@azure/ai-form-recognizer package
AzureKeyCredential |
A static-key-based credential that supports updating the underlying key value. |
DocumentAnalysisClient |
A client for interacting with the Form Recognizer service's analysis features. Examples:The Form Recognizer service and clients support two means of authentication: Azure Active Directory
API Key (Subscription Key)
DocumentModelAdministrationClient |
A client for interacting with the Form Recognizer service's model management features, such as creating, reading, listing, deleting, and copying models. Examples:Azure Active Directory
API Key (Subscription Key)
AddressValue |
Address field value. |
AnalyzeDocumentOptions |
Options for the document analysis operation. |
AnalyzeResult |
The result of an analysis operation. The type of the Document may be determined by the model used to perform the analysis. |
AnalyzeResultCommon |
The common fields of all AnalyzeResult-like types, such as LayoutResult, ReadResult, and GeneralDocumentResult. |
AnalyzedDocument |
An extracted document object. An AnalyzedDocument is an instance of one of the document types within a model. Its fields correspond to the field schema of the document type. |
AzureBlobFileListSource |
A training data source defined by an Azure Blob Container and a JSONL file list within the container. |
AzureBlobFileListSourceDetails |
File list in Azure Blob Storage. |
AzureBlobSource |
A training data source defined by an Azure Blob Container. |
AzureBlobSourceDetails |
Azure Blob Storage content. |
BeginBuildDocumentClassifierOptions |
Options for the document classifier build operation. |
BeginBuildDocumentModelOptions |
Options for the model build operation. |
BeginComposeDocumentModelOptions |
Options for the model compose operation. |
BeginCopyModelOptions |
Options for the copy model operation. |
BoundingRegion |
Bounding polygon on a specific page of the input. |
ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails |
Classifier document type info. |
ClassifyDocumentOptions |
Options for the document classification operation. |
CommonModelCreationOptions |
Options common to all operations that define new models, such as |
CopyAuthorization |
Authorization to copy a document model to the specified target resource and modelId. |
CreateDocumentModelOptions |
Options for the model creation operation. |
CurrencyValue |
Currency field value. |
CustomDocumentModelsDetails |
Details regarding custom document models. |
DeleteDocumentModelOptions |
Options for model deletion. |
DocumentAddressField |
A document field that describes a structured physical address. |
DocumentAnalysisClientOptions |
Configurable options for DocumentAnalysisClient. |
DocumentAnalysisPollOperationState |
The state of an analysis operation, which will eventually produce the result type that corresponds to the model. |
DocumentAnnotation |
A visual annotation element in the document, such as a check mark or cross. |
DocumentArrayField |
A DocumentField that consists of an array of nested fields. All fields in the array will have the same type. |
DocumentBarcode |
An extracted barcode. |
DocumentBooleanField |
A DocumentField that has a boolean value. |
DocumentCaption |
An object representing the location and content of a table caption. |
DocumentClassifierBuildOperationDetails |
Get Operation response object. |
DocumentClassifierDetails |
Document classifier info. |
DocumentClassifierDocumentTypeSources |
A set of sources used to create a document classifier. This is a map of document type names to sources that will be used to train the model to classify documents of the corresponding source type. |
DocumentClassifierOperationState |
The state of a model creation operation. |
DocumentCountryRegionField |
A DocumentField that has a value indicating a country or region, represented as a string. |
DocumentCurrencyField |
A DocumentField that describes an amount of a certain currency. |
DocumentDateField |
A DocumentField that has a Date value. |
DocumentFieldCommon |
Fields that are common to all DocumentField variants. |
DocumentFieldSchema |
Description of the field semantic schema using a JSON Schema style syntax. |
DocumentFootnote |
An object representing the location and content of a table footnote. |
DocumentFormula |
An extracted formula. |
DocumentIntegerField |
A DocumentField that has an integer value. |
DocumentKeyValueElement |
An object representing the field key or value in a key-value pair. |
DocumentKeyValuePair |
An object representing a form field with distinct field label (key) and field value (may be empty). |
DocumentLanguage |
An object representing the detected language for a given text span. |
DocumentLine |
A content line object consisting of an adjacent sequence of content elements, such as words and selection marks. |
DocumentModel |
A well-known model specification that supports extracting structured documents. See the |
DocumentModelAdministrationClientOptions |
Configurable options for DocumentModelAdministrationClient. |
DocumentModelBuildOperationDetails |
Get Operation response object. |
DocumentModelComposeOperationDetails |
Get Operation response object. |
DocumentModelCopyToOperationDetails |
Get Operation response object. |
DocumentModelDetails |
Document model info. |
DocumentModelOperationState |
The state of a model creation operation. |
DocumentModelSummary |
Document model summary. |
DocumentNumberField |
A DocumentField that has a number value. |
DocumentObjectField |
A DocumentField that consists of several named properties that have their own DocumentField values. |
DocumentPage |
Content and layout elements extracted from a page from the input. |
DocumentParagraph |
A paragraph object consisting with contiguous lines generally with common alignment and spacing. |
DocumentPhoneNumberField |
A DocumentField that has a phone number value, represented as a string. |
DocumentSelectionMark |
A selection mark object representing check boxes, radio buttons, and other elements indicating a selection. |
DocumentSelectionMarkField |
A DocumentField that is has a value indicating a selection mark state (such as a checkbox or radio button), represented as a string. |
DocumentSignatureField |
A DocumentField that indicates the state of a signature, represented as a string. |
DocumentSpan |
Contiguous region of the concatenated content property, specified as an offset and length. |
DocumentStringField |
A DocumentField that has a string value. |
DocumentStyle |
An object representing observed text styles. |
DocumentTable |
A table object consisting table cells arranged in a rectangular layout. |
DocumentTableCell |
An object representing the location and content of a table cell. |
DocumentTimeField |
A DocumentField that has a time value, represented as a string. |
DocumentTypeDetails |
Document type info. |
DocumentValueField |
A simple field that has a primitive value, such as a string, number etc. |
DocumentWord |
A word object consisting of a contiguous sequence of characters. For non-space delimited languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, each character is represented as its own word. |
ErrorModel |
Error info. |
GetCopyAuthorizationOptions |
Options for the get copy authorization method. |
GetModelOptions |
Options for retrieving model information. |
GetOperationOptions |
Options for retrieving an operation state. |
GetResourceDetailsOptions |
Options for retrieving Form Recognizer resource information. |
HasBoundingPolygon |
Simple document elements such as words, selection marks and lines are bounded by the polygon. |
InnerError |
Detailed error. |
ListModelsOptions |
Options for listing models. |
ListOperationsOptions |
Options for listing operations. |
ModelAdministrationOperationStateCommon |
The set of fields common to all administration operations. |
OperationDetails |
Get Operation response object. |
OperationSummary |
Operation info. |
Point2D |
Represents a point used to define bounding polygons. The unit is either 'pixel' or 'inch' (See LengthUnit). |
PollerOptions |
Options for long-running operations (pollers) in the Form Recognizer clients. |
QuotaDetails |
Quota used, limit, and next reset date/time. |
ResourceDetails |
General information regarding the current resource. |
Type Aliases
AnalysisPoller |
A long-running operation (poller) that tracks the state of an analysis operation, eventually producing the result type that corresponds to the model. |
AnalyzeResultOperationStatus |
Defines values for AnalyzeResultOperationStatus. |
DocumentBarcodeKind |
Defines values for DocumentBarcodeKind. Known values supported by the serviceQRCode: QR code, as defined in ISO/IEC 18004:2015. |
DocumentBuildMode |
Defines values for DocumentBuildMode. Known values supported by the servicetemplate: Target documents with similar visual templates. |
DocumentClassifierPoller |
A long-running operation (poller) that tracks the state of a custom classifier creation operation, eventually producing a DocumentClassifierDetails. |
DocumentClassifierSource |
A content source that may be used to build a document classifier. One of:
DocumentField |
An extracted field. The |
DocumentFieldType |
Defines values for DocumentFieldType. Known values supported by the servicestring: Plain text. |
DocumentFormulaKind |
Defines values for DocumentFormulaKind. Known values supported by the serviceinline: A formula embedded within the content of a paragraph. |
DocumentModelBuildMode |
Supported model build modes. The model build mode selects the engine that the service uses to train the model based on the labeled training data. The options are:
Please see the following link for more information: https://aka.ms/azsdk/formrecognizer/buildmode |
DocumentModelPoller |
A long-running operation (poller) that tracks the state of a model creation operation, eventually producing a DocumentModelDetails. |
DocumentModelSource |
A content source that may be used to build a document model. One of:
DocumentSignatureType |
Defines values for DocumentSignatureType. Known values supported by the servicesigned: A signature is detected. |
DocumentTableCellKind |
Defines values for DocumentTableCellKind. Known values supported by the servicecontent: Contains the main content/data. |
FontStyle |
Defines values for FontStyle. Known values supported by the servicenormal: Characters are represented normally. |
FontWeight |
Defines values for FontWeight. Known values supported by the servicenormal: Characters are represented normally. |
FormRecognizerFeature |
Add-on capabilities (features) that can be enabled for the request. For more information about the features available in Form Recognizer, see the service documentation: |
FormRecognizerRequestBody |
A request input that can be uploaded as binary data to the Form Recognizer service. Form Recognizer treats |
LengthUnit |
Defines values for LengthUnit. Known values supported by the servicepixel: Length unit for image files. |
OperationDetailsUnion |
Details about any of several different types of Form Recognizer management operations. |
OperationKind |
Defines values for OperationKind. Known values supported by the servicedocumentModelBuild: Build a new custom document model. |
OperationStatus |
Defines values for OperationStatus. |
ParagraphRole |
Defines values for ParagraphRole. Known values supported by the servicepageHeader: Text near the top edge of the page. |
SelectionMarkState |
Defines values for SelectionMarkState. Known values supported by the serviceselected: The selection mark is selected, often indicated by a check ✓ or cross X inside the selection mark. |
StringIndexType |
Valid string index types supported by the Form Recognizer service and SDK clients. |
KnownDocumentBarcodeKind |
Known values of DocumentBarcodeKind that the service accepts. |
KnownDocumentBuildMode |
Known values of DocumentBuildMode that the service accepts. |
KnownDocumentFieldType |
Known values of DocumentFieldType that the service accepts. |
KnownDocumentFormulaKind |
Known values of DocumentFormulaKind that the service accepts. |
KnownDocumentSignatureType |
Known values of DocumentSignatureType that the service accepts. |
KnownDocumentTableCellKind |
Known values of DocumentTableCellKind that the service accepts. |
KnownFontStyle |
Known values of FontStyle that the service accepts. |
KnownFontWeight |
Known values of FontWeight that the service accepts. |
KnownLengthUnit |
Known values of LengthUnit that the service accepts. |
KnownOperationKind |
Known values of OperationKind that the service accepts. |
KnownParagraphRole |
Known values of ParagraphRole that the service accepts. |
KnownSelectionMarkState |
Known values of SelectionMarkState that the service accepts. |