SystemEventNameToEventData interface
A mapping of event type names to event data type interfaces.
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionAdded" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APICreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIAdded" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIRemoved" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueModified" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotModified" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdating" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdating" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionCancelled" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFinished" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionStarted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageDeliveryStatusUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeletedInThread" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEdited" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEditedInThread" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceivedInThread" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUser" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUser" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreatedWithUser" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantAdded" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantRemoved" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUser" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadWithUserDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.EmailDeliveryReportReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.EmailEngagementTrackingReportReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.IncomingCall" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCancelled" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassificationFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassified" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClosed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobExceptionTriggered" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobQueued" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobSchedulingFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobUnassigned" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWaitingForActivation" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpire" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeregistered" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferAccepted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferDeclined" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferExpired" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferIssued" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferRevoked" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerRegistered" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.SMSDeliveryReportReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.SMSReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.UserDisconnected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartPushed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImageDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImagePushed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnded" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnding" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NewKubernetesVersionAvailable" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingStarted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingSucceeded" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.DataBox.CopyCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.DataBox.CopyStarted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.DataBox.OrderCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceTelemetry" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientCreatedOrUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionConnected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionDisconnected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionDeletedEvent" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventHub.CaptureFileCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirDeletedCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirUpdatedCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateExpired" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNearExpiry" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNewVersionCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyExpired" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNearExpiry" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNewVersionCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretExpired" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNewVersionCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.VaultAccessPolicyChanged" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.DatasetDriftDetected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelDeployed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelRegistered" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunStatusChanged" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceEntered" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceExited" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceResult" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobCanceled" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobCanceling" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobErrored" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobFinished" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceled" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceling" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputErrored" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputFinished" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProcessing" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProgress" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputScheduled" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputStateChange" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobProcessing" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobScheduled" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobStateChange" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeat" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventConnectionRejected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderConnected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderDisconnected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingDataChunkDropped" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamReceived" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSync" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSync" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIngestHeartbeat" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetected" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateChanged" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a " Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.ContainerServiceEventResources.ScheduledEventEmitted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.AvailabilityStatusChanged" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.ResourceAnnotated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.CreatedOrUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.Deleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionCancel" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionFailure" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteCancel" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteFailure" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteCancel" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentQueued" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskQueued" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.AppServicePlanUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.AppUpdated" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationStarted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationStarted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapCompleted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapFailed" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapStarted" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewCancelled" event. |
Microsoft. |
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewStarted" event. |
Property Details
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionAdded" event.
Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionAdded: ApiCenterApiDefinitionAddedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionUpdated: ApiCenterApiDefinitionUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APICreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.APICreated: ApiManagementApiCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIDeleted: ApiManagementApiDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseCreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseCreated: ApiManagementApiReleaseCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseDeleted: ApiManagementApiReleaseDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseUpdated: ApiManagementApiReleaseUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIUpdated: ApiManagementApiUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIAdded" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIAdded: ApiManagementGatewayApiAddedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIRemoved" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIRemoved: ApiManagementGatewayApiRemovedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityCreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityCreated: ApiManagementGatewayCertificateAuthorityCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityDeleted: ApiManagementGatewayCertificateAuthorityDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityUpdated: ApiManagementGatewayCertificateAuthorityUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCreated: ApiManagementGatewayCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayDeleted: ApiManagementGatewayDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationCreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationCreated: ApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfigurationCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationDeleted: ApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfigurationDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationUpdated: ApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfigurationUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayUpdated: ApiManagementGatewayUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductCreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductCreated: ApiManagementProductCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductDeleted: ApiManagementProductDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductUpdated: ApiManagementProductUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionCreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionCreated: ApiManagementSubscriptionCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionDeleted: ApiManagementSubscriptionDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionUpdated: ApiManagementSubscriptionUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserCreated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserCreated: ApiManagementUserCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserDeleted: ApiManagementUserDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserUpdated: ApiManagementUserUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted" event.
Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted: AppConfigurationKeyValueDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueModified" event.
Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueModified: AppConfigurationKeyValueModifiedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotCreated" event.
Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotCreated: AppConfigurationSnapshotEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotModified" event.
Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotModified: AppConfigurationSnapshotEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterCreated" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ClusterCreated: AvsClusterEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterDeleted" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ClusterDeleted: AvsClusterEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterFailed" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ClusterFailed: AvsClusterFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdated" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdated: AvsClusterEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdating" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdating: AvsClusterEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudFailed" event.
Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudFailed: AvsPrivateCloudFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdated" event.
Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdated: AvsPrivateCloudEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdating" event.
Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdating: AvsPrivateCloudEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionCancelled" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionCancelled: AvsScriptExecutionEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFailed" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFailed: AvsScriptExecutionFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFinished" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFinished: AvsScriptExecutionFinishedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionStarted" event.
Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionStarted: AvsScriptExecutionEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageDeliveryStatusUpdated" event.
Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageDeliveryStatusUpdated: AcsMessageDeliveryStatusUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageReceived" event.
Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageReceived: AcsMessageReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeleted: AcsChatMessageDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeletedInThread" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeletedInThread: AcsChatMessageDeletedInThreadEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEdited" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEdited: AcsChatMessageEditedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEditedInThread" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEditedInThread: AcsChatMessageEditedInThreadEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived: AcsChatMessageReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceivedInThread" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceivedInThread: AcsChatMessageReceivedInThreadEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUser" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUser: AcsChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUserEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUser" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUser: AcsChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUserEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreated" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreated: AcsChatThreadCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreatedWithUser" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreatedWithUser: AcsChatThreadCreatedWithUserEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadDeleted: AcsChatThreadDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantAdded" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantAdded: AcsChatParticipantAddedToThreadEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantRemoved" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantRemoved: AcsChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdated" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdated: AcsChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUser" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUser: AcsChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUserEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadWithUserDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadWithUserDeleted: AcsChatThreadWithUserDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.EmailDeliveryReportReceived" event.
Microsoft.Communication.EmailDeliveryReportReceived: AcsEmailDeliveryReportReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.EmailEngagementTrackingReportReceived" event.
Microsoft.Communication.EmailEngagementTrackingReportReceived: AcsEmailEngagementTrackingReportReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.IncomingCall" event.
Microsoft.Communication.IncomingCall: AcsIncomingCallEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated: AcsRecordingFileStatusUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCancelled" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCancelled: AcsRouterJobCancelledEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassificationFailed" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassificationFailed: AcsRouterJobClassificationFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassified" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassified: AcsRouterJobClassifiedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClosed" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClosed: AcsRouterJobClosedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCompleted: AcsRouterJobCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobDeleted: AcsRouterJobDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobExceptionTriggered" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobExceptionTriggered: AcsRouterJobExceptionTriggeredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobQueued" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobQueued: AcsRouterJobQueuedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobReceived" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobReceived: AcsRouterJobReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobSchedulingFailed" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobSchedulingFailed: AcsRouterJobSchedulingFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobUnassigned" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobUnassigned: AcsRouterJobUnassignedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWaitingForActivation" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWaitingForActivation: AcsRouterJobWaitingForActivationEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpire" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpire: AcsRouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpiredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeleted: AcsRouterWorkerDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeregistered" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeregistered: AcsRouterWorkerDeregisteredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferAccepted" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferAccepted: AcsRouterWorkerOfferAcceptedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferDeclined" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferDeclined: AcsRouterWorkerOfferDeclinedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferExpired" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferExpired: AcsRouterWorkerOfferExpiredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferIssued" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferIssued: AcsRouterWorkerOfferIssuedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferRevoked" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferRevoked: AcsRouterWorkerOfferRevokedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerRegistered" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerRegistered: AcsRouterWorkerRegisteredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerUpdated" event.
Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerUpdated: AcsRouterWorkerUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.SMSDeliveryReportReceived" event.
Microsoft.Communication.SMSDeliveryReportReceived: AcsSmsDeliveryReportReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.SMSReceived" event.
Microsoft.Communication.SMSReceived: AcsSmsReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Communication.UserDisconnected" event.
Microsoft.Communication.UserDisconnected: AcsUserDisconnectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartDeleted: ContainerRegistryArtifactEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartPushed" event.
Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartPushed: ContainerRegistryArtifactEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImageDeleted" event.
Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImageDeleted: ContainerRegistryEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImagePushed" event.
Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImagePushed: ContainerRegistryEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnded" event.
Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnded: ContainerServiceClusterSupportEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnding" event.
Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnding: ContainerServiceClusterSupportEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NewKubernetesVersionAvailable" event.
Microsoft.ContainerService.NewKubernetesVersionAvailable: ContainerServiceNewKubernetesVersionAvailableEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingFailed" event.
Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingFailed: ContainerServiceNodePoolRollingEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingStarted" event.
Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingStarted: ContainerServiceNodePoolRollingEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingSucceeded" event.
Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingSucceeded: ContainerServiceNodePoolRollingEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.DataBox.CopyCompleted" event.
Microsoft.DataBox.CopyCompleted: DataBoxCopyCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.DataBox.CopyStarted" event.
Microsoft.DataBox.CopyStarted: DataBoxCopyStartedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.DataBox.OrderCompleted" event.
Microsoft.DataBox.OrderCompleted: DataBoxOrderCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected" event.
Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected: DeviceConnectionStateEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated" event.
Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated: DeviceLifeCycleEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted: DeviceLifeCycleEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected" event.
Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected: DeviceConnectionStateEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceTelemetry" event.
Microsoft.Devices.DeviceTelemetry: DeviceTelemetryEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientCreatedOrUpdated" event.
Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientCreatedOrUpdated: EventGridMqttClientCreatedOrUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientDeleted" event.
Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientDeleted: EventGridMqttClientEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionConnected" event.
Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionConnected: EventGridMqttClientSessionConnectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionDisconnected" event.
Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionDisconnected: EventGridMqttClientSessionDisconnectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionDeletedEvent" event.
Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionDeletedEvent: SubscriptionDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent" event.
Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent: SubscriptionValidationEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.EventHub.CaptureFileCreated" event.
Microsoft.EventHub.CaptureFileCreated: EventHubCaptureFileCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageCreated" event.
Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageCreated: HealthcareDicomImageCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageDeleted" event.
Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageDeleted: HealthcareDicomImageDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageUpdated" event.
Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageUpdated: HealthcareDicomImageUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirDeletedCreated" event.
Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirDeletedCreated: HealthcareFhirResourceDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceCreated" event.
Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceCreated: HealthcareFhirResourceCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirUpdatedCreated" event.
Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirUpdatedCreated: HealthcareFhirResourceUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateExpired" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateExpired: KeyVaultCertificateExpiredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNearExpiry" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNearExpiry: KeyVaultCertificateNearExpiryEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNewVersionCreated" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNewVersionCreated: KeyVaultCertificateNewVersionCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyExpired" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyExpired: KeyVaultKeyExpiredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNearExpiry" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNearExpiry: KeyVaultKeyNearExpiryEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNewVersionCreated" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNewVersionCreated: KeyVaultKeyNewVersionCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretExpired" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretExpired: KeyVaultSecretExpiredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry: KeyVaultSecretNearExpiryEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNewVersionCreated" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNewVersionCreated: KeyVaultSecretNewVersionCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.KeyVault.VaultAccessPolicyChanged" event.
Microsoft.KeyVault.VaultAccessPolicyChanged: KeyVaultAccessPolicyChangedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.DatasetDriftDetected" event.
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.DatasetDriftDetected: MachineLearningServicesDatasetDriftDetectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelDeployed" event.
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelDeployed: MachineLearningServicesModelDeployedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelRegistered" event.
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelRegistered: MachineLearningServicesModelRegisteredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunCompleted" event.
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunCompleted: MachineLearningServicesRunCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunStatusChanged" event.
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunStatusChanged: MachineLearningServicesRunStatusChangedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceEntered" event.
Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceEntered: MapsGeofenceEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceExited" event.
Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceExited: MapsGeofenceEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceResult" event.
Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceResult: MapsGeofenceEvent
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobCanceled" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobCanceled: MediaJobCanceledEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobCanceling" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobCanceling: MediaJobStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobErrored" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobErrored: MediaJobErroredEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobFinished" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobFinished: MediaJobFinishedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceled" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceled: MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceling" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceling: MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputErrored" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputErrored: MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputFinished" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputFinished: MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProcessing" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProcessing: MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProgress" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProgress: MediaJobOutputProgressEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputScheduled" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputScheduled: MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobOutputStateChange" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobOutputStateChange: MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobProcessing" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobProcessing: MediaJobStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobScheduled" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobScheduled: MediaJobStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.JobStateChange" event.
Microsoft.Media.JobStateChange: MediaJobStateChangeEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeat" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeat: MediaLiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeatEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventConnectionRejected" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventConnectionRejected: MediaLiveEventConnectionRejectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderConnected" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderConnected: MediaLiveEventEncoderConnectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderDisconnected" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderDisconnected: MediaLiveEventEncoderDisconnectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingDataChunkDropped" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingDataChunkDropped: MediaLiveEventIncomingDataChunkDroppedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamReceived" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamReceived: MediaLiveEventIncomingStreamReceivedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSync" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSync: MediaLiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSyncEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSync" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSync: MediaLiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSyncEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIngestHeartbeat" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIngestHeartbeat: MediaLiveEventIngestHeartbeatEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Media.LiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetected" event.
Microsoft.Media.LiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetected: MediaLiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetectedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateChanged" event.
Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateChanged : PolicyInsightsPolicyStateChangedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a " Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateCreated" event.
Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateCreated: PolicyInsightsPolicyStateCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateDeleted" event.
Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateDeleted: PolicyInsightsPolicyStateDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.ContainerServiceEventResources.ScheduledEventEmitted" event.
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.ContainerServiceEventResources.ScheduledEventEmitted: ResourceNotificationsResourceUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.AvailabilityStatusChanged" event.
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.AvailabilityStatusChanged: ResourceNotificationsResourceUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.ResourceAnnotated" event.
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.ResourceAnnotated: ResourceNotificationsResourceUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.CreatedOrUpdated" event.
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.CreatedOrUpdated: ResourceNotificationsResourceUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.Deleted" event.
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.Deleted: ResourceNotificationsResourceDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionCancel" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionCancel: ResourceActionCancelEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionFailure" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionFailure: ResourceActionFailureEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess: ResourceActionSuccessEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteCancel" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteCancel: ResourceDeleteCancelEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteFailure" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteFailure: ResourceDeleteFailureEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess: ResourceDeleteSuccessEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteCancel" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteCancel: ResourceWriteCancelEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure: ResourceWriteFailureEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess" event.
Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess: ResourceWriteSuccessEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners" event.
Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners: ServiceBusActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListenersEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners" event.
Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners: ServiceBusDeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListenersEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated" event.
Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated: StorageAsyncOperationInitiatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated" event.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated: StorageBlobCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted: StorageBlobDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted: StorageBlobInventoryPolicyCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed" event.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed: StorageBlobRenamedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged" event.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged: StorageBlobTierChangedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated" event.
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated: StorageDirectoryCreatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted" event.
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted: StorageDirectoryDeletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed" event.
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed: StorageDirectoryRenamedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted: StorageLifecyclePolicyCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentCompleted: StorageTaskAssignmentCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentQueued" event.
Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentQueued: StorageTaskAssignmentQueuedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskCompleted: StorageTaskCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskQueued" event.
Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskQueued: StorageTaskQueuedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.AppServicePlanUpdated" event.
Microsoft.Web.AppServicePlanUpdated: WebAppServicePlanUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.AppUpdated" event.
Microsoft.Web.AppUpdated: WebAppUpdatedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationCompleted: WebBackupOperationCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationFailed" event.
Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationFailed: WebBackupOperationFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationStarted" event.
Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationStarted: WebBackupOperationStartedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationCompleted: WebRestoreOperationCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationFailed" event.
Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationFailed: WebRestoreOperationFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationStarted" event.
Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationStarted: WebRestoreOperationStartedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapCompleted" event.
Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapCompleted: WebSlotSwapCompletedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapFailed" event.
Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapFailed: WebSlotSwapFailedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapStarted" event.
Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapStarted: WebSlotSwapStartedEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewCancelled" event.
Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewCancelled: WebSlotSwapWithPreviewCancelledEventData
Property Value
An interface for the event data of a "Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewStarted" event.
Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewStarted: WebSlotSwapWithPreviewStartedEventData