RecommendedActionStateInfo interface

Contains information of current state for an Azure SQL Database, Server or Elastic Pool Recommended Action.



Gets who initiated the execution of this recommended action. Possible Value are: User -> When user explicity notified system to apply the recommended action. System -> When auto-execute status of this advisor was set to 'Enabled', in which case the system applied it. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


Current state the recommended action is in. Some commonly used states are: Active -> recommended action is active and no action has been taken yet. Pending -> recommended action is approved for and is awaiting execution. Executing -> recommended action is being applied on the user database. Verifying -> recommended action was applied and is being verified of its usefulness by the system. Success -> recommended action was applied and improvement found during verification. Pending Revert -> verification found little or no improvement so recommended action is queued for revert or user has manually reverted. Reverting -> changes made while applying recommended action are being reverted on the user database. Reverted -> successfully reverted the changes made by recommended action on user database. Ignored -> user explicitly ignored/discarded the recommended action.


Gets the time when the state was last modified NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Property Details


Gets who initiated the execution of this recommended action. Possible Value are: User -> When user explicity notified system to apply the recommended action. System -> When auto-execute status of this advisor was set to 'Enabled', in which case the system applied it. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

actionInitiatedBy?: RecommendedActionInitiatedBy

Property Value


Current state the recommended action is in. Some commonly used states are: Active -> recommended action is active and no action has been taken yet. Pending -> recommended action is approved for and is awaiting execution. Executing -> recommended action is being applied on the user database. Verifying -> recommended action was applied and is being verified of its usefulness by the system. Success -> recommended action was applied and improvement found during verification. Pending Revert -> verification found little or no improvement so recommended action is queued for revert or user has manually reverted. Reverting -> changes made while applying recommended action are being reverted on the user database. Reverted -> successfully reverted the changes made by recommended action on user database. Ignored -> user explicitly ignored/discarded the recommended action.

currentValue: string

Property Value



Gets the time when the state was last modified NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

lastModified?: Date

Property Value
