ServiceBusNamespace.UpdateStages.WithTopic Interface

public interface WithTopic

The stage of the Service Bus namespace update allowing to manage topics in the namespace.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
ServiceBusNamespace.Update withNewTopic(String name, int maxSizeInMB)

Creates a topic entity in the Service Bus namespace.

ServiceBusNamespace.Update withoutTopic(String name)

Removes a topic entity from the Service Bus namespace.

Method Details


public Update withNewTopic(String name, int maxSizeInMB)

Creates a topic entity in the Service Bus namespace.


name - topic name
maxSizeInMB - maximum size of memory allocated for the topic entity


next stage of the Service Bus namespace update


public Update withoutTopic(String name)

Removes a topic entity from the Service Bus namespace.


name - topic name


next stage of the Service Bus namespace update

Applies to