RouteRequestRouteMatrix200Response interface
The Post Route Matrix
request that allows calculation of a matrix of route summaries for a set of routes defined by origin and destination locations by using an asynchronous (async) request. To make a synchronous (sync) request, see Post Route Matrix Sync. For every given origin, the service calculates the cost of routing from that origin to every given destination. The set of origins and the set of destinations can be thought of as the column and row headers of a table and each cell in the table contains the costs of routing from the origin to the destination for that cell. As an example, let's say a food delivery company has 20 drivers and they need to find the closest driver to pick up the delivery from the restaurant. To solve this use case, they can call Matrix Route API.
For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API.
The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations).
All origins and destinations should be contained in an axis-aligned 400 km x 400 km bounding box. Otherwise some matrix cells will be resolved as OUT_OF_REGION.
Submit Synchronous Route Matrix Request
If your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix Request
The Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If waitForResults
parameter in the request is set to true, user will get a 200 response if the request is finished under 120 seconds.
The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square).
The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Client sends a Route Matrix POST request to Azure Maps
The server will respond with one of the following:
202 Accepted
- Route Matrix request has been accepted.HTTP
- There was an error processing your Route Matrix request. This could either be a 400 Bad Request or any other Error status code.If the Matrix Route request was accepted successfully, the Location header in the response contains the URL to download the results of the request. This status URI looks like the following:
- Client issues a GET request on the download URL obtained in Step 3 to download the results
Download Sync Results
When you make a POST request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later.
Download Async Results
When a request issues a 202 Accepted
response, the request is being processed using our async pipeline. You will be given a URL to check the progress of your async request in the location header of the response. This status URI looks like the following:
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a GET
request is issued.
202 Accepted
- Matrix request was accepted but is still being processed. Please try again in some time.
200 OK
- Matrix request successfully processed. The response body contains all of the results.
- Extends
body | |
status |
Inherited Properties
headers | The HTTP response headers. |
request | The request that generated this response. |
Property Details
status: "200"
Property Value
Inherited Property Details
The HTTP response headers.
headers: RawHttpHeaders
Property Value
Inherited From HttpResponse.headers
The request that generated this response.
request: PipelineRequest
Property Value
Inherited From HttpResponse.request
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