MongoClustersOperations interface
Interface representing a MongoClusters operations.
check |
Check if mongo cluster name is available for use. |
create |
Create or update a mongo cluster. Update overwrites all properties for the resource. To only modify some of the properties, use PATCH. |
delete | Deletes a mongo cluster. |
get | Gets information about a mongo cluster. |
list | List all the mongo clusters in a given subscription. |
list |
List all the mongo clusters in a given resource group. |
list |
List mongo cluster connection strings. This includes the default connection string using SCRAM-SHA-256, as well as other connection strings supported by the cluster. |
promote | Promotes a replica mongo cluster to a primary role. |
update | Updates an existing mongo cluster. The request body can contain one to many of the properties present in the normal mongo cluster definition. |
Property Details
Check if mongo cluster name is available for use.
checkNameAvailability: (location: string, body: CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, options?: MongoClustersCheckNameAvailabilityOptionalParams) => Promise<CheckNameAvailabilityResponse>
Property Value
(location: string, body: CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, options?: MongoClustersCheckNameAvailabilityOptionalParams) => Promise<CheckNameAvailabilityResponse>
Create or update a mongo cluster. Update overwrites all properties for the resource. To only modify some of the properties, use PATCH.
createOrUpdate: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, resource: MongoCluster, options?: MongoClustersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>
Property Value
(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, resource: MongoCluster, options?: MongoClustersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>
Deletes a mongo cluster.
delete: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersDeleteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>
Property Value
(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersDeleteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>
Gets information about a mongo cluster.
get: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersGetOptionalParams) => Promise<MongoCluster>
Property Value
(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersGetOptionalParams) => Promise<MongoCluster>
List all the mongo clusters in a given subscription.
list: (options?: MongoClustersListOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>
Property Value
(options?: MongoClustersListOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>
List all the mongo clusters in a given resource group.
listByResourceGroup: (resourceGroupName: string, options?: MongoClustersListByResourceGroupOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>
Property Value
(resourceGroupName: string, options?: MongoClustersListByResourceGroupOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>
List mongo cluster connection strings. This includes the default connection string using SCRAM-SHA-256, as well as other connection strings supported by the cluster.
listConnectionStrings: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersListConnectionStringsOptionalParams) => Promise<ListConnectionStringsResult>
Property Value
(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersListConnectionStringsOptionalParams) => Promise<ListConnectionStringsResult>
Promotes a replica mongo cluster to a primary role.
promote: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, body: PromoteReplicaRequest, options?: MongoClustersPromoteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>
Property Value
(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, body: PromoteReplicaRequest, options?: MongoClustersPromoteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>
Updates an existing mongo cluster. The request body can contain one to many of the properties present in the normal mongo cluster definition.
update: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, properties: MongoClusterUpdate, options?: MongoClustersUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>
Property Value
(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, properties: MongoClusterUpdate, options?: MongoClustersUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>