ChatCompletionsOutput interface
Representation of the response data from a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
choices | The collection of completions choices associated with this completions response.
Generally, |
created | The first timestamp associated with generation activity for this completions response, represented as seconds since the beginning of the Unix epoch of 00:00 on 1 Jan 1970. |
id | A unique identifier associated with this chat completions response. |
model | The model used for the chat completion. |
usage | Usage information for tokens processed and generated as part of this completions operation. |
Property Details
The collection of completions choices associated with this completions response.
Generally, n
choices are generated per provided prompt with a default value of 1.
Token limits and other settings may limit the number of choices generated.
choices: ChatChoiceOutput[]
Property Value
The first timestamp associated with generation activity for this completions response, represented as seconds since the beginning of the Unix epoch of 00:00 on 1 Jan 1970.
created: number
Property Value
A unique identifier associated with this chat completions response.
id: string
Property Value
The model used for the chat completion.
model: string
Property Value
Usage information for tokens processed and generated as part of this completions operation.
usage: CompletionsUsageOutput
Property Value
Azure SDK for JavaScript