Trace File Names

Each trace file has two names associated with it, <Filename1>.atf and <Filename2>.atf.

Traces are written to the first file until it reaches the specified size, then to the second until it reaches that size, and so on alternating between the two files.

By default, the trace files are stored in the \Program Files\Host Integration Server\Traces folder, with an .atf file name extension.

The following table lists the file names used by Trace:

Service Type of tracing File names used File names used
SnaBase Internal Napint1.atf Napint2.atf
Message Napmsg1.atf Napmsg2.atf
SnaServer (PU 2.1 node) Internal Nodeint1.atf Nodeint2.atf
Message Nodemsg1.atf Nodemsg2.atf
Link service Internal Linkint1.atf Linkint2.atf
Message Linkmsg1.atf Linkmsg2.atf
NetView Alert Internal Nvaint1.atf Nvaint2.atf
Message Nvamsg1.atf Nvamsg2.atf
API Nvaapi1.atf Nvaapi2.atf
NetView command Internal Nvcint1.atf Nvcint2.atf
Message Nvcmsg1.atf Nvcmsg2.atf
API Nvcapi1.atf Nvcapi2.atf
SNA applications Internal Cliint1.atf Cliint2.atf
Message Cliimsg1.atf Cliimsg2.atf
API Cliiapi1.atf Cliapi2.atf
Manage Agent Internal Mgaint1.atf Mgaint2.atf
Message Mgamsg1.atf Mgamsg2.atf
Manage Client Internal Mgcint1.atf Mgcint2.atf
Message Mgcmsg1.atf Mgcmsg2.atf
SNA Manager Internal Expint1.atf Expint2.atf
Message Expmsg1.atf Expmsg2.atf
API Expapi1.atf Expapi2.atf
TN3270 Internal tn3int1.atf tn3int2.atf
Message tn3msg1.atf tn3msg2.atf
API tn3api1.atf tn3api2.atf
TN5250 Internal tn5int1.atf tn5int2.atf
Message tn5msg1.atf tn5msg2.atf
API tn5api1.atf tn5api2.atf
Host Print Service Internal sprtint1.aft sprtint2.aft
Message sprtmsg1.atf sprtmsg2.atf
API sprtapi1.atf sprtapi2.atf
NetView Internal mnvtint1.atf mnvtint2.atf
DDM Internal ddmint1.atf ddmint2.atf
Message ddmmsg1.atf ddmmsg2.atf
API ddmapi1.atf ddmapi2.atf
DB2 Network Library Internal db2int1.atf db2int2.atf
Message db2msg1.atf db2msg2.atf
API db2api1.atf db2api2.atf

See Also

SNA Trace Utility Fundamentals