Snacfg LINK


Allows you to view, delete, or modify adapters.


This command has been superseded by Linkcfg, as described in About Linkcfg.


If you specify adapter properties with snacfg link, these properties must match existing properties in your installation, or a nonfunctioning configuration may result. To protect against errors with snacfg link, use the SNA Manager instead.

Before configuring link services, you must use the SNA Manager to add the server on which the link services will be located.


        [configpath]servernamelinkname [configpath]servernamelinkname [options]  
[configpath]servernamelinkname [options]  

Other Available Syntax

        [configpath]linkname [configpath]linkname [options]  
[configpath]linkname [options]  


# configpath
Specifies the path of the configuration file to view or change. If the configuration path is omitted, Host Integration Server will attempt to access the configuration file on the local system, using the path \Program Files\Host Integration Server\SYSTEM\CONFIG\COM.CFG.

Generates a list of configured link services.

Specifies the name of the server on which to view or change link services. Separate the name of the server from the name of the link service with a colon (:). It is recommended that servername be included in every snacfg link command that includes linkname. Without servername, if there is more than one link service called linkname in the installation, it is difficult to predict which link service called linkname will be affected by the command. The snacfg link command does not necessarily default to the local server if servername is omitted.

Specifies the name of the link service to view, modify, or delete. Link services names can contain from one through eight alphanumeric characters.

For adding link services, the recommended method is to use the SNA Manager, not snacfg link.

If no options are specified after linkname, the result is a list of the configuration settings for the specified link.

Adds a link service called linkname. To configure the link service, either specify other options after /add, or specify configuration options in additional snacfg link commands (using the same servername:linkname combination).

For adding link services, the recommended method is to use the SNA Manager, not snacfg link.

Deletes linkname.

/server: servername
Specifies the server on which to install the link service.

/linktype:{ Token| Ether| SDLC| X25| Channel | Twinax }
Specifies the type of adapter with which linkname works.

/linetype:{ leased| softdial| manual}(for SDLC lines only)
Specifies the type of SDLC line (and, where applicable, the modem) that the link service will use:

  • A leased line is a telecommunications line committed solely to SDLC communications with a particular remote system.

  • A softdial line is a switched SDLC line on which the modem is dialed automatically by Host Integration Server. Such a modem must be attached to an SDLC adapter with a built-in serial (COM) port. Otherwise it is considered a manual modem.

  • A manual line is a switched SDLC line on which the modem stores a phone number, or on which the modem is dialed manually.

    /carrier:{ on| off}(for SDLC lines only)
    Specifies whether the constant carrier option for an SDLC line is on or off.

See Also

Snacfg Reference