KnownEventGridMqttClientDisconnectionReason enum
Known values of EventGridMqttClientDisconnectionReason that the service accepts.
ClientAuthenticationError | The client got disconnected for any authentication reasons (for example, certificate expired, client got disabled, or client configuration changed). |
ClientAuthorizationError | The client got disconnected for any authorization reasons (for example, because of a change in the configuration of topic spaces, permission bindings, or client groups). |
ClientError | The client sent a bad request or used one of the unsupported features that resulted in a connection termination by the service. |
ClientInitiatedDisconnect | The client initiates a graceful disconnect through a DISCONNECT packet for MQTT or a close frame for MQTT over WebSocket. |
ConnectionLost | The client-server connection is lost. (EXCHANGE ONLINE PROTECTION). |
IpForbidden | The client's IP address is blocked by IP filter or Private links configuration. |
QuotaExceeded | The client exceeded one or more of the throttling limits that resulted in a connection termination by the service. |
ServerError | The connection got terminated due to an unexpected server error. |
ServerInitiatedDisconnect | The server initiates a graceful disconnect for any operational reason. |
SessionOverflow | The client's queue for unacknowledged QoS1 messages reached its limit, which resulted in a connection termination by the server. |
SessionTakenOver | The client reconnected with the same authentication name, which resulted in the termination of the previous connection. |