EventHubBufferedProducerClientOptions interface

Describes the options that can be provided while creating the EventHubBufferedProducerClient.




Indicates whether or not the EventHubProducerClient should enable idempotent publishing to Event Hub partitions. If enabled, the producer will only be able to publish directly to partitions; it will not be able to publish to the Event Hubs gateway for automatic partition routing nor will it be able to use a partition key. Default: false


The total number of events that can be buffered for publishing at a given time for a given partition.

Default: 1500


The amount of time to wait for a new event to be enqueued in the buffer before publishing a partially full batch.

Default: 1 second.


The handler to call when a batch fails to publish.


The handler to call once a batch has successfully published.

Inherited Properties


A custom endpoint to use when connecting to the Event Hubs service. This can be useful when your network does not allow connecting to the standard Azure Event Hubs endpoint address, but does allow connecting through an intermediary.

Example: "https://my.custom.endpoint:100/"


A unique name used to identify the client. If not provided, a GUID will be used as the identifier


Options to configure the retry policy for all the operations on the client. For example, { "maxRetries": 4 } or { "maxRetries": 4, "retryDelayInMs": 30000 }.


Value that is appended to the built in user agent string that is passed to the Event Hubs service.


Options to configure the channelling of the AMQP connection over Web Sockets.

Property Details


Indicates whether or not the EventHubProducerClient should enable idempotent publishing to Event Hub partitions. If enabled, the producer will only be able to publish directly to partitions; it will not be able to publish to the Event Hubs gateway for automatic partition routing nor will it be able to use a partition key. Default: false

enableIdempotentRetries?: boolean

Property Value



The total number of events that can be buffered for publishing at a given time for a given partition.

Default: 1500

maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition?: number

Property Value



The amount of time to wait for a new event to be enqueued in the buffer before publishing a partially full batch.

Default: 1 second.

maxWaitTimeInMs?: number

Property Value



The handler to call when a batch fails to publish.

onSendEventsErrorHandler: (ctx: OnSendEventsErrorContext) => void

Property Value

(ctx: OnSendEventsErrorContext) => void


The handler to call once a batch has successfully published.

onSendEventsSuccessHandler?: (ctx: OnSendEventsSuccessContext) => void

Property Value

(ctx: OnSendEventsSuccessContext) => void

Inherited Property Details


A custom endpoint to use when connecting to the Event Hubs service. This can be useful when your network does not allow connecting to the standard Azure Event Hubs endpoint address, but does allow connecting through an intermediary.

Example: "https://my.custom.endpoint:100/"

customEndpointAddress?: string

Property Value


Inherited From EventHubClientOptions.customEndpointAddress


A unique name used to identify the client. If not provided, a GUID will be used as the identifier

identifier?: string

Property Value


Inherited From EventHubClientOptions.identifier


Options to configure the retry policy for all the operations on the client. For example, { "maxRetries": 4 } or { "maxRetries": 4, "retryDelayInMs": 30000 }.

retryOptions?: RetryOptions

Property Value

Inherited From EventHubClientOptions.retryOptions


Value that is appended to the built in user agent string that is passed to the Event Hubs service.

userAgent?: string

Property Value


Inherited From EventHubClientOptions.userAgent


Options to configure the channelling of the AMQP connection over Web Sockets.

webSocketOptions?: WebSocketOptions

Property Value

Inherited From EventHubClientOptions.webSocketOptions