApplicationTypeVersions_createOrUpdate operation. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for ApplicationTypeVersions_delete operation. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsListByApplicationTypesNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsListByApplicationTypesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypes |
Interface representing a ApplicationTypes. |
ApplicationTypesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypesListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationTypesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationUpdateParameters |
Application update request |
ApplicationUpgradePolicy |
Describes the policy for a monitored application upgrade. |
ApplicationUserAssignedIdentity | |
Applications |
Interface representing a Applications. |
ApplicationsCreateOrUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for Applications_createOrUpdate operation. |
ApplicationsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Applications_delete operation. |
ApplicationsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsReadUpgradeHeaders |
Defines headers for Applications_readUpgrade operation. |
ApplicationsReadUpgradeOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsResumeUpgradeHeaders |
Defines headers for Applications_resumeUpgrade operation. |
ApplicationsResumeUpgradeOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsStartRollbackHeaders |
Defines headers for Applications_startRollback operation. |
ApplicationsStartRollbackOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AvailableOperationDisplay |
Operation supported by the Service Fabric resource provider |
AveragePartitionLoadScalingTrigger |
Represents a scaling trigger related to an average load of a metric/resource of a partition. |
AverageServiceLoadScalingTrigger |
Represents a scaling policy related to an average load of a metric/resource of a service. |
AzureActiveDirectory |
The settings to enable AAD authentication on the cluster. |
ClientCertificate |
Client certificate definition. |
ClusterHealthPolicy |
Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of the cluster or of a cluster node. |
ClusterMonitoringPolicy |
Describes the monitoring policies for the cluster upgrade. |
ClusterUpgradeDeltaHealthPolicy |
Describes the delta health policies for the cluster upgrade. |
ClusterUpgradePolicy |
Describes the policy used when upgrading the cluster. |
EndpointRangeDescription |
Port range details |
ErrorModel |
The structure of the error. |
ErrorModelError |
The error details. |
FrontendConfiguration |
Describes the frontend configurations for the node type. |
IpConfiguration |
Specifies an IP configuration of the network interface. |
IpConfigurationPublicIPAddressConfiguration |
The public IP address configuration of the network interface. |
IpTag |
The IP tag associated with the public IP address. |
LoadBalancingRule |
Describes a load balancing rule. |
LongRunningOperationResult |
Long running operation result. |
ManagedApplyMaintenanceWindow |
Interface representing a ManagedApplyMaintenanceWindow. |
ManagedApplyMaintenanceWindowPostOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedAzResiliencyStatus |
Describes the result of the request to list Managed VM Sizes for Service Fabric Managed Clusters. |
ManagedAzResiliencyStatusGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedAzResiliencyStatusOperations |
Interface representing a ManagedAzResiliencyStatusOperations. |
ManagedCluster |
The managed cluster resource |
ManagedClusterCodeVersionResult |
The result of the Service Fabric runtime versions |
ManagedClusterListResult |
Managed Cluster list results |
ManagedClusterUpdateParameters |
Managed cluster update request |
ManagedClusterVersion |
Interface representing a ManagedClusterVersion. |
ManagedClusterVersionGetByEnvironmentOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClusterVersionGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClusterVersionListByEnvironmentOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClusterVersionListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClusters |
Interface representing a ManagedClusters. |
ManagedClustersCreateOrUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_createOrUpdate operation. |
ManagedClustersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_delete operation. |
ManagedClustersDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListBySubscriptionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedIdentity |
Describes the managed identities for an Azure resource. |
ManagedMaintenanceWindowStatus |
Describes the maintenance window status of the Service Fabric Managed Cluster. |
ManagedMaintenanceWindowStatusGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedMaintenanceWindowStatusOperations |
Interface representing a ManagedMaintenanceWindowStatusOperations. |
ManagedProxyResource |
The resource model definition for proxy-only resource. |
ManagedUnsupportedVMSizes |
Interface representing a ManagedUnsupportedVMSizes. |
ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedVMSize |
Describes a VM Sizes. |
ManagedVMSizesResult |
Describes the result of the request to list Managed VM Sizes for Service Fabric Managed Clusters. |
NamedPartitionScheme |
Describes the named partition scheme of the service. |
NetworkSecurityRule |
Describes a network security rule. |
NodeType |
Describes a node type in the cluster, each node type represents sub set of nodes in the cluster. |
NodeTypeActionParameters |
Parameters for Node type action. If nodes are not specified on the parameters, the operation will be performed in all nodes of the node type one upgrade domain at a time. |
NodeTypeAvailableSku |
Defines the type of sku available for a node type |
NodeTypeListResult |
Node type list results |
NodeTypeListSkuResult |
Node type available sku list results |
NodeTypeNatConfig |
Provides information about NAT configuration on the default public Load Balancer for the node type. |
NodeTypeSku |
Describes a node type sku. |
NodeTypeSkuCapacity |
Provides information about how node type can be scaled. |
NodeTypeSkus |
Interface representing a NodeTypeSkus. |
NodeTypeSkusListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypeSkusListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypeSupportedSku |
Describes a node type supported sku. |
NodeTypeUpdateParameters |
Node type update request |
NodeTypes |
Interface representing a NodeTypes. |
NodeTypesCreateOrUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for NodeTypes_createOrUpdate operation. |
NodeTypesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for NodeTypes_delete operation. |
NodeTypesDeleteNodeHeaders |
Defines headers for NodeTypes_deleteNode operation. |
NodeTypesDeleteNodeOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesListByManagedClustersNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesListByManagedClustersOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesReimageHeaders |
Defines headers for NodeTypes_reimage operation. |
NodeTypesReimageOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesRestartHeaders |
Defines headers for NodeTypes_restart operation. |
NodeTypesRestartOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NodeTypesUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for NodeTypes_update operation. |
NodeTypesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
OperationListResult |
Describes the result of the request to list Service Fabric resource provider operations. |
OperationResult |
Available operation list result |
OperationResults |
Interface representing a OperationResults. |
OperationResultsGetHeaders |
Defines headers for OperationResults_get operation. |
OperationResultsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
OperationStatus |
Interface representing a OperationStatus. |
OperationStatusGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Operations |
Interface representing a Operations. |
OperationsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
OperationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Partition |
Describes how the service is partitioned. |
PartitionInstanceCountScaleMechanism |
Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing instances of stateless service partition. |
ProxyResource |
The resource model definition for proxy-only resource. |
Resource |
The resource model definition. |
ResourceAzStatus |
Describes Az Resiliency status of Base resources |
RollingUpgradeMonitoringPolicy |
The policy used for monitoring the application upgrade |
RuntimeResumeApplicationUpgradeParameters |
Parameters for Resume Upgrade action. The upgrade domain name must be specified. |
ScalingMechanism |
Describes the mechanism for performing a scaling operation. |
ScalingPolicy |
Specifies a metric to load balance a service during runtime. |
ScalingTrigger |
Describes the trigger for performing a scaling operation. |
ServiceCorrelation |
Creates a particular correlation between services. |
ServiceEndpoint |
The service endpoint properties. |
ServiceFabricManagedClustersManagementClientOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ServiceLoadMetric |
Specifies a metric to load balance a service during runtime. |
ServicePlacementInvalidDomainPolicy |
Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where a particular fault or upgrade domain should not be used for placement of the instances or replicas of that service. |
ServicePlacementNonPartiallyPlaceServicePolicy |
ServicePlacementNonPartiallyPlaceServicePolicy |
ServicePlacementPolicy |
Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service. |
ServicePlacementPreferPrimaryDomainPolicy |
Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where the service's Primary replicas should optimally be placed in a particular domain. This placement policy is usually used with fault domains in scenarios where the Service Fabric cluster is geographically distributed in order to indicate that a service's primary replica should be located in a particular fault domain, which in geo-distributed scenarios usually aligns with regional or datacenter boundaries. Note that since this is an optimization it is possible that the Primary replica may not end up located in this domain due to failures, capacity limits, or other constraints. |
ServicePlacementRequireDomainDistributionPolicy |
Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where two replicas from the same partition should never be placed in the same fault or upgrade domain. While this is not common it can expose the service to an increased risk of concurrent failures due to unplanned outages or other cases of subsequent/concurrent failures. As an example, consider a case where replicas are deployed across different data center, with one replica per location. In the event that one of the datacenters goes offline, normally the replica that was placed in that datacenter will be packed into one of the remaining datacenters. If this is not desirable then this policy should be set. |
ServicePlacementRequiredDomainPolicy |
Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where the instances or replicas of that service must be placed in a particular domain. |
ServiceResource |
The service resource. |
ServiceResourceList |
The list of service resources. |
ServiceResourceProperties |
The service resource properties. |
ServiceResourcePropertiesBase |
The common service resource properties. |
ServiceTypeHealthPolicy |
Represents the health policy used to evaluate the health of services belonging to a service type. |
ServiceUpdateParameters |
Service update request |
Services |
Interface representing a Services. |
ServicesCreateOrUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for Services_createOrUpdate operation. |
ServicesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ServicesDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Services_delete operation. |
ServicesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ServicesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ServicesListByApplicationsNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ServicesListByApplicationsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ServicesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SettingsParameterDescription |
Describes a parameter in fabric settings of the cluster. |
SettingsSectionDescription |
Describes a section in the fabric settings of the cluster. |
SingletonPartitionScheme |
SingletonPartitionScheme |
Sku |
Service Fabric managed cluster Sku definition |
StatefulServiceProperties |
The properties of a stateful service resource. |
StatelessServiceProperties |
The properties of a stateless service resource. |
SubResource |
Azure resource identifier. |
Subnet |
Describes a Subnet. |
SystemData |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
UniformInt64RangePartitionScheme |
Describes a partitioning scheme where an integer range is allocated evenly across a number of partitions. |
UserAssignedIdentity | |
VMSize |
VM Sizes properties. |
VaultCertificate |
Describes a single certificate reference in a Key Vault, and where the certificate should reside on the VM. |
VaultSecretGroup |
Specifies set of certificates that should be installed onto the virtual machines. |
VmApplication |
Specifies the gallery application that should be made available to the underlying VMSS. |
VmImagePlan |
Specifies information about the marketplace image used to create the virtual machine. This element is only used for marketplace images. Before you can use a marketplace image from an API, you must enable the image for programmatic use. In the Azure portal, find the marketplace image that you want to use and then click Want to deploy programmatically, Get Started ->. Enter any required information and then click Save. |
VmManagedIdentity |
Identities for the virtual machine scale set under the node type. |
VmssDataDisk |
Managed data disk description. |
VmssExtension |
Specifies set of extensions that should be installed onto the virtual machines. |
Type Aliases
Access |
Defines values for Access. Known values supported by the serviceallow |
ApplicationTypeVersionsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsListByApplicationTypesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByApplicationTypesNext operation. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsListByApplicationTypesResponse |
Contains response data for the listByApplicationTypes operation. |
ApplicationTypeVersionsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ApplicationTypesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ApplicationTypesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ApplicationTypesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
ApplicationTypesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ApplicationTypesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ApplicationsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ApplicationsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ApplicationsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
ApplicationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ApplicationsReadUpgradeResponse |
Contains response data for the readUpgrade operation. |
ApplicationsResumeUpgradeResponse |
Contains response data for the resumeUpgrade operation. |
ApplicationsStartRollbackResponse |
Contains response data for the startRollback operation. |
ApplicationsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope |
Defines values for AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope. Known values supported by the serviceTenantReuse: TenantReuse allows for the same hash to be created if the resource is created in the same Tenant with the same resource name. |
ClusterState |
Defines values for ClusterState. Known values supported by the serviceWaitingForNodes: Indicates that the cluster resource is created and the resource provider is waiting for Service Fabric VM extension to boot up and report to it. |
ClusterUpgradeCadence |
Defines values for ClusterUpgradeCadence. Known values supported by the serviceWave0: Cluster upgrade starts immediately after a new version is rolled out. Recommended for Test/Dev clusters. |
ClusterUpgradeMode |
Defines values for ClusterUpgradeMode. Known values supported by the serviceAutomatic: The cluster will be automatically upgraded to the latest Service Fabric runtime version, clusterUpgradeCadence will determine when the upgrade starts after the new version becomes available. |
Direction |
Defines values for Direction. Known values supported by the serviceinbound |
DiskType |
Defines values for DiskType. Known values supported by the serviceStandard_LRS: Standard HDD locally redundant storage. Best for backup, non-critical, and infrequent access. |
EvictionPolicyType |
Defines values for EvictionPolicyType. Known values supported by the serviceDelete: Eviction policy will be Delete for SPOT vms. |
FailureAction |
Defines values for FailureAction. Known values supported by the serviceRollback: The upgrade will start rolling back automatically. The value is 0 |
IPAddressType |
Defines values for IPAddressType. Known values supported by the serviceIPv4: IPv4 address type. |
ManagedAzResiliencyStatusGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagedClusterAddOnFeature |
Defines values for ManagedClusterAddOnFeature. Known values supported by the serviceDnsService: Dns service |
ManagedClusterVersionEnvironment |
Defines values for ManagedClusterVersionEnvironment. Known values supported by the serviceWindows: Windows. |
ManagedClusterVersionGetByEnvironmentResponse |
Contains response data for the getByEnvironment operation. |
ManagedClusterVersionGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagedClusterVersionListByEnvironmentResponse |
Contains response data for the listByEnvironment operation. |
ManagedClusterVersionListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ManagedClustersCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ManagedClustersGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
ManagedClustersListBySubscriptionNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscriptionNext operation. |
ManagedClustersListBySubscriptionResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscription operation. |
ManagedClustersUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ManagedIdentityType |
Defines values for ManagedIdentityType. |
ManagedMaintenanceWindowStatusGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagedResourceProvisioningState |
Defines values for ManagedResourceProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceNone |
ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
MoveCost |
Defines values for MoveCost. Known values supported by the serviceZero: Zero move cost. This value is zero. |
NodeTypeSkuScaleType |
Defines values for NodeTypeSkuScaleType. Known values supported by the serviceNone: Node count is not adjustable in any way (e.g. it is fixed). |
NodeTypeSkusListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
NodeTypeSkusListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
NodeTypesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
NodeTypesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
NodeTypesListByManagedClustersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManagedClustersNext operation. |
NodeTypesListByManagedClustersResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManagedClusters operation. |
NodeTypesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
NsgProtocol |
Defines values for NsgProtocol. Known values supported by the servicehttp |
OperationResultsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
OperationStatusGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
OperationsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
OperationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
OsType |
Defines values for OsType. Known values supported by the serviceWindows: Indicates os is Windows. |
PartitionScheme |
Defines values for PartitionScheme. Known values supported by the serviceSingleton: Indicates that the partition is based on string names, and is a SingletonPartitionScheme object, The value is 0. |
PartitionUnion | |
PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies |
Defines values for PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies. Known values supported by the serviceenabled |
PrivateIPAddressVersion |
Defines values for PrivateIPAddressVersion. Known values supported by the serviceIPv4 |
PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies |
Defines values for PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies. Known values supported by the serviceenabled |
ProbeProtocol |
Defines values for ProbeProtocol. Known values supported by the servicetcp |
Protocol |
Defines values for Protocol. Known values supported by the servicetcp |
PublicIPAddressVersion |
Defines values for PublicIPAddressVersion. Known values supported by the serviceIPv4 |
RollingUpgradeMode |
Defines values for RollingUpgradeMode. Known values supported by the serviceMonitored: The upgrade will stop after completing each upgrade domain and automatically monitor health before proceeding. The value is 0. |
ScalingMechanismUnion | |
ScalingTriggerUnion | |
SecurityType |
Defines values for SecurityType. Known values supported by the serviceTrustedLaunch: Trusted Launch is a security type that secures generation 2 virtual machines. |
ServiceCorrelationScheme |
Defines values for ServiceCorrelationScheme. Known values supported by the serviceAlignedAffinity: Aligned affinity ensures that the primaries of the partitions of the affinitized services are collocated on the same nodes. This is the default and is the same as selecting the Affinity scheme. The value is 0. |
ServiceKind |
Defines values for ServiceKind. Known values supported by the serviceStateless: Does not use Service Fabric to make its state highly available or reliable. The value is 0. |
ServiceLoadMetricWeight |
Defines values for ServiceLoadMetricWeight. Known values supported by the serviceZero: Disables resource balancing for this metric. This value is zero. |
ServicePackageActivationMode |
Defines values for ServicePackageActivationMode. Known values supported by the serviceSharedProcess: Indicates the application package activation mode will use shared process. |
ServicePlacementPolicyType |
Defines values for ServicePlacementPolicyType. Known values supported by the serviceInvalidDomain: Indicates that the ServicePlacementPolicyDescription is of type ServicePlacementInvalidDomainPolicyDescription, which indicates that a particular fault or upgrade domain cannot be used for placement of this service. The value is 0. |
ServicePlacementPolicyUnion | |
ServiceResourcePropertiesUnion | |
ServiceScalingMechanismKind |
Defines values for ServiceScalingMechanismKind. Known values supported by the serviceScalePartitionInstanceCount: Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing instances of stateless service partition. The value is 0. |
ServiceScalingTriggerKind |
Defines values for ServiceScalingTriggerKind. Known values supported by the serviceAveragePartitionLoadTrigger: Represents a scaling trigger related to an average load of a metric/resource of a partition. The value is 0. |
ServicesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ServicesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ServicesListByApplicationsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByApplicationsNext operation. |
ServicesListByApplicationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listByApplications operation. |
ServicesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
SkuName |
Defines values for SkuName. Known values supported by the serviceBasic: Basic requires a minimum of 3 nodes and allows only 1 node type. |
UpdateType |
Defines values for UpdateType. Known values supported by the serviceDefault: The operation will proceed in all specified nodes at the same time. |
UpgradeMode |
Defines values for UpgradeMode. Known values supported by the serviceUnmonitoredAuto: The upgrade will proceed automatically without performing any health monitoring. The value is 0 |
VmSetupAction |
Defines values for VmSetupAction. Known values supported by the serviceEnableContainers: Enable windows containers feature. |
VmssExtensionSetupOrder |
Defines values for VmssExtensionSetupOrder. Known values supported by the serviceBeforeSFRuntime: Indicates that the vm extension should run before the service fabric runtime starts. |
ZonalUpdateMode |
Defines values for ZonalUpdateMode. Known values supported by the serviceStandard: The cluster will use 5 upgrade domains for Cross Az Node types. |
KnownAccess |
Known values of Access that the service accepts. |
KnownAutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope |
Known values of AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope that the service accepts. |
KnownClusterState |
Known values of ClusterState that the service accepts. |
KnownClusterUpgradeCadence |
Known values of ClusterUpgradeCadence that the service accepts. |
KnownClusterUpgradeMode |
Known values of ClusterUpgradeMode that the service accepts. |
KnownDirection |
Known values of Direction that the service accepts. |
KnownDiskType |
Known values of DiskType that the service accepts. |
KnownEvictionPolicyType |
Known values of EvictionPolicyType that the service accepts. |
KnownFailureAction |
Known values of FailureAction that the service accepts. |
KnownIPAddressType |
Known values of IPAddressType that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedClusterAddOnFeature |
Known values of ManagedClusterAddOnFeature that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedClusterVersionEnvironment |
Known values of ManagedClusterVersionEnvironment that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedResourceProvisioningState |
Known values of ManagedResourceProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
KnownMoveCost |
Known values of MoveCost that the service accepts. |
KnownNodeTypeSkuScaleType |
Known values of NodeTypeSkuScaleType that the service accepts. |
KnownNsgProtocol |
Known values of NsgProtocol that the service accepts. |
KnownOsType |
Known values of OsType that the service accepts. |
KnownPartitionScheme |
Known values of PartitionScheme that the service accepts. |
KnownPrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies |
Known values of PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies that the service accepts. |
KnownPrivateIPAddressVersion |
Known values of PrivateIPAddressVersion that the service accepts. |
KnownPrivateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies |
Known values of PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies that the service accepts. |
KnownProbeProtocol |
Known values of ProbeProtocol that the service accepts. |
KnownProtocol |
Known values of Protocol that the service accepts. |
KnownPublicIPAddressVersion |
Known values of PublicIPAddressVersion that the service accepts. |
KnownRollingUpgradeMode |
Known values of RollingUpgradeMode that the service accepts. |
KnownSecurityType |
Known values of SecurityType that the service accepts. |
KnownServiceCorrelationScheme |
Known values of ServiceCorrelationScheme that the service accepts. |
KnownServiceKind |
Known values of ServiceKind that the service accepts. |
KnownServiceLoadMetricWeight |
Known values of ServiceLoadMetricWeight that the service accepts. |
KnownServicePackageActivationMode |
Known values of ServicePackageActivationMode that the service accepts. |
KnownServicePlacementPolicyType |
Known values of ServicePlacementPolicyType that the service accepts. |
KnownServiceScalingMechanismKind |
Known values of ServiceScalingMechanismKind that the service accepts. |
KnownServiceScalingTriggerKind |
Known values of ServiceScalingTriggerKind that the service accepts. |
KnownSkuName |
Known values of SkuName that the service accepts. |
KnownUpdateType |
Known values of UpdateType that the service accepts. |
KnownUpgradeMode |
Known values of UpgradeMode that the service accepts. |
KnownVmSetupAction |
Known values of VmSetupAction that the service accepts. |
KnownVmssExtensionSetupOrder |
Known values of VmssExtensionSetupOrder that the service accepts. |
KnownZonalUpdateMode |
Known values of ZonalUpdateMode that the service accepts. |
get |
Given the last |
Function Details
Given the last .value
produced by the byPage
returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from
that point later.
function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined
- page
An object from accessing value
on the IteratorResult from a byPage
string | undefined
The continuation token that can be passed into byPage() during future calls.
Azure SDK for JavaScript