@azure/core-rest-pipeline package
RestError |
A custom error type for failed pipeline requests. |
AddPipelineOptions |
Options when adding a policy to the pipeline. Used to express dependencies on other policies. |
Agent |
An interface compatible with NodeJS's |
AuthorizeRequestOnChallengeOptions |
Options sent to the authorizeRequestOnChallenge callback |
AuthorizeRequestOptions |
Options sent to the authorizeRequest callback |
AuxiliaryAuthenticationHeaderPolicyOptions |
Options to configure the auxiliaryAuthenticationHeaderPolicy |
BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicyOptions |
Options to configure the bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy |
BodyPart |
A part of the request body in a multipart request. |
ChallengeCallbacks |
Options to override the processing of Continuous Access Evaluation challenges. |
CreateFileFromStreamOptions |
Extra options for createFile when a stream is being passed in. |
CreateFileOptions |
Options passed into createFile specifying metadata about the file. |
DefaultRetryPolicyOptions |
Options that control how to retry failed requests. |
ExponentialRetryPolicyOptions |
Options that control how to retry failed requests. |
HttpClient |
The required interface for a client that makes HTTP requests on behalf of a pipeline. |
HttpHeaders |
Represents a set of HTTP headers on a request/response. Header names are treated as case insensitive. |
InternalPipelineOptions |
Defines options that are used to configure internal options of the HTTP pipeline for an SDK client. |
KeyObject |
An interface compatible with NodeJS's |
LogPolicyOptions |
Options to configure the logPolicy. |
MultipartRequestBody |
A request body consisting of multiple parts. |
Pipeline |
Represents a pipeline for making a HTTP request to a URL. Pipelines can have multiple policies to manage manipulating each request before and after it is made to the server. |
PipelineOptions |
Defines options that are used to configure the HTTP pipeline for an SDK client. |
PipelinePolicy |
A pipeline policy manipulates a request as it travels through the pipeline. It is conceptually a middleware that is allowed to modify the request before it is made as well as the response when it is received. |
PipelineRequest |
Metadata about a request being made by the pipeline. |
PipelineRequestOptions |
Settings to initialize a request. Almost equivalent to Partial, but url is mandatory. |
PipelineResponse |
Metadata about a response received by the pipeline. |
PipelineRetryOptions |
Options that control how to retry failed requests. |
ProxySettings |
Options to configure a proxy for outgoing requests (Node.js only). |
PxfObject |
An interface compatible with NodeJS's |
RedirectPolicyOptions |
Options for how redirect responses are handled. |
RestErrorOptions |
The options supported by RestError. |
RetryInformation |
Information provided to the retry strategy about the current progress of the retry policy. |
RetryModifiers |
Properties that can modify the behavior of the retry policy. |
RetryPolicyOptions |
Options to the retryPolicy |
RetryStrategy |
A retry strategy is intended to define whether to retry or not, and how to retry. |
SystemErrorRetryPolicyOptions |
Options that control how to retry failed requests. |
TelemetryOptions |
Defines options that are used to configure common telemetry and tracing info |
ThrottlingRetryPolicyOptions |
Options that control how to retry failed requests. |
TlsSettings |
Represents a certificate for TLS authentication. |
TracingPolicyOptions |
Options to configure the tracing policy. |
UserAgentPolicyOptions |
Options for adding user agent details to outgoing requests. |
Type Aliases
FormDataMap |
A simple object that provides form data, as if from a browser form. |
FormDataValue |
Each form data entry can be a string, Blob, or a File. If you wish to pass a file with a name but do not have access to the File class, you can use the createFile helper to create one. |
HttpMethods |
Supported HTTP methods to use when making requests. |
PipelinePhase |
Policies are executed in phases. The execution order is:
RawHttpHeaders |
A HttpHeaders collection represented as a simple JSON object. |
RawHttpHeadersInput |
A HttpHeaders collection for input, represented as a simple JSON object. |
RequestBodyType |
Types of bodies supported on the request. NodeJS.ReadableStream and () => NodeJS.ReadableStream is Node only. Blob, ReadableStream, and () => ReadableStream are browser only. |
SendRequest |
A simple interface for making a pipeline request and receiving a response. |
TransferProgressEvent |
Fired in response to upload or download progress. |
agent |
Gets a pipeline policy that sets http.agent |
auxiliary |
A policy for external tokens to |
bearer |
A policy that can request a token from a TokenCredential implementation and then apply it to the Authorization header of a request as a Bearer token. |
create |
Create the correct HttpClient for the current environment. |
create |
Creates a totally empty pipeline. Useful for testing or creating a custom one. |
create |
Create an object that implements the File interface. This object is intended to be passed into RequestBodyType.formData, and is not guaranteed to work as expected in other situations. Use this function create a File object for use in RequestBodyType.formData in environments where the global File object is unavailable. |
create |
Create an object that implements the File interface. This object is intended to be passed into RequestBodyType.formData, and is not guaranteed to work as expected in other situations. Use this function to:
create |
Creates an object that satisfies the |
create |
Create a new pipeline with a default set of customizable policies. |
create |
Creates a new pipeline request with the given options. This method is to allow for the easy setting of default values and not required. |
decompress |
A policy to enable response decompression according to Accept-Encoding header https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Encoding |
default |
A policy that retries according to three strategies:
exponential |
A policy that attempts to retry requests while introducing an exponentially increasing delay. |
form |
A policy that encodes FormData on the request into the body. |
get |
This method converts a proxy url into |
is |
Typeguard for RestError |
log |
A policy that logs all requests and responses. |
multipart |
Pipeline policy for multipart requests |
nd |
ndJsonPolicy is a policy used to control keep alive settings for every request. |
proxy |
A policy that allows one to apply proxy settings to all requests. If not passed static settings, they will be retrieved from the HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY environment variables. |
redirect |
A policy to follow Location headers from the server in order to support server-side redirection. In the browser, this policy is not used. |
retry |
retryPolicy is a generic policy to enable retrying requests when certain conditions are met |
set |
Each PipelineRequest gets a unique id upon creation. This policy passes that unique id along via an HTTP header to enable better telemetry and tracing. |
system |
A retry policy that specifically seeks to handle errors in the underlying transport layer (e.g. DNS lookup failures) rather than retryable error codes from the server itself. |
throttling |
A policy that retries when the server sends a 429 response with a Retry-After header. To learn more, please refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-manager-request-limits, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-subscription-service-limits and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-throttling-errors |
tls |
Gets a pipeline policy that adds the client certificate to the HttpClient agent for authentication. |
tracing |
A simple policy to create OpenTelemetry Spans for each request made by the pipeline that has SpanOptions with a parent. Requests made without a parent Span will not be recorded. |
user |
A policy that sets the User-Agent header (or equivalent) to reflect the library version. |
Function Details
Gets a pipeline policy that sets http.agent
function agentPolicy(agent?: Agent): PipelinePolicy
- agent
- Agent
A policy for external tokens to x-ms-authorization-auxiliary
This header will be used when creating a cross-tenant application we may need to handle authentication requests
for resources that are in different tenants.
You could see ARM docs for a rundown of how this feature works
function auxiliaryAuthenticationHeaderPolicy(options: AuxiliaryAuthenticationHeaderPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
A policy that can request a token from a TokenCredential implementation and then apply it to the Authorization header of a request as a Bearer token.
function bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy(options: BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
Create the correct HttpClient for the current environment.
function createDefaultHttpClient(): HttpClient
Creates a totally empty pipeline. Useful for testing or creating a custom one.
function createEmptyPipeline(): Pipeline
createFile(Uint8Array, string, CreateFileOptions)
Create an object that implements the File interface. This object is intended to be passed into RequestBodyType.formData, and is not guaranteed to work as expected in other situations.
Use this function create a File object for use in RequestBodyType.formData in environments where the global File object is unavailable.
function createFile(content: Uint8Array, name: string, options?: CreateFileOptions): File
- content
the content of the file as a Uint8Array in memory.
- name
the name of the file.
- options
- CreateFileOptions
optional metadata about the file, e.g. file name, file size, MIME type.
createFileFromStream(() => ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | ReadableStream, string, CreateFileFromStreamOptions)
Create an object that implements the File interface. This object is intended to be passed into RequestBodyType.formData, and is not guaranteed to work as expected in other situations.
Use this function to:
- Create a File object for use in RequestBodyType.formData in environments where the global File object is unavailable.
- Create a File-like object from a readable stream without reading the stream into memory.
function createFileFromStream(stream: () => ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | ReadableStream, name: string, options?: CreateFileFromStreamOptions): File
- stream
() => ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | ReadableStream
the content of the file as a callback returning a stream. When a File object made using createFile is passed in a request's form data map, the stream will not be read into memory and instead will be streamed when the request is made. In the event of a retry, the stream needs to be read again, so this callback SHOULD return a fresh stream if possible.
- name
the name of the file.
- options
- CreateFileFromStreamOptions
optional metadata about the file, e.g. file name, file size, MIME type.
Creates an object that satisfies the HttpHeaders
function createHttpHeaders(rawHeaders?: RawHttpHeadersInput): HttpHeaders
- rawHeaders
- RawHttpHeadersInput
A simple object representing initial headers
Create a new pipeline with a default set of customizable policies.
function createPipelineFromOptions(options: InternalPipelineOptions): Pipeline
- options
- InternalPipelineOptions
Options to configure a custom pipeline.
Creates a new pipeline request with the given options. This method is to allow for the easy setting of default values and not required.
function createPipelineRequest(options: PipelineRequestOptions): PipelineRequest
- options
- PipelineRequestOptions
The options to create the request with.
A policy to enable response decompression according to Accept-Encoding header https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Encoding
function decompressResponsePolicy(): PipelinePolicy
A policy that retries according to three strategies:
- When the server sends a 429 response with a Retry-After header.
- When there are errors in the underlying transport layer (e.g. DNS lookup failures).
- Or otherwise if the outgoing request fails, it will retry with an exponentially increasing delay.
function defaultRetryPolicy(options?: DefaultRetryPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- DefaultRetryPolicyOptions
A policy that attempts to retry requests while introducing an exponentially increasing delay.
function exponentialRetryPolicy(options?: ExponentialRetryPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- ExponentialRetryPolicyOptions
Options that configure retry logic.
A policy that encodes FormData on the request into the body.
function formDataPolicy(): PipelinePolicy
This API is now deprecated.
- Internally this method is no longer necessary when setting proxy information.
This method converts a proxy url into ProxySettings
for use with ProxyPolicy.
If no argument is given, it attempts to parse a proxy URL from the environment
variables HTTPS_PROXY
function getDefaultProxySettings(proxyUrl?: string): ProxySettings | undefined
- proxyUrl
The url of the proxy to use. May contain authentication information.
ProxySettings | undefined
Typeguard for RestError
function isRestError(e: unknown): e
- e
Something caught by a catch clause.
A policy that logs all requests and responses.
function logPolicy(options?: LogPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- LogPolicyOptions
Options to configure logPolicy.
Pipeline policy for multipart requests
function multipartPolicy(): PipelinePolicy
ndJsonPolicy is a policy used to control keep alive settings for every request.
function ndJsonPolicy(): PipelinePolicy
proxyPolicy(ProxySettings, { customNoProxyList?: string[] })
A policy that allows one to apply proxy settings to all requests. If not passed static settings, they will be retrieved from the HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY environment variables.
function proxyPolicy(proxySettings?: ProxySettings, options?: { customNoProxyList?: string[] }): PipelinePolicy
- proxySettings
- ProxySettings
ProxySettings to use on each request.
- options
{ customNoProxyList?: string[] }
additional settings, for example, custom NO_PROXY patterns
A policy to follow Location headers from the server in order to support server-side redirection. In the browser, this policy is not used.
function redirectPolicy(options?: RedirectPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- RedirectPolicyOptions
Options to control policy behavior.
retryPolicy(RetryStrategy[], RetryPolicyOptions)
retryPolicy is a generic policy to enable retrying requests when certain conditions are met
function retryPolicy(strategies: RetryStrategy[], options?: RetryPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- strategies
- options
- RetryPolicyOptions
Each PipelineRequest gets a unique id upon creation. This policy passes that unique id along via an HTTP header to enable better telemetry and tracing.
function setClientRequestIdPolicy(requestIdHeaderName?: string): PipelinePolicy
- requestIdHeaderName
The name of the header to pass the request ID to.
A retry policy that specifically seeks to handle errors in the underlying transport layer (e.g. DNS lookup failures) rather than retryable error codes from the server itself.
function systemErrorRetryPolicy(options?: SystemErrorRetryPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- SystemErrorRetryPolicyOptions
Options that customize the policy.
A policy that retries when the server sends a 429 response with a Retry-After header.
To learn more, please refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-manager-request-limits, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-subscription-service-limits and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-throttling-errors
function throttlingRetryPolicy(options?: ThrottlingRetryPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- ThrottlingRetryPolicyOptions
Options that configure retry logic.
Gets a pipeline policy that adds the client certificate to the HttpClient agent for authentication.
function tlsPolicy(tlsSettings?: TlsSettings): PipelinePolicy
- tlsSettings
- TlsSettings
A simple policy to create OpenTelemetry Spans for each request made by the pipeline that has SpanOptions with a parent. Requests made without a parent Span will not be recorded.
function tracingPolicy(options?: TracingPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- TracingPolicyOptions
Options to configure the telemetry logged by the tracing policy.
A policy that sets the User-Agent header (or equivalent) to reflect the library version.
function userAgentPolicy(options?: UserAgentPolicyOptions): PipelinePolicy
- options
- UserAgentPolicyOptions
Options to customize the user agent value.