@azure/arm-appinsights package
APIKeyRequest |
An Application Insights component API Key creation request definition. |
APIKeys |
Interface representing a APIKeys. |
APIKeysCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
APIKeysDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
APIKeysGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
APIKeysListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnalyticsItems |
Interface representing a AnalyticsItems. |
AnalyticsItemsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnalyticsItemsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnalyticsItemsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnalyticsItemsPutOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Annotation |
Annotation associated with an application insights resource. |
AnnotationError |
Error associated with trying to create annotation with Id that already exist |
Annotations |
Interface representing a Annotations. |
AnnotationsCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnnotationsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnnotationsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnnotationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AnnotationsListResult |
Annotations list result. |
ApplicationInsightsComponent |
An Application Insights component definition. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentAPIKey |
Properties that define an API key of an Application Insights Component. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentAPIKeyListResult |
Describes the list of API Keys of an Application Insights Component. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentAnalyticsItem |
Properties that define an Analytics item that is associated to an Application Insights component. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentAnalyticsItemProperties |
A set of properties that can be defined in the context of a specific item type. Each type may have its own properties. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentAvailableFeatures |
An Application Insights component available features. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentBillingFeatures |
An Application Insights component billing features |
ApplicationInsightsComponentDataVolumeCap |
An Application Insights component daily data volume cap |
ApplicationInsightsComponentExportConfiguration |
Properties that define a Continuous Export configuration. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentExportRequest |
An Application Insights component Continuous Export configuration request definition. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentFavorite |
Properties that define a favorite that is associated to an Application Insights component. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentFeature |
An Application Insights component daily data volume cap status |
ApplicationInsightsComponentFeatureCapabilities |
An Application Insights component feature capabilities |
ApplicationInsightsComponentFeatureCapability |
An Application Insights component feature capability |
ApplicationInsightsComponentListResult |
Describes the list of Application Insights Resources. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentProactiveDetectionConfiguration |
Properties that define a ProactiveDetection configuration. |
ApplicationInsightsComponentProactiveDetectionConfigurationRuleDefinitions |
Static definitions of the ProactiveDetection configuration rule (same values for all components). |
ApplicationInsightsComponentQuotaStatus |
An Application Insights component daily data volume cap status |
ApplicationInsightsComponentWebTestLocation |
Properties that define a web test location available to an Application Insights Component. |
ApplicationInsightsManagementClientOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ApplicationInsightsWebTestLocationsListResult |
Describes the list of web test locations available to an Application Insights Component. |
ComponentAvailableFeatures |
Interface representing a ComponentAvailableFeatures. |
ComponentAvailableFeaturesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentCurrentBillingFeatures |
Interface representing a ComponentCurrentBillingFeatures. |
ComponentCurrentBillingFeaturesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentCurrentBillingFeaturesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentFeatureCapabilities |
Interface representing a ComponentFeatureCapabilities. |
ComponentFeatureCapabilitiesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccounts |
An Application Insights component linked storage accounts |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsCreateAndUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsOperations |
Interface representing a ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsOperations. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsPatch |
An Application Insights component linked storage accounts patch |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentPurgeBody |
Describes the body of a purge request for an App Insights component |
ComponentPurgeBodyFilters |
User-defined filters to return data which will be purged from the table. |
ComponentPurgeResponse |
Response containing operationId for a specific purge action. |
ComponentPurgeStatusResponse |
Response containing status for a specific purge operation. |
ComponentQuotaStatus |
Interface representing a ComponentQuotaStatus. |
ComponentQuotaStatusGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Components |
Interface representing a Components. |
ComponentsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsGetPurgeStatusOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsPurgeOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ComponentsResource |
An azure resource object |
ComponentsUpdateTagsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ErrorDefinition |
Error definition. |
ErrorResponse |
Error response indicates Insights service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message. |
ErrorResponseComponents | |
ErrorResponseComponentsError |
Error response indicates Insights service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message. |
ErrorResponseLinkedStorage | |
ErrorResponseLinkedStorageError |
Error response indicates Insights service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message. |
ExportConfigurations |
Interface representing a ExportConfigurations. |
ExportConfigurationsCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ExportConfigurationsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ExportConfigurationsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ExportConfigurationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ExportConfigurationsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Favorites |
Interface representing a Favorites. |
FavoritesAddOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
FavoritesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
FavoritesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
FavoritesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
FavoritesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
InnerError |
Inner error |
InnerErrorTrace |
Error details |
LiveToken |
Interface representing a LiveToken. |
LiveTokenGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
LiveTokenResponse |
The response to a live token query. |
ManagedServiceIdentity |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities) |
MyWorkbook |
An Application Insights private workbook definition. |
MyWorkbookError |
Error response. |
MyWorkbookManagedIdentity |
Customer Managed Identity |
MyWorkbookResource |
An azure resource object |
MyWorkbookUserAssignedIdentities |
Customer Managed Identity |
MyWorkbooks |
Interface representing a MyWorkbooks. |
MyWorkbooksCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MyWorkbooksDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MyWorkbooksGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MyWorkbooksListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MyWorkbooksListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MyWorkbooksListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MyWorkbooksListBySubscriptionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MyWorkbooksListResult |
Workbook list result. |
MyWorkbooksUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Operation |
CDN REST API operation |
OperationDisplay |
The object that represents the operation. |
OperationInfo |
Information about an operation |
OperationListResult |
Result of the request to list CDN operations. It contains a list of operations and a URL link to get the next set of results. |
OperationLive |
Represents an operation returned by the GetOperations request |
OperationsListResult |
Result of the List Operations operation |
PrivateLinkScopedResource |
The private link scope resource reference. |
ProactiveDetectionConfigurations |
Interface representing a ProactiveDetectionConfigurations. |
ProactiveDetectionConfigurationsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ProactiveDetectionConfigurationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ProactiveDetectionConfigurationsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ProxyResource |
The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will not have tags and a location |
Resource |
Common fields that are returned in the response for all Azure Resource Manager resources |
SystemData |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
TagsResource |
A container holding only the Tags for a resource, allowing the user to update the tags on a WebTest instance. |
TrackedResource |
The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager tracked top level resource which has 'tags' and a 'location' |
UserAssignedIdentity |
User assigned identity properties |
WebTest |
An Application Insights web test definition. |
WebTestGeolocation |
Geo-physical location to run a web test from. You must specify one or more locations for the test to run from. |
WebTestListResult |
A list of 0 or more Application Insights web test definitions. |
WebTestLocations |
Interface representing a WebTestLocations. |
WebTestLocationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestPropertiesConfiguration |
An XML configuration specification for a WebTest. |
WebTests |
Interface representing a WebTests. |
WebTestsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsListByComponentNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsListByComponentOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebTestsUpdateTagsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WebtestsResource |
An azure resource object |
WorkItemConfiguration |
Work item configuration associated with an application insights resource. |
WorkItemConfigurationError |
Error associated with trying to get work item configuration or configurations |
WorkItemConfigurations |
Interface representing a WorkItemConfigurations. |
WorkItemConfigurationsCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkItemConfigurationsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkItemConfigurationsGetDefaultOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkItemConfigurationsGetItemOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkItemConfigurationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkItemConfigurationsListResult |
Work item configuration list result. |
WorkItemConfigurationsUpdateItemOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkItemCreateConfiguration |
Work item configuration creation payload |
Workbook |
A workbook definition. |
WorkbookError |
Error response. |
WorkbookErrorDefinition |
Error definition. |
WorkbookInnerErrorTrace |
Error details |
WorkbookResource |
An azure resource object |
WorkbookResourceIdentity |
Identity used for BYOS |
WorkbookTemplate |
An Application Insights workbook template definition. |
WorkbookTemplateError |
Error message that will indicate why the operation failed. |
WorkbookTemplateErrorBody |
Error message body that will indicate why the operation failed. |
WorkbookTemplateErrorFieldContract |
Error Field contract. |
WorkbookTemplateGallery |
Gallery information for a workbook template. |
WorkbookTemplateLocalizedGallery |
Localized template data and gallery information. |
WorkbookTemplateResource |
An azure resource object |
WorkbookTemplateUpdateParameters |
The parameters that can be provided when updating workbook template. |
WorkbookTemplates |
Interface representing a WorkbookTemplates. |
WorkbookTemplatesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbookTemplatesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbookTemplatesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbookTemplatesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbookTemplatesListResult |
WorkbookTemplate list result. |
WorkbookTemplatesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbookUpdateParameters |
The parameters that can be provided when updating workbook properties properties. |
Workbooks |
Interface representing a Workbooks. |
WorkbooksCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksListBySubscriptionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksListResult |
Workbook list result. |
WorkbooksRevisionGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksRevisionsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksRevisionsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WorkbooksUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Type Aliases
APIKeysCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
APIKeysDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
APIKeysGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
APIKeysListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
AnalyticsItemsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AnalyticsItemsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
AnalyticsItemsPutResponse |
Contains response data for the put operation. |
AnnotationsCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
AnnotationsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AnnotationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ApplicationType |
Defines values for ApplicationType. Known values supported by the serviceweb |
CategoryType |
Defines values for CategoryType. Known values supported by the serviceworkbook |
ComponentAvailableFeaturesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ComponentCurrentBillingFeaturesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ComponentCurrentBillingFeaturesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ComponentFeatureCapabilitiesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsCreateAndUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createAndUpdate operation. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ComponentLinkedStorageAccountsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ComponentQuotaStatusGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ComponentsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ComponentsGetPurgeStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getPurgeStatus operation. |
ComponentsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ComponentsListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
ComponentsListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
ComponentsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
ComponentsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ComponentsPurgeResponse |
Contains response data for the purge operation. |
ComponentsUpdateTagsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateTags operation. |
CreatedByType |
Defines values for CreatedByType. Known values supported by the serviceUser |
ExportConfigurationsCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
ExportConfigurationsDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
ExportConfigurationsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ExportConfigurationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ExportConfigurationsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
FavoriteSourceType |
Defines values for FavoriteSourceType. Known values supported by the serviceretention |
FavoriteType |
Defines values for FavoriteType. |
FavoritesAddResponse |
Contains response data for the add operation. |
FavoritesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
FavoritesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
FavoritesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
FlowType |
Defines values for FlowType. Known values supported by the serviceBluefield |
IngestionMode |
Defines values for IngestionMode. Known values supported by the serviceApplicationInsights |
ItemScope |
Defines values for ItemScope. Known values supported by the serviceshared |
ItemScopePath |
Defines values for ItemScopePath. Known values supported by the serviceanalyticsItems |
ItemType |
Defines values for ItemType. Known values supported by the servicenone |
ItemTypeParameter |
Defines values for ItemTypeParameter. Known values supported by the servicenone |
Kind |
Defines values for Kind. Known values supported by the serviceuser |
LiveTokenGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagedServiceIdentityType |
Defines values for ManagedServiceIdentityType. Known values supported by the serviceNone |
MyWorkbookManagedIdentityType |
Defines values for MyWorkbookManagedIdentityType. Known values supported by the serviceUserAssigned |
MyWorkbooksCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
MyWorkbooksGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
MyWorkbooksListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
MyWorkbooksListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
MyWorkbooksListBySubscriptionNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscriptionNext operation. |
MyWorkbooksListBySubscriptionResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscription operation. |
MyWorkbooksUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ProactiveDetectionConfigurationsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ProactiveDetectionConfigurationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ProactiveDetectionConfigurationsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
PublicNetworkAccessType |
Defines values for PublicNetworkAccessType. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled: Enables connectivity to Application Insights through public DNS. |
PurgeState |
Defines values for PurgeState. Known values supported by the servicepending |
RequestSource |
Defines values for RequestSource. Known values supported by the servicerest |
StorageType |
Defines values for StorageType. Known values supported by the serviceServiceProfiler |
WebTestKind |
Defines values for WebTestKind. |
WebTestLocationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WebTestsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
WebTestsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WebTestsListByComponentNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByComponentNext operation. |
WebTestsListByComponentResponse |
Contains response data for the listByComponent operation. |
WebTestsListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
WebTestsListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
WebTestsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WebTestsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WebTestsUpdateTagsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateTags operation. |
WorkItemConfigurationsCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
WorkItemConfigurationsGetDefaultResponse |
Contains response data for the getDefault operation. |
WorkItemConfigurationsGetItemResponse |
Contains response data for the getItem operation. |
WorkItemConfigurationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkItemConfigurationsUpdateItemResponse |
Contains response data for the updateItem operation. |
WorkbookSharedTypeKind |
Defines values for WorkbookSharedTypeKind. Known values supported by the serviceshared |
WorkbookTemplatesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
WorkbookTemplatesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkbookTemplatesListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
WorkbookTemplatesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
WorkbookUpdateSharedTypeKind |
Defines values for WorkbookUpdateSharedTypeKind. Known values supported by the serviceshared |
WorkbooksCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
WorkbooksGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkbooksListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
WorkbooksListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
WorkbooksListBySubscriptionNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscriptionNext operation. |
WorkbooksListBySubscriptionResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscription operation. |
WorkbooksRevisionGetResponse |
Contains response data for the revisionGet operation. |
WorkbooksRevisionsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the revisionsListNext operation. |
WorkbooksRevisionsListResponse |
Contains response data for the revisionsList operation. |
WorkbooksUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
KnownApplicationType |
Known values of ApplicationType that the service accepts. |
KnownCategoryType |
Known values of CategoryType that the service accepts. |
KnownCreatedByType |
Known values of CreatedByType that the service accepts. |
KnownFavoriteSourceType |
Known values of FavoriteSourceType that the service accepts. |
KnownFlowType |
Known values of FlowType that the service accepts. |
KnownIngestionMode |
Known values of IngestionMode that the service accepts. |
KnownItemScope |
Known values of ItemScope that the service accepts. |
KnownItemScopePath |
Known values of ItemScopePath that the service accepts. |
KnownItemType |
Known values of ItemType that the service accepts. |
KnownItemTypeParameter |
Known values of ItemTypeParameter that the service accepts. |
KnownKind |
Known values of Kind that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedServiceIdentityType |
Known values of ManagedServiceIdentityType that the service accepts. |
KnownMyWorkbookManagedIdentityType |
Known values of MyWorkbookManagedIdentityType that the service accepts. |
KnownPublicNetworkAccessType |
Known values of PublicNetworkAccessType that the service accepts. |
KnownPurgeState |
Known values of PurgeState that the service accepts. |
KnownRequestSource |
Known values of RequestSource that the service accepts. |
KnownStorageType |
Known values of StorageType that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkbookSharedTypeKind |
Known values of WorkbookSharedTypeKind that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkbookUpdateSharedTypeKind |
Known values of WorkbookUpdateSharedTypeKind that the service accepts. |
get |
Given a result page from a pageable operation, returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from that point later. |
Function Details
Given a result page from a pageable operation, returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from that point later.
function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined
- page
A result object from calling .byPage() on a paged operation.
string | undefined
The continuation token that can be passed into byPage().
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