

Representation of a single error message collection with a Json deserializer.


Create bad message format exception

The body of the Http request is not valid; for example, it cannot be parsed, or the object cannot be validated.

HTTP status code 400.


This is the subset of the Device Provisioning Service exceptions for the exceptions related to usage error.

The provisioning service will response a http request with one of the bad usage exception if the rest API was properly called, with a usage issue, for instance the user is not authorized for that operation.

HTTP status code 400 to 499.


Super class for the Device Provisioning Service exceptions on the Service Client.



        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException [any transport layer exception]


        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException [any exception reported in the http response]



                +-->ProvisioningServiceClientBadUsageException [any http response 4xx]

                |        |

                |        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientBadFormatException [400]

                |        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientUnathorizedException [401]

                |        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientNotFoundException [404]

                |        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientPreconditionFailedException [412]

                |        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientTooManyRequestsException [429]


                +-->ProvisioningServiceClientTransientException [any http response 5xx]

                |        |

                |        +-->ProvisioningServiceClientInternalServerErrorException [500]


                +-->ProvisioningServiceClientUnknownException [any other http response >300, but not 4xx or 5xx]




Provide static function to verify the Device Provisioning Service results and throw appropriate exception.


Create internal server error exception

An internal error occurred.

HTTP status code 500.


Create Device Provisioning Service not found exception

The Device Provisioning Service instance, or a resource (e.g. an enrollment) does not exist.

HTTP status code 404.


Create precondition failed exception

The ETag in the request does not match the ETag of the existing resource, as per RFC7232.

HTTP status code 412.


This is the subset of the Device Provisioning Service exceptions for the exceptions reported by the Service.


Create too many requests exception

Operations are being throttled by the service. For specific service limits, see IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service limits.

HTTP status code 429.


This is the subset of the Device Provisioning Service exceptions for the exceptions related a temporary service issue.

The provisioning service will response a http request with one of the transient exception if the rest API was properly called, but the service is not able to execute that action at that time. These are the exceptions that a retry can help to fix the issue.

HTTP status code 500 to 599.


Create transport exception


Create unauthorized exception

The authorization token cannot be validated; for example, it is expired or does not apply to the request’s URI. This error code is also returned to devices as part of the TPM attestation flow.

HTTP status code 401


This is the subset of the Device Provisioning Service exceptions for the unknown issues.

HTTP status code 300+, but not 4nn or 5nn.