GetReverseGeocoding interface



The Get Reverse Geocoding API is an HTTP GET request used to translate a coordinate (example: 37.786505, -122.3862) into a human understandable street address. Useful in tracking applications where you receive a GPS feed from the device or asset and wish to know the address associated with the coordinates. This endpoint will return address information for a given coordinate.

Method Details


The Get Reverse Geocoding API is an HTTP GET request used to translate a coordinate (example: 37.786505, -122.3862) into a human understandable street address. Useful in tracking applications where you receive a GPS feed from the device or asset and wish to know the address associated with the coordinates. This endpoint will return address information for a given coordinate.

function get(options: SearchGetReverseGeocodingParameters): StreamableMethod<SearchGetReverseGeocoding200Response | SearchGetReverseGeocodingDefaultResponse>

