IAuthenticationProvider::SetUser Method

Sets the authenticated user on the authentication provider.


virtual VOID SetUser(  
   IHttpUser* pUser  
) = 0;  


An authenticated pointer to an IHttpUser.


If the pUser parameter is NULL, the default authentication continues.

Calling the SetUser method with a non-NULL IHttpUser pointer will authenticate that user immediately.

Notes for Implementers

IAuthenticationProvider implementers assume responsibility for memory management with this data; therefore, IAuthenticationProvider implementers must call the IHttpUser::DereferenceUser method when they no longer need the IHttpUser.

Notes for Callers

IAuthenticationProvider callers are responsible for creating a custom IHttpUser pointer on the heap before calling SetUser; IAuthenticationProvider implementers then assume responsibility for this new pointer.


The following code example demonstrates how to create an HTTP module that allows any user to access a Web site by creating an authenticated user. The example then clears the response headers and body and returns the user information to the client.


The following code example authenticates all users by creating a custom IHttpUser pointer with the name ValidUser.

#pragma warning( disable : 4290 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4530 )

#define _WINSOCKAPI_
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <sal.h>
#include <httpserv.h>

#include <string>
using namespace std;

#import "msxml6.dll"
using namespace MSXML2;

// The CConvert class mirrors the Convert class that is 
// defined in the .NET Framework. It converts primitives 
// and other data types to wstring types.
class CConvert
    // The ToString method converts a HANDLE to a wstring.
    // h: the HANDLE to convert to a wstring.
    // return: the HANDLE as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(HANDLE h)
        // If the HANDLE is NULL, return the "NULL" string.
        if (NULL == h)
            return L"NULL";

        // If the HANDLE is not valid, return 
        // the INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as a string.
        if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h)
            return L"INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE";

        // The HANDLE is valid.
        return L"valid";
    // The ToString method converts a FILETIME pointer to a wstring.
    // fileTime: the FILETIME pointer to convert to a wstring.
    // return: the FILETIME pointer as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(FILETIME* fileTime)
        // If fileTime is NULL, return the empty string.
        if (NULL == fileTime)
            return L"NULL";

        // Convert the FILETIME to a local time, and 
        // then convert that local time to a wstring.
        SYSTEMTIME stLocal;
        FileTimeToSystemTime(fileTime, &stUTC);
        SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &stUTC, &stLocal);        

        // Create a wstring to return.  Note: wsprintf 
        // can be also used. However, it is more difficult 
        // to handle both UNICODE and non-UNICODE correctly.
        wstring timeString =
            ToString(stLocal.wMonth) +
            wstring(L"/")            +
            ToString(stLocal.wDay)   +
            wstring(L"/")            +
            ToString(stLocal.wYear)  +
            wstring(L"  ")           +
            ToString(stLocal.wHour)  +
            wstring(L":")            +

        // Return the FILETIME data as a wstring.
        return timeString;
    // The ToString method converts a 
    // ULARGE_INTEGER pointer to a wstring.
    // ui: the ULARGE_INTEGER pointer to convert to a string.
    // return: the ULARGE_INTEGER pointer as a string.
    static wstring ToString(ULARGE_INTEGER* ui)
        // Return the empty string if the 
        // ULARGE_INTEGER pointer is NULL.
        if (NULL == ui)
            return L"NULL";
        // Return the low-order part to a wstring.
        return (ToString(ui->LowPart));
    // The ToString method converts a PCSTR to a wstring.
    // pcstr: the PCSTR to convert to a wstring.
    // return: the PCSTR as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(PCSTR pcstr)
        // Return the empty string 
        // if the PCSTR is NULL.
        if (NULL == pcstr)
            return L"NULL";

        // Get the length of the string to copy.
        size_t length = strlen(pcstr);
        // Create a new double-byte character 
        // array of length plus 1.
        wchar_t* newText = new wchar_t[length+1];

        // Copy the source into the sink string.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            newText[i] = pcstr[i];

        // Terminate the string with the NULL character.
        newText[length] = '\0';
        // Get a wstring from the new double-byte string.
        wstring wText = newText;
        // Call delete on the newText pointer 
        // and set this pointer to NULL.
        delete[] newText;
        newText = NULL;

        // Return the wstring copy.
        return wText;
    // The ToString method converts a long to a wstring.
    // l: the long value to convert to a wstring.
    // return: the long as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(long l)
        WCHAR str[256];
        str[0] = '\0';        
        _ltow_s(l, str, 256, 10);
        return str;
    // The ToString method converts a DWORD to a wstring.
    // d: the DWORD value to convert to a wstring.
    // return: the DWORD as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(DWORD d)
        return ToString((long)d);
    // The ToString method converts an LPCGUID to a wstring.
    // guid: the LPCGUID value to convert to a wstring.
    // return: The LPCGUID as a wstring; otherwise, L"" if
    // guid is NULL.
    static wstring ToString(LPCGUID guid)
        // If the GUID is NULL, return the empty string.
        if (NULL == guid)
            return L"NULL";

        // Create a WCHAR array to write the GUID to.
        WCHAR guidString[256];
        // Initialize the zero-based index of the 
        // guidString to the null-terminating character 
        // because the StringFromGUID2 may fail.
        guidString[0] = '\0';
        // Convert the GUID to a string of the form "{...}".
        int characters = StringFromGUID2(*guid, guidString, 256);
        // Return the guidString as a wstring.
        return guidString;

    // The ToString method converts a BOOL to a wstring.
    // b: the BOOL value to convert to a wstring.
    // return: L"true" for true; otherwise, L"false" for false.
    static wstring ToString(BOOL b)
        return (b) ? L"true" : L"false";

    // The ToByteString converts a double-byte 
    // character string to a single-byte string.
    // str: the double-byte string to convert.
    // return: a single-byte string copied from str.
    static string ToByteString(const wstring& str)
        // Get the length of the 
        // double-byte string.
        size_t length = str.length();

        // Create a temporary char pointer.
        char* byteChar = new char[length+1];
        byteChar[0] = '\0';
        // Copy the double-byte character string
        // into the single-byte string.        
        size_t charsReturned = 0;
        wcstombs_s(&charsReturned, byteChar, 
                   length+1, str.c_str(), length+1);
        // Create a string to return.
        string retString = byteChar;
        // Delete the temporary string and
        // set that string to NULL.
        delete[] byteChar;
        byteChar = NULL;

        // Return the single-byte string.
        return retString;

    // The ToString method converts a USHORT to a wstring.
    // u: the USHORT value to convert to a wstring.
    // return: the value of u as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(USHORT u)
        return (ToString((long)u));

    // The ToString method converts a 
    // const BYTE pointer to a wstring.
    // bytes: the BYTE pointer to convert.
    // return: the value of bytes as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(const BYTE* bytes)
        return (ToString((PCSTR)bytes));    

    // The ToString method converts 
    // a PCWSTR to a wstring.
    // pcwstr: the PCWSTR to convert.
    // return: L"NULL" if the pcwstr
    // parameter is NULL; otherwise, 
    // pcwstr converted to a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(PCWSTR pcwstr)
        // If the pcwstr parameter
        // is NULL, return L"NULL".
        if (NULL == pcwstr)
            return L"NULL";

        // Implicitly convert the 
        // PCWSTR to a wstring.
        return pcwstr;

// The CResponseWriter class writes 
// text to the response stream.
class CResponseWriter
    // Creates the CResponseWriter class.
    // response: the IHttpResponse 
    // pointer to write to.
    // throws: a _com_error exception if
    // the IHttpResponse pointer is NULL.
    CResponseWriter(IHttpResponse* response)
        throw (_com_error)
        // If the response is NULL,
        // throw an exception.
        if (NULL == response)

        // Set the internal response.
        m_response = response;

    // The destructor for the CResponseWriter
    // class. The CResponseWriter method 
    // sets the IHttpResponse pointer to NULL.
    virtual ~CResponseWriter()
        m_response = NULL;
    // The Write method writes the 
    // PCSTR to the response stream.
    // pszValue: the PCSTR to write.
    // throws: a _com_error if the 
    // Write method fails.
    void Write
        PCSTR pszValue        
    ) throw (_com_error)
        // The string must not be 
        // NULL, and its length must 
        // be greater than 0.
        if ((NULL == pszValue) || 
            (strlen(pszValue) < 1))            
            // Throw an invalid argument
            // exception.

        // Create a data chunk structure.
        HTTP_DATA_CHUNK dataChunk;
        // Set the chunk to a chunk in memory.
        dataChunk.DataChunkType = 

        // Set the chunk to 
        // the pszValue parameter.
        dataChunk.FromMemory.pBuffer = 
        // Set the chunk size 
        // to the pszValue length.
        dataChunk.FromMemory.BufferLength = 
        // Declare and initialize OUT 
        // parameters for the WriteEntityChunks 
        // method.
        DWORD pcbSent = 0;
        BOOL pfCompletionExpected = FALSE;

        // Write the entity chunks to
        // the response stream.
        HRESULT hr =

        // Throw an exception if the call
        // to WriteEntityChunks is not a 
        // success.
    // The WriteLine method writes a string
    // and newline characters to the response steam.
    // pszValue: the PCSTR string to write.
    // throws: a _com_error if the PCSTR 
    // or the newline characters are not 
    // written to the response stream.
    void WriteLine
        PCSTR pszValue        
    ) throw (_com_error)
        // Try to write the pszValue parameter.
        // Try to write the newline characters.
    // Convenience method that writes a name 
    // and value pair to the response stream.
    // name: the name of the parameter.
    // value: the value of the parameter.
    // throws: a _com_error exception if
    // the response stream is not written.
    void WriteLine
        const wstring& name,
        const wstring& value
    ) throw (_com_error)
        // Convert the UNICODE strings 
        // to mutlibyte strings.
        string nameMulti = 
        string valueMulti = 

        // Create the string to write.
        string writeString =
            nameMulti + 
            string(":  ") + 

        // Write the line to
        // the response stream.

    // Tests an HRESULT for success.
    // hr: the HRESULT value to inspect.
    // throws: a _com_error if the HRESULT
    // parameter is not S_OK.
    static void ThrowOnFail(HRESULT hr)
        if (FAILED(hr))
            _com_error ce(hr);
            throw ce;
    // Specify the IHttpResponse
    // pointer to write to.
    IHttpResponse* m_response;

// The CHttpUser class implements the interface IHttpUser
// that emulates a user. This class creates a valid user 
// with the user name "ValidUser".
class CHttpUser : public IHttpUser
    // PRE: none.
    // POST: sets the internal reference count to 1.
    // The CHttpUser method is the public 
    // constructor for the CHttpUser class.
        m_refs = 1;

    // The GetRemoteUserName method 
    // returns the remote name of the user.    
    // return: L"ValidUser".
    virtual PCWSTR GetRemoteUserName(VOID)
        return L"ValidUser";
    // The GetUserName method 
    // returns the name of the user.
    // return: L"ValidUser".
    virtual PCWSTR GetUserName(VOID)
        return L"ValidUser";
    // The GetAuthenticationType method 
    // returns the authentication type 
    // for the user.
    // return: L"Anonymous".
    virtual PCWSTR GetAuthenticationType(VOID)
        return L"Anonymous";
    // The GetPassword method returns 
    // the password for the user. This 
    // password is empty because Anonymous
    // authentication only requires only a
    // non-NULL password value.
    // return: L"".
    virtual PCWSTR GetPassword(VOID)
        return L"";
    // The GetImpersonationToken method returns 
    // the impersonation token for the user.
    // return: NULL.
    virtual HANDLE GetImpersonationToken(VOID)
        return NULL;
    // The GetPrimaryToken method returns 
    // the primary token for the user.
    // return: NULL.
    virtual HANDLE GetPrimaryToken(VOID)
        return NULL;
    // PRE: none.
    // POST: the internal reference 
    // count is incremented by 1.
    // The ReferenceUser method should be called 
    // when a new reference to a user is accessed.    
    virtual VOID ReferenceUser(VOID)
    // PRE: the internal reference 
    // count is at least 1.
    // POST: decrements the internal reference count 
    // and deletes this if that count goes to 0.
    virtual VOID DereferenceUser(VOID)
        if (0 == InterlockedDecrement(&m_refs))
            delete this;

    // The SupportsIsInRole method returns a BOOL 
    // indicating whether this user supports roles.
    // return: FALSE.
    virtual BOOL SupportsIsInRole(VOID)
        return FALSE;
    // The IsInRole method returns E_NOTIMPL.
    // return: E_NOTIMPL.
    virtual HRESULT IsInRole
        IN PCWSTR pszRoleName,
        OUT BOOL* pfInRole
        return E_NOTIMPL;

    // The GetUserVariable method returns NULL.
    // return: NULL.
    virtual PVOID GetUserVariable
        IN PCSTR pszVariableName
        return NULL;        

    // The CHttpUser method is the private virtual
    // destructor for the CHttpUser class.
    virtual ~CHttpUser()

    // Specify an internal value 
    // for reference counting.
    LONG m_refs;

// The CUser class is the wrapper 
// class for an IHttpUser pointer.
class CUser
    // Creates the CUser class.
    // user: the IHttpUser pointer to reference.
    // throws: a _com_error exception if 
    // the IHttpUser parameter is NULL.
    CUser(IHttpUser* user)
        throw (_com_error)
        // Throw an exception if the 
        // IHttpUser parameter is NULL.
        if (NULL == user)
            _com_error ce(E_INVALIDARG);
            throw ce;

        // Call ReferenceUser, which increments
        // the reference count for the user.
        // Assign the user to m_user.
        m_user = user;

    // The CUser method is the public 
    // destructor for the CUser class.
    // The destructor calls the DereferenceUser
    // method on the IHttpUser pointer, and
    // sets that pointer to NULL.
    virtual ~CUser()
        // Call DereferenceUser on the m_user private 
        // data, which decrements the reference count
        // on m_user. An IHttpUser will be deleted when 
        // its reference count goes to 0.
        // Set the m_user data to NULL.
        m_user = NULL;

    // The CreateElement method converts 
    // the internal IHttpUser pointer and 
    // descendant data into an XML element.
    // doc: the MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument3Ptr to use 
    // for creating elements and attributes.
    // return: a new IXMLDOMElementPtr pointer.
    // throws: a _com_error exception.
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr CreateElement
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument3Ptr doc
    ) const throw (_com_error)
        // Create a new XML element to return.
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr userElement = 

        // Call the GetAuthenticationType 
        // method on the IHttpUser pointer.
        PCWSTR authTypePCWSTR = 

        // Convert the PCWSTR to a wstring.
        wstring authType = 

        // Add an attribute to the
        // userElement element.
        AddAttribute(L"authType", authType, 
                     userElement, doc);

        // Call the GetImpersonationToken 
        // method on the IHttpUser pointer.
        HANDLE impersonationTokenHANDLE = 

        // Convert the HANDLE to a wstring.
        wstring impersonationToken =

        // Write an attribute to the 
        // userElement element.
        // Call the GetPassword method 
        // on the IHttpUser pointer.
        PCWSTR passWordPCWSTR = 

        // Convert the PCWSTR to a wstring.
        wstring passWord =

        // Add an attribute to the
        // userElement element.
        AddAttribute(L"passWord", L"[hidden]", 
                     userElement, doc);
        // Call the GetPrimaryToken method
        // on the IHttpUser pointer.
        HANDLE primaryTokenHANDLE = 

        // Convert the HANDLE to a wstring.
        wstring primaryToken =

        // Add an attribute to the
        // userElement element.

        // Call the GetRemoteUserName method
        // on the IHttpUser pointer.
        PCWSTR remoteNamePCWSTR = 

        // Convert the PCWSTR to a wstring.
        wstring remoteName =

        // Add an attribute to
        // the userElement element.
        AddAttribute(L"remoteName", remoteName, 
                     userElement, doc);

        // Call the GetUserName method
        // on the IHttpUser pointer.
        PCWSTR userNamePCWSTR = 

        // Convert the PCWSTR to a wstring.
        wstring userName =

        // Add an attribute to
        // the userElement attribute.
        AddAttribute(L"userName", userName, 
                     userElement, doc);

        // Call the GetUserVariable method 
        // on the IHttpUser pointer.
        PVOID userVariablePVOID = 

        // Convert the PVOID to a wstring.
        wstring userVariable =

        // Add an attribute to the
        // userElement element.

        // Call the SupportsIsInRole method
        // on the IHttpUser pointer.
        BOOL supportsRolesBOOL = 

        // Convert the BOOL to a wstring.
        wstring supportsRoles =

        // Add an attribute to the
        // userElement element.

        // If the user supports roles, create 
        // an Unknown role that the user 
        // should not be a member of.
        if (supportsRolesBOOL)
            // Declare a BOOL for a 
            // role that is unknown.
            BOOL isInRoleBOOL = FALSE;

            // Call the IsInRole method 
            // on the IHttpUser pointer.
            HRESULT hr = 
                m_user->IsInRole(L"Unknown", &isInRoleBOOL);

            // Convert the BOOL to a wstring.
            wstring isInRole = 

            // Add an attribute to
            // the userElement element.

            // Convert the HRESULT to a wstring.
            wstring isInRoleHresult =

            // Add an attribute to the
            // userElement element.
        // Return the XML element.
        return userElement;
    // The AddAttribute method creates a new XML 
    // attribute and appends it to the element
    // parameter.
    // name: the name of the attribute.
    // text: the text value of the attribute.
    // element: the XML element to 
    // append the new attribute to.
    // doc: the XML document to use for
    // creating attributes.
    // return: a new IXMLDOMAttributePtr.
    // throws: a _com_error exception.
    static MSXML2::IXMLDOMAttributePtr AddAttribute
        const wstring& name,
        const wstring& text,
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr element,
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument3Ptr doc
    ) throw (_com_error)
        // Create an attribute with the name.
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMAttributePtr attribute = 
        // Set the text of the attribute to the text value.
        attribute->text = text.c_str();
        // Add the attribute to the passed element.
        // Return the new attribute to the caller.
        return attribute;
    // Specify the IHttpUser pointer 
    // to authenticate and authorize.
    IHttpUser* m_user;

// The CAuthenticateModule extends the CHttpModule 
// class and authenticates requests. The CAuthenticateModule 
// class implements the OnAuthenticateRequest and 
// OnPostAuthenticateRequest methods and returns
// if the user cannot be verified.
class CAuthenticateModule : public CHttpModule
    // The CAuthenticateModule method is the public 
    // constructor for the CAuthenticateModule class.


    // The CAuthenticateModule method is the public
    // destructor for the CAuthenticateModule class.
    virtual ~CAuthenticateModule()


    // The OnAuthenticateRequest method authenticates all
    // users by simulating Anonymous authentication.
    // pHttpContext: the current IHttpContext pointer.
    // pProvider: the current IAuthenticationProvider pointer.
        IN IHttpContext* pHttpContext,
        IN OUT IAuthenticationProvider* pProvider
        // Attempt to get the IHttpUser pointer 
        // from the IHttpContext pointer.
        IHttpUser* currentUser =

        // The IHttpUser pointer will be NULL if the 
        // user has not yet been authenticated.
        if (NULL == currentUser)
            // Create a new custom anonymous user
            // that is always authenticated.
            CHttpUser* httpUser = 
                new CHttpUser;
            // Set the authenticated user on the 
            // provider to signal that this user 
            // is authentated.
        // The user should now be authenticated.

    // The OnPostAuthenticateRequest method 
    // overrides the CHttpModule functionality.
    // pHttpContext: the current IHttpContext pointer.
    // pProvider: the current IHttpEventProvider pointer.
        IN IHttpContext* pHttpContext,
        IN OUT IHttpEventProvider* pProvider

    // The OnSendResponse method handles 
    // the RQ_SEND_RESPONSE events.
    // pHttpContext: the current IHttpContext pointer.
    // pProvider: the current IHttpEventProvider pointer.
        IN IHttpContext* pHttpContext,
        IN OUT ISendResponseProvider* pProvider
        // Call the UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER macro because
        // the ISendResponseProvider is never used.
        // Retrieve the IHttpUser pointer 
        // from the IHttpContext pointer.
        IHttpUser* user = pHttpContext->GetUser();        
        // Retrieve the IHttpResponse pointer 
        // from the IHttpContext pointer.
        IHttpResponse* response = 
        // Both the user and response must not
        // be NULL. The response must be cleared,
        // the response's header must be changed,
        // and the CUser constructor precondition
        // requires a non-NULL IHttpUser pointer.
        if ((NULL == user) || (NULL == response))
            return RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE;

        // Create a writer to write to
        // the response stream.
        CResponseWriter writer(response);
            // Create an IHttpUser pointer wrapper 
            // that will increment and decrement the 
            // reference count, and provide writing
            // user information to the response.
            CUser userWrapper(user);

            // Create a new XML document.

            // Get the user XML element from
            // the CUser class, and append 
            // this element to the XML document.
            MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr userElement =
            // Create the string for writing 
            // the XML to the response stream.
            _bstr_t bstrXml = doc->xml;
            string xmlString = 
                "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + bstrXml;            

            // Reset the header for text/xml so that
            // browsers will display the XML correctly.
            HRESULT hr = 

            // If the SetHeader method call failed, 
            // ignore the failure for now. The user
            // can run View/Source in a browser for the
            // returned text. It is also possible to
            // return here, if necessary.

            // Clear the response before writing
            // the XML data to the response.

            // Write the XML to 
            // the response stream.
        catch (_com_error& ce)
            // Write the error description
            // to the response stream.
            _bstr_t description =

        // Return the RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE message.
        return RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE;            

// The CAuthenticateFactory class implements the 
// IHttpModuleFactory interface and creates a new 
// CAuthenticateModule pointer and registers that 
// pointer for authentication events.
class CAuthenticateFactory : public IHttpModuleFactory
    // The RegisterCHttpModule static method creates 
    // a new CAuthenticateFactory pointer and sets
    // that pointer on the pModuleInfo as a class factory
    // by using the SetRequestNotifications method.
    // dwServerVersion: the current server version.
    // pModuleInfo: the current IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo 
    // pointer to call the SetRequestNotifications method.
    // pGlobalInfo: the current IHttpServer pointer.
    // return: the value returned from the 
    // SetRequestNotifications call on the pModuleInfo pointer.
    static HRESULT RegisterCHttpModule
        DWORD dwServerVersion,
        IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo* pModuleInfo,
        IHttpServer* pGlobalInfo
        // Create a new CAuthenticateFactory pointer.    
        CAuthenticateFactory* moduleFactory =
            new CAuthenticateFactory;

        // Return an out-of-memory error if the 
        // CAuthenticateFactory pointer is NULL.
        if (NULL == moduleFactory)

        // Set the new CAuthenticateFactory pointer to 
        // receive authentication requests, and the 
        // response to send out a final response.
        HRESULT hr = 

        // If the call to the SetRequestNotifications method 
        // failed, return the HRESULT from that call.
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return hr;                

        // Set the priority to the highest so that 
        // the user will be authenticated immediately.
        return pModuleInfo->SetPriorityForRequestNotification

    // The GetHttpModule method creates a new 
    // CAuthenticateModule pointer and assigns this pointer 
    // on the dereferenced CHttpModule pointer.
    // ppModule: the dereferenced CHttpModule pointer 
    // that will be a new CAuthenticateModule pointer.
    // pAllocator: the optional IModuleAllocator pointer.
    // return: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if the heap is 
    // out of memory; otherwise, S_OK.
        OUT CHttpModule** ppModule, 
        IN IModuleAllocator* pAllocator
        // Call the UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER macro 
        // with the IModuleAllocator pointer because 
        // this parameter is never used.

        // Create a new CAuthenticateModule pointer 
        // and set that pointer on the dereferenced 
        // CHttpModule parameter.
        (*ppModule) = new CAuthenticateModule;

        // If the dereferenced ppModule pointer 
        // is NULL, the heap has been exhausted.
        if (NULL == (*ppModule))

        // Return S_OK.
        return S_OK;

    // The Terminate method calls delete on this.
        delete this;
    // The CAuthenticateFactory method is the protected
    // constructor for the CAuthenticateFactory class.


    // The CAuthenticateFactory method is 
    // the protected virtual destructor for 
    // the CAuthenticateFactory class.
    virtual ~CAuthenticateFactory()


// The RegisterModule method is the 
// main entry point for the DLL.
// dwServerVersion: the current server version.
// pModuleInfo: the current 
// IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo pointer.
// pGlobalInfo: the current IHttpServer pointer.
// return: the value returned by calling the 
// CAuthenticateFactory::RegisterCHttpModule method.
    DWORD dwServerVersion,
    IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo* pModuleInfo,
    IHttpServer* pGlobalInfo
    return CAuthenticateFactory::RegisterCHttpModule

The above code writes XML that is similar to the following to the response stream.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>  
    remoteName=" ValidUser"   
    userVariable="NULL" />  

Your module must export the RegisterModule function. You can export this function by creating a module definition (.def) file for your project, or you can compile the module by using the /EXPORT:RegisterModule switch. For more information, see Walkthrough: Creating a Request-Level HTTP Module By Using Native Code.

You can optionally compile the code by using the __stdcall (/Gz) calling convention instead of explicitly declaring the calling convention for each function.


Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 on Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 on Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 on Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016
Product - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
- IIS Express 7.5, IIS Express 8.0, IIS Express 10.0
Header Httpserv.h

See Also

IAuthenticationProvider Interface
CHttpModule Class
CHttpModule::OnAuthenticateRequest Method