Edit existing groups

This article describes how to change the following group attributes in Intune for Education:

  • Group name
  • Group membership
  • List location
  • Group rules

Edit group name

Change the name of an existing group.

  1. Go to Groups.
  2. Select the group you want to edit.
  3. Select Rename group.
  4. Enter a new group name.
  5. Select OK.

Manually assign members to groups

Follow this procedure to add or remove users and devices to an existing assigned group.

If you add or remove a member of a group, the user or device member might experience a change in access or permissions.

These instructions describe how to edit user membership. These steps can also be followed to edit membership for device groups.

  1. Go to Groups.
  2. Select the group you want to assign users to.
  3. Go to Group members > Users.
  4. To assign users:
    a. Select Add users.
    b. Start typing the name of a user into the search field.
    c. Select each user you want to add. Then choose Select.
  5. To unassign users:
    a. Select the user you want to unassign.
    b. Select Remove users.
    a. Select Yes to confirm the removal.

Edit dynamic group rules

Adjust dynamic group rules to accommodate new devices, locations, or school years.

Editing existing rules may remove devices or users who were previously members of the group. Edits may cause them to experience a change in permissions or access.

  1. Go to Groups.
  2. Find the group you want to edit. Don't select the group, but go to its menu (...), and then select Edit group rules.
  3. Edit the rules.
  4. Select Save changes.

Move a group

Move a group up or down within your existing group list. If you distribute settings differently throughout your group list, moving a group higher or lower on the list changes its scope of settings.

Generally, the higher the position of the group, such as at parent level, the broader its settings.

  1. Go to Groups and find the group you want to move.
  2. Don't select the group, but go to its menu (...), and then select Move group.
  3. Search for the location where you want to move the group.
  4. Select OK.