ErrorNameConditionMapper enum
Maps the Error names to the amqp error conditions.
AddressAlreadyInUseError | Error is thrown when the address is already in use. |
ArgumentError | Error is thrown when an incorrect argument was received. |
ArgumentOutOfRangeError | Error is thrown when an argument has a value that is out of the admissible range. |
ConnectionForcedError | Error is thrown when an operator intervened to close the connection for some reason. |
ConnectionRedirectError | Error is thrown when the container is no longer available on the current connection. |
DecodeError | Error is thrown when data could not be decoded. |
DetachForcedError | Error is thrown when an operator intervened to detach for some reason. |
ErrantLinkError | Error is thrown when input was received for a link that was detached with an error. |
FrameSizeTooSmallError | Error is thrown when the peer cannot send a frame because the smallest encoding of the performative with the currently valid values would be too large to fit within a frame of the agreed maximum frame size. |
FramingError | Error is thrown when a valid frame header cannot be formed from the incoming byte stream. |
HandleInUseError | Error is thrown when an attach was received using a handle that is already in use for an attached link. |
IllegalStateError | Error is thrown when the peer sent a frame that is not permitted in the current state. |
InternalServerError | Error is thrown when an internal server error occurred. You may have found a bug? |
InvalidFieldError | Error is thrown when an invalid field was passed in a frame body, and the operation could not proceed. |
InvalidOperationError | Error is thrown when an operation is attempted but is not allowed. |
LinkRedirectError | Error is thrown when the address provided cannot be resolved to a terminus at the current container. |
MessageLockLostError | Error is thrown when the lock on the message is lost. |
MessageNotFoundError | Error is thrown when message is not found. |
MessageTooLargeError | Error is thrown when the message sent is too large: the maximum size is 256Kb. |
MessageWaitTimeout | Error is thrown when no new messages are received for the specified time. |
MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsError | Error is thrown when an attempt is made to create an entity that already exists. |
MessagingEntityDisabledError | Error is thrown when trying to access/connect to a disabled messaging entity. |
NoMatchingSubscriptionError | Error is thrown when a matching subscription is not found. |
NotImplementedError | Error is thrown when a feature is not implemented yet but the placeholder is present. |
OperationCancelledError | Error is thrown when server cancels the operation due to an internal issue. |
PartitionNotOwnedError | Error is thrown when an attempt is made to access a partition that is not owned by the requesting entity. |
PreconditionFailedError | Error is thrown when a condition that should have been met in order to execute an operation was not. |
PublisherRevokedError | Error is thrown when access to publisher has been revoked. |
QuotaExceededError | Error is thrown the the Azure EventHub/ServiceBus quota has been exceeded. Quotas are reset periodically, this operation will have to wait until then. The messaging entity has reached its maximum allowable size. This can happen if the maximum number of receivers (which is 5) has already been opened on a per-consumer group level. |
ReceiverDisconnectedError | Error is thrown when two or more instances connect to the same partition with different epoch values. |
RelayNotFoundError | Error is thrown when relay is not found. |
ResourceDeletedError | Error is thrown when a server entity the client is working with has been deleted. |
ResourceLockedError | Error is thrown when the client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access because another client is working with it. |
SenderBusyError | Error is thrown when the client sender does not have enough link credits to send the message. |
SenderNotReadyError | Error is thrown when the client sender's link isn't ready |
ServerBusyError | Error is thrown when the server is busy. Callers should wait a while and retry the operation. |
ServiceCommunicationError | Error for signaling general communication errors related to messaging operations. |
ServiceUnavailableError | Error is thrown when the service is unavailable. The operation should be retried. |
SessionCannotBeLockedError | Error is thrown when the Azure ServiceBus session cannot be locked. |
SessionLockLostError | Error is thrown when the lock on the Azure ServiceBus session is lost. |
SessionWindowViolationError | Error is thrown when the peer violated incoming window for the session. |
StoreLockLostError | Error is thrown when the store lock is lost. |
SystemError | Error is thrown when a low level system error is thrown by node.js. |
TransferLimitExceededError | Error is thrown when the peer sent more message transfers than currently allowed on the link. |
UnattachedHandleError | Error is thrown when a frame (other than attach) was received referencing a handle which is not currently in use of an attached link. |
UnauthorizedError | Error is thrown when the connection parameters are wrong and the server refused the connection. |