@azure/arm-containerservice package
ContainerServiceClient |
AbsoluteMonthlySchedule |
For schedules like: 'recur every month on the 15th' or 'recur every 3 months on the 20th'. |
AdvancedNetworking |
Advanced Networking profile for enabling observability and security feature suite on a cluster. For more information see aka.ms/aksadvancednetworking. |
AdvancedNetworkingObservability |
Observability profile to enable advanced network metrics and flow logs with historical contexts. |
AdvancedNetworkingSecurity |
Security profile to enable security features on cilium based cluster. |
AgentPool |
Agent Pool. |
AgentPoolAvailableVersions |
The list of available versions for an agent pool. |
AgentPoolAvailableVersionsPropertiesAgentPoolVersionsItem | |
AgentPoolDeleteMachinesParameter |
Specifies a list of machine names from the agent pool to be deleted. |
AgentPoolListResult |
The response from the List Agent Pools operation. |
AgentPoolNetworkProfile |
Network settings of an agent pool. |
AgentPoolSecurityProfile |
The security settings of an agent pool. |
AgentPoolUpgradeProfile |
The list of available upgrades for an agent pool. |
AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem | |
AgentPoolUpgradeSettings |
Settings for upgrading an agentpool |
AgentPoolWindowsProfile |
The Windows agent pool's specific profile. |
AgentPools |
Interface representing a AgentPools. |
AgentPoolsAbortLatestOperationHeaders |
Defines headers for AgentPools_abortLatestOperation operation. |
AgentPoolsAbortLatestOperationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for AgentPools_delete operation. |
AgentPoolsDeleteMachinesHeaders |
Defines headers for AgentPools_deleteMachines operation. |
AgentPoolsDeleteMachinesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsGetAvailableAgentPoolVersionsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsGetUpgradeProfileOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AgentPoolsUpgradeNodeImageVersionHeaders |
Defines headers for AgentPools_upgradeNodeImageVersion operation. |
AgentPoolsUpgradeNodeImageVersionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AzureKeyVaultKms |
Azure Key Vault key management service settings for the security profile. |
CloudError |
An error response from the Container service. |
CloudErrorBody |
An error response from the Container service. |
ClusterUpgradeSettings |
Settings for upgrading a cluster. |
CompatibleVersions |
Version information about a product/service that is compatible with a service mesh revision. |
ContainerServiceClientOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ContainerServiceLinuxProfile |
Profile for Linux VMs in the container service cluster. |
ContainerServiceNetworkProfile |
Profile of network configuration. |
ContainerServiceSshConfiguration |
SSH configuration for Linux-based VMs running on Azure. |
ContainerServiceSshPublicKey |
Contains information about SSH certificate public key data. |
CreationData |
Data used when creating a target resource from a source resource. |
CredentialResult |
The credential result response. |
CredentialResults |
The list credential result response. |
DailySchedule |
For schedules like: 'recur every day' or 'recur every 3 days'. |
DateSpan |
For example, between '2022-12-23' and '2023-01-05'. |
DelegatedResource |
Delegated resource properties - internal use only. |
EndpointDependency |
A domain name that AKS agent nodes are reaching at. |
EndpointDetail |
connect information from the AKS agent nodes to a single endpoint. |
ErrorAdditionalInfo |
The resource management error additional info. |
ErrorDetail |
The error detail. |
ErrorResponse |
Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations. (This also follows the OData error response format.). |
ExtendedLocation |
The complex type of the extended location. |
IPTag |
Contains the IPTag associated with the object. |
IstioCertificateAuthority |
Istio Service Mesh Certificate Authority (CA) configuration. For now, we only support plugin certificates as described here https://aka.ms/asm-plugin-ca |
IstioComponents |
Istio components configuration. |
IstioEgressGateway |
Istio egress gateway configuration. |
IstioIngressGateway |
Istio ingress gateway configuration. For now, we support up to one external ingress gateway named |
IstioPluginCertificateAuthority |
Plugin certificates information for Service Mesh. |
IstioServiceMesh |
Istio service mesh configuration. |
KubeletConfig |
See AKS custom node configuration for more details. |
KubernetesPatchVersion |
Kubernetes patch version profile |
KubernetesVersion |
Kubernetes version profile for given major.minor release. |
KubernetesVersionCapabilities |
Capabilities on this Kubernetes version. |
KubernetesVersionListResult |
Hold values properties, which is array of KubernetesVersion |
LinuxOSConfig |
See AKS custom node configuration for more details. |
Machine |
A machine. Contains details about the underlying virtual machine. A machine may be visible here but not in kubectl get nodes; if so it may be because the machine has not been registered with the Kubernetes API Server yet. |
MachineIpAddress |
The machine IP address details. |
MachineListResult |
The response from the List Machines operation. |
MachineNetworkProperties |
network properties of the machine |
MachineProperties |
The properties of the machine |
Machines |
Interface representing a Machines. |
MachinesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MachinesListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MachinesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MaintenanceConfiguration |
See planned maintenance for more information about planned maintenance. |
MaintenanceConfigurationListResult |
The response from the List maintenance configurations operation. |
MaintenanceConfigurations |
Interface representing a MaintenanceConfigurations. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsListByManagedClusterNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsListByManagedClusterOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MaintenanceWindow |
Maintenance window used to configure scheduled auto-upgrade for a Managed Cluster. |
ManagedCluster |
Managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterAADProfile |
For more details see managed AAD on AKS. |
ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile |
Access profile for managed cluster API server. |
ManagedClusterAccessProfile |
Managed cluster Access Profile. |
ManagedClusterAddonProfile |
A Kubernetes add-on profile for a managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterAddonProfileIdentity |
Information of user assigned identity used by this add-on. |
ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile |
Profile for the container service agent pool. |
ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties |
Properties for the container service agent pool profile. |
ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile |
Auto upgrade profile for a managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfile |
Azure Monitor addon profiles for monitoring the managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileKubeStateMetrics |
Kube State Metrics profile for the Azure Managed Prometheus addon. These optional settings are for the kube-state-metrics pod that is deployed with the addon. See aka.ms/AzureManagedPrometheus-optional-parameters for details. |
ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileMetrics |
Metrics profile for the Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus addon. Collect out-of-the-box Kubernetes infrastructure metrics to send to an Azure Monitor Workspace and configure additional scraping for custom targets. See aka.ms/AzureManagedPrometheus for an overview. |
ManagedClusterCostAnalysis |
The cost analysis configuration for the cluster |
ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig |
Cluster HTTP proxy configuration. |
ManagedClusterIdentity |
Identity for the managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterIngressProfile |
Ingress profile for the container service cluster. |
ManagedClusterIngressProfileWebAppRouting |
Application Routing add-on settings for the ingress profile. |
ManagedClusterListResult |
The response from the List Managed Clusters operation. |
ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfile |
Profile of the managed cluster load balancer. |
ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfileManagedOutboundIPs |
Desired managed outbound IPs for the cluster load balancer. |
ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfileOutboundIPPrefixes |
Desired outbound IP Prefix resources for the cluster load balancer. |
ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfileOutboundIPs |
Desired outbound IP resources for the cluster load balancer. |
ManagedClusterManagedOutboundIPProfile |
Profile of the managed outbound IP resources of the managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterMetricsProfile |
The metrics profile for the ManagedCluster. |
ManagedClusterNATGatewayProfile |
Profile of the managed cluster NAT gateway. |
ManagedClusterNodeResourceGroupProfile |
Node resource group lockdown profile for a managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile |
The OIDC issuer profile of the Managed Cluster. |
ManagedClusterPodIdentity |
Details about the pod identity assigned to the Managed Cluster. |
ManagedClusterPodIdentityException |
See disable AAD Pod Identity for a specific Pod/Application for more details. |
ManagedClusterPodIdentityProfile |
See use AAD pod identity for more details on pod identity integration. |
ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningError |
An error response from the pod identity provisioning. |
ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningErrorBody |
An error response from the pod identity provisioning. |
ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningInfo | |
ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile |
The list of available upgrade versions. |
ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem | |
ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile |
Parameters to be applied to the cluster-autoscaler when enabled |
ManagedClusterSKU |
The SKU of a Managed Cluster. |
ManagedClusterSecurityProfile |
Security profile for the container service cluster. |
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileDefender |
Microsoft Defender settings for the security profile. |
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileDefenderSecurityMonitoring |
Microsoft Defender settings for the security profile threat detection. |
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileImageCleaner |
Image Cleaner removes unused images from nodes, freeing up disk space and helping to reduce attack surface area. Here are settings for the security profile. |
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileWorkloadIdentity |
Workload identity settings for the security profile. |
ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfile |
Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for manipulating Azure APIs. |
ManagedClusterStorageProfile |
Storage profile for the container service cluster. |
ManagedClusterStorageProfileBlobCSIDriver |
AzureBlob CSI Driver settings for the storage profile. |
ManagedClusterStorageProfileDiskCSIDriver |
AzureDisk CSI Driver settings for the storage profile. |
ManagedClusterStorageProfileFileCSIDriver |
AzureFile CSI Driver settings for the storage profile. |
ManagedClusterStorageProfileSnapshotController |
Snapshot Controller settings for the storage profile. |
ManagedClusterUpgradeProfile |
The list of available upgrades for compute pools. |
ManagedClusterWindowsProfile |
Profile for Windows VMs in the managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfile |
Workload Auto-scaler profile for the managed cluster. |
ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfileKeda |
KEDA (Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling) settings for the workload auto-scaler profile. |
ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfileVerticalPodAutoscaler |
VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaler) settings for the workload auto-scaler profile. |
ManagedClusters |
Interface representing a ManagedClusters. |
ManagedClustersAbortLatestOperationHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_abortLatestOperation operation. |
ManagedClustersAbortLatestOperationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_delete operation. |
ManagedClustersDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersGetAccessProfileOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersGetCommandResultHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_getCommandResult operation. |
ManagedClustersGetCommandResultOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersGetMeshRevisionProfileOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersGetMeshUpgradeProfileOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersGetUpgradeProfileOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListClusterAdminCredentialsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListClusterMonitoringUserCredentialsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListClusterUserCredentialsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListKubernetesVersionsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersListOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersResetAADProfileHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_resetAADProfile operation. |
ManagedClustersResetAADProfileOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersResetServicePrincipalProfileHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_resetServicePrincipalProfile operation. |
ManagedClustersResetServicePrincipalProfileOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersRotateClusterCertificatesHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_rotateClusterCertificates operation. |
ManagedClustersRotateClusterCertificatesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersRotateServiceAccountSigningKeysHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_rotateServiceAccountSigningKeys operation. |
ManagedClustersRotateServiceAccountSigningKeysOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersRunCommandHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_runCommand operation. |
ManagedClustersRunCommandOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersStartHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_start operation. |
ManagedClustersStartOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersStopHeaders |
Defines headers for ManagedClusters_stop operation. |
ManagedClustersStopOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedClustersUpdateTagsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue | |
MeshRevision |
Holds information on upgrades and compatibility for given major.minor mesh release. |
MeshRevisionProfile |
Mesh revision profile for a mesh. |
MeshRevisionProfileList |
Holds an array of MeshRevisionsProfiles |
MeshRevisionProfileProperties |
Mesh revision profile properties for a mesh |
MeshUpgradeProfile |
Upgrade profile for given mesh. |
MeshUpgradeProfileList |
Holds an array of MeshUpgradeProfiles |
MeshUpgradeProfileProperties |
Mesh upgrade profile properties for a major.minor release. |
OperationListResult |
The List Operation response. |
OperationValue |
Describes the properties of a Operation value. |
Operations |
Interface representing a Operations. |
OperationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
OutboundEnvironmentEndpoint |
Egress endpoints which AKS agent nodes connect to for common purpose. |
OutboundEnvironmentEndpointCollection |
Collection of OutboundEnvironmentEndpoint |
PortRange |
The port range. |
PowerState |
Describes the Power State of the cluster |
PrivateEndpoint |
Private endpoint which a connection belongs to. |
PrivateEndpointConnection |
A private endpoint connection |
PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult |
A list of private endpoint connections |
PrivateEndpointConnections |
Interface representing a PrivateEndpointConnections. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PrivateLinkResource |
A private link resource |
PrivateLinkResources |
Interface representing a PrivateLinkResources. |
PrivateLinkResourcesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PrivateLinkResourcesListResult |
A list of private link resources |
PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState |
The state of a private link service connection. |
ProxyResource |
The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will not have tags and a location |
RelativeMonthlySchedule |
For schedules like: 'recur every month on the first Monday' or 'recur every 3 months on last Friday'. |
ResolvePrivateLinkServiceId |
Interface representing a ResolvePrivateLinkServiceId. |
ResolvePrivateLinkServiceIdPostOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Resource |
Common fields that are returned in the response for all Azure Resource Manager resources |
ResourceReference |
A reference to an Azure resource. |
RunCommandRequest |
A run command request |
RunCommandResult |
run command result. |
Schedule |
One and only one of the schedule types should be specified. Choose either 'daily', 'weekly', 'absoluteMonthly' or 'relativeMonthly' for your maintenance schedule. |
ServiceMeshProfile |
Service mesh profile for a managed cluster. |
Snapshot |
A node pool snapshot resource. |
SnapshotListResult |
The response from the List Snapshots operation. |
Snapshots |
Interface representing a Snapshots. |
SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsUpdateTagsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubResource |
Reference to another subresource. |
SysctlConfig |
Sysctl settings for Linux agent nodes. |
SystemData |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
TagsObject |
Tags object for patch operations. |
TimeInWeek |
Time in a week. |
TimeSpan |
For example, between 2021-05-25T13:00:00Z and 2021-05-25T14:00:00Z. |
TrackedResource |
The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager tracked top level resource which has 'tags' and a 'location' |
TrustedAccessRole |
Trusted access role definition. |
TrustedAccessRoleBinding |
Defines binding between a resource and role |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingListResult |
List of trusted access role bindings |
TrustedAccessRoleBindings |
Interface representing a TrustedAccessRoleBindings. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for TrustedAccessRoleBindings_delete operation. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
TrustedAccessRoleListResult |
List of trusted access roles |
TrustedAccessRoleRule |
Rule for trusted access role |
TrustedAccessRoles |
Interface representing a TrustedAccessRoles. |
TrustedAccessRolesListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
TrustedAccessRolesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
UpgradeOverrideSettings |
Settings for overrides when upgrading a cluster. |
UserAssignedIdentity |
Details about a user assigned identity. |
WeeklySchedule |
For schedules like: 'recur every Monday' or 'recur every 3 weeks on Wednesday'. |
WindowsGmsaProfile |
Windows gMSA Profile in the managed cluster. |
Type Aliases
AgentPoolMode |
Defines values for AgentPoolMode. Known values supported by the serviceSystem: System agent pools are primarily for hosting critical system pods such as CoreDNS and metrics-server. System agent pools osType must be Linux. System agent pools VM SKU must have at least 2vCPUs and 4GB of memory. |
AgentPoolType |
Defines values for AgentPoolType. Known values supported by the serviceVirtualMachineScaleSets: Create an Agent Pool backed by a Virtual Machine Scale Set. |
AgentPoolsAbortLatestOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the abortLatestOperation operation. |
AgentPoolsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
AgentPoolsDeleteMachinesResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteMachines operation. |
AgentPoolsDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
AgentPoolsGetAvailableAgentPoolVersionsResponse |
Contains response data for the getAvailableAgentPoolVersions operation. |
AgentPoolsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AgentPoolsGetUpgradeProfileResponse |
Contains response data for the getUpgradeProfile operation. |
AgentPoolsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
AgentPoolsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
BackendPoolType |
Defines values for BackendPoolType. Known values supported by the serviceNodeIPConfiguration: The type of the managed inbound Load Balancer BackendPool. https://cloud-provider-azure.sigs.k8s.io/topics/loadbalancer/#configure-load-balancer-backend. |
Code |
Defines values for Code. Known values supported by the serviceRunning: The cluster is running. |
ConnectionStatus |
Defines values for ConnectionStatus. Known values supported by the servicePending |
CreatedByType |
Defines values for CreatedByType. Known values supported by the serviceUser |
Expander |
Defines values for Expander. Known values supported by the serviceleast-waste: Selects the node group that will have the least idle CPU (if tied, unused memory) after scale-up. This is useful when you have different classes of nodes, for example, high CPU or high memory nodes, and only want to expand those when there are pending pods that need a lot of those resources. |
ExtendedLocationTypes |
Defines values for ExtendedLocationTypes. Known values supported by the serviceEdgeZone |
Format |
Defines values for Format. Known values supported by the serviceazure: Return azure auth-provider kubeconfig. This format is deprecated in v1.22 and will be fully removed in v1.26. See: https://aka.ms/k8s/changes-1-26. |
GPUInstanceProfile |
Defines values for GPUInstanceProfile. Known values supported by the serviceMIG1g |
IpFamily |
Defines values for IpFamily. Known values supported by the serviceIPv4 |
IstioIngressGatewayMode |
Defines values for IstioIngressGatewayMode. Known values supported by the serviceExternal: The ingress gateway is assigned a public IP address and is publicly accessible. |
KeyVaultNetworkAccessTypes |
Defines values for KeyVaultNetworkAccessTypes. Known values supported by the servicePublic |
KubeletDiskType |
Defines values for KubeletDiskType. Known values supported by the serviceOS: Kubelet will use the OS disk for its data. |
KubernetesSupportPlan |
Defines values for KubernetesSupportPlan. Known values supported by the serviceKubernetesOfficial: Support for the version is the same as for the open source Kubernetes offering. Official Kubernetes open source community support versions for 1 year after release. |
LicenseType |
Defines values for LicenseType. Known values supported by the serviceNone: No additional licensing is applied. |
LoadBalancerSku |
Defines values for LoadBalancerSku. Known values supported by the servicestandard: Use a a standard Load Balancer. This is the recommended Load Balancer SKU. For more information about on working with the load balancer in the managed cluster, see the standard Load Balancer article. |
MachinesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
MachinesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
MachinesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsListByManagedClusterNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManagedClusterNext operation. |
MaintenanceConfigurationsListByManagedClusterResponse |
Contains response data for the listByManagedCluster operation. |
ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningState |
Defines values for ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceAssigned |
ManagedClusterSKUName |
Defines values for ManagedClusterSKUName. Known values supported by the serviceBase: Base option for the AKS control plane. |
ManagedClusterSKUTier |
Defines values for ManagedClusterSKUTier. Known values supported by the servicePremium: Cluster has premium capabilities in addition to all of the capabilities included in 'Standard'. Premium enables selection of LongTermSupport (aka.ms/aks/lts) for certain Kubernetes versions. |
ManagedClustersAbortLatestOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the abortLatestOperation operation. |
ManagedClustersCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
ManagedClustersDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
ManagedClustersGetAccessProfileResponse |
Contains response data for the getAccessProfile operation. |
ManagedClustersGetCommandResultResponse |
Contains response data for the getCommandResult operation. |
ManagedClustersGetMeshRevisionProfileResponse |
Contains response data for the getMeshRevisionProfile operation. |
ManagedClustersGetMeshUpgradeProfileResponse |
Contains response data for the getMeshUpgradeProfile operation. |
ManagedClustersGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
ManagedClustersGetUpgradeProfileResponse |
Contains response data for the getUpgradeProfile operation. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
ManagedClustersListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
ManagedClustersListClusterAdminCredentialsResponse |
Contains response data for the listClusterAdminCredentials operation. |
ManagedClustersListClusterMonitoringUserCredentialsResponse |
Contains response data for the listClusterMonitoringUserCredentials operation. |
ManagedClustersListClusterUserCredentialsResponse |
Contains response data for the listClusterUserCredentials operation. |
ManagedClustersListKubernetesVersionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listKubernetesVersions operation. |
ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listMeshRevisionProfilesNext operation. |
ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesResponse |
Contains response data for the listMeshRevisionProfiles operation. |
ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listMeshUpgradeProfilesNext operation. |
ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesResponse |
Contains response data for the listMeshUpgradeProfiles operation. |
ManagedClustersListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
ManagedClustersListOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsNext operation. |
ManagedClustersListOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsResponse |
Contains response data for the listOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints operation. |
ManagedClustersListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ManagedClustersRotateClusterCertificatesResponse |
Contains response data for the rotateClusterCertificates operation. |
ManagedClustersRotateServiceAccountSigningKeysResponse |
Contains response data for the rotateServiceAccountSigningKeys operation. |
ManagedClustersRunCommandResponse |
Contains response data for the runCommand operation. |
ManagedClustersStartResponse |
Contains response data for the start operation. |
ManagedClustersStopResponse |
Contains response data for the stop operation. |
ManagedClustersUpdateTagsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateTags operation. |
NetworkDataplane |
Defines values for NetworkDataplane. Known values supported by the serviceazure: Use Azure network dataplane. |
NetworkMode |
Defines values for NetworkMode. Known values supported by the servicetransparent: No bridge is created. Intra-VM Pod to Pod communication is through IP routes created by Azure CNI. See Transparent Mode for more information. |
NetworkPlugin |
Defines values for NetworkPlugin. Known values supported by the serviceazure: Use the Azure CNI network plugin. See Azure CNI (advanced) networking for more information. |
NetworkPluginMode |
Defines values for NetworkPluginMode. Known values supported by the serviceoverlay: Used with networkPlugin=azure, pods are given IPs from the PodCIDR address space but use Azure Routing Domains rather than Kubenet's method of route tables. For more information visit https://aka.ms/aks/azure-cni-overlay. |
NetworkPolicy |
Defines values for NetworkPolicy. Known values supported by the servicenone: Network policies will not be enforced. This is the default value when NetworkPolicy is not specified. |
NodeOSUpgradeChannel |
Defines values for NodeOSUpgradeChannel. Known values supported by the serviceNone: No attempt to update your machines OS will be made either by OS or by rolling VHDs. This means you are responsible for your security updates |
OSDiskType |
Defines values for OSDiskType. Known values supported by the serviceManaged: Azure replicates the operating system disk for a virtual machine to Azure storage to avoid data loss should the VM need to be relocated to another host. Since containers aren't designed to have local state persisted, this behavior offers limited value while providing some drawbacks, including slower node provisioning and higher read/write latency. |
OSType |
Defines values for OSType. Known values supported by the serviceLinux: Use Linux. |
OperationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Ossku |
Defines values for Ossku. Known values supported by the serviceUbuntu: Use Ubuntu as the OS for node images. |
OutboundType |
Defines values for OutboundType. Known values supported by the serviceloadBalancer: The load balancer is used for egress through an AKS assigned public IP. This supports Kubernetes services of type 'loadBalancer'. For more information see outbound type loadbalancer. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState |
Defines values for PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceCanceled |
PrivateEndpointConnectionsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
PrivateLinkResourcesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Protocol |
Defines values for Protocol. Known values supported by the serviceTCP: TCP protocol. |
PublicNetworkAccess |
Defines values for PublicNetworkAccess. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled |
ResolvePrivateLinkServiceIdPostResponse |
Contains response data for the post operation. |
ResourceIdentityType |
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType. |
RestrictionLevel |
Defines values for RestrictionLevel. Known values supported by the serviceUnrestricted: All RBAC permissions are allowed on the managed node resource group |
ScaleDownMode |
Defines values for ScaleDownMode. Known values supported by the serviceDelete: Create new instances during scale up and remove instances during scale down. |
ScaleSetEvictionPolicy |
Defines values for ScaleSetEvictionPolicy. Known values supported by the serviceDelete: Nodes in the underlying Scale Set of the node pool are deleted when they're evicted. |
ScaleSetPriority |
Defines values for ScaleSetPriority. Known values supported by the serviceSpot: Spot priority VMs will be used. There is no SLA for spot nodes. See spot on AKS for more information. |
ServiceMeshMode |
Defines values for ServiceMeshMode. Known values supported by the serviceIstio: Istio deployed as an AKS addon. |
SnapshotType |
Defines values for SnapshotType. Known values supported by the serviceNodePool: The snapshot is a snapshot of a node pool. |
SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
SnapshotsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
SnapshotsListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
SnapshotsListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
SnapshotsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
SnapshotsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
SnapshotsUpdateTagsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateTags operation. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState |
Defines values for TrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceCanceled |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
TrustedAccessRolesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
TrustedAccessRolesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Type |
Defines values for Type. Known values supported by the serviceFirst: First week of the month. |
UpgradeChannel |
Defines values for UpgradeChannel. Known values supported by the servicerapid: Automatically upgrade the cluster to the latest supported patch release on the latest supported minor version. In cases where the cluster is at a version of Kubernetes that is at an N-2 minor version where N is the latest supported minor version, the cluster first upgrades to the latest supported patch version on N-1 minor version. For example, if a cluster is running version 1.17.7 and versions 1.17.9, 1.18.4, 1.18.6, and 1.19.1 are available, your cluster first is upgraded to 1.18.6, then is upgraded to 1.19.1. |
WeekDay |
Defines values for WeekDay. Known values supported by the serviceSunday |
WorkloadRuntime |
Defines values for WorkloadRuntime. Known values supported by the serviceOCIContainer: Nodes will use Kubelet to run standard OCI container workloads. |
KnownAgentPoolMode |
Known values of AgentPoolMode that the service accepts. |
KnownAgentPoolType |
Known values of AgentPoolType that the service accepts. |
KnownBackendPoolType |
Known values of BackendPoolType that the service accepts. |
KnownCode |
Known values of Code that the service accepts. |
KnownConnectionStatus |
Known values of ConnectionStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownCreatedByType |
Known values of CreatedByType that the service accepts. |
KnownExpander |
Known values of Expander that the service accepts. |
KnownExtendedLocationTypes |
Known values of ExtendedLocationTypes that the service accepts. |
KnownFormat |
Known values of Format that the service accepts. |
KnownGPUInstanceProfile |
Known values of GPUInstanceProfile that the service accepts. |
KnownIpFamily |
Known values of IpFamily that the service accepts. |
KnownIstioIngressGatewayMode |
Known values of IstioIngressGatewayMode that the service accepts. |
KnownKeyVaultNetworkAccessTypes |
Known values of KeyVaultNetworkAccessTypes that the service accepts. |
KnownKubeletDiskType |
Known values of KubeletDiskType that the service accepts. |
KnownKubernetesSupportPlan |
Known values of KubernetesSupportPlan that the service accepts. |
KnownLicenseType |
Known values of LicenseType that the service accepts. |
KnownLoadBalancerSku |
Known values of LoadBalancerSku that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningState |
Known values of ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedClusterSKUName |
Known values of ManagedClusterSKUName that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedClusterSKUTier |
Known values of ManagedClusterSKUTier that the service accepts. |
KnownNetworkDataplane |
Known values of NetworkDataplane that the service accepts. |
KnownNetworkMode |
Known values of NetworkMode that the service accepts. |
KnownNetworkPlugin |
Known values of NetworkPlugin that the service accepts. |
KnownNetworkPluginMode |
Known values of NetworkPluginMode that the service accepts. |
KnownNetworkPolicy |
Known values of NetworkPolicy that the service accepts. |
KnownNodeOSUpgradeChannel |
Known values of NodeOSUpgradeChannel that the service accepts. |
KnownOSDiskType |
Known values of OSDiskType that the service accepts. |
KnownOSType |
Known values of OSType that the service accepts. |
KnownOssku |
Known values of Ossku that the service accepts. |
KnownOutboundType |
Known values of OutboundType that the service accepts. |
KnownPrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState |
Known values of PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
KnownProtocol |
Known values of Protocol that the service accepts. |
KnownPublicNetworkAccess |
Known values of PublicNetworkAccess that the service accepts. |
KnownRestrictionLevel |
Known values of RestrictionLevel that the service accepts. |
KnownScaleDownMode |
Known values of ScaleDownMode that the service accepts. |
KnownScaleSetEvictionPolicy |
Known values of ScaleSetEvictionPolicy that the service accepts. |
KnownScaleSetPriority |
Known values of ScaleSetPriority that the service accepts. |
KnownServiceMeshMode |
Known values of ServiceMeshMode that the service accepts. |
KnownSnapshotType |
Known values of SnapshotType that the service accepts. |
KnownTrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState |
Known values of TrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
KnownType |
Known values of Type that the service accepts. |
KnownUpgradeChannel |
Known values of UpgradeChannel that the service accepts. |
KnownWeekDay |
Known values of WeekDay that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkloadRuntime |
Known values of WorkloadRuntime that the service accepts. |
get |
Given the last |
Function Details
Given the last .value
produced by the byPage
returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from
that point later.
function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined
- page
An object from accessing value
on the IteratorResult from a byPage
string | undefined
The continuation token that can be passed into byPage() during future calls.