MsSna_LuAppcLocal Class

An APPC local LU resource.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code.


class MsSna_LuAppcLocal : MsSna_Config  
   String Service;  
   String Alias;  
   String Comment;  
   String NetName;  
   String LUName;  
   boolean PoolMember;  
   String IncomingLu;  
   sint16 TpTimeout;  
   sint16 Number;  
   string Connection;  
   boolean SyncPoint;  
   String SyncPointClient;  


Data Type: String Qualifiers: Key, MAXLEN(20), TOUPPERCASE Access Type: Read-Only

The SNA service to which this LU belongs.

Data Type: String Qualifiers: Key, MAXLEN(8), TOUPPERCASE Access Type: Read-Only

The LU alias.

Data Type: String Qualifiers: MAXLEN(25) Access Type: Read/Write

An optional comment field.

Data Type: String Qualifiers: MAXLEN(8), TOUPPERCASE Access Type: Read/Write

The network name, which must match that configured on the remote computer.

Data Type: String Qualifiers: MAXLEN(8), TOUPPERCASE Access Type: Read/Write

The LU name, which can be the same as the LU alias.

Data Type: Boolean Access Type: Read/Write

true to indicate that this LU is a member of the default outgoing Local APPC LU pool; otherwise, false.

Data Type: String Qualifiers: MAXLEN(8), TOUPPERCASE Access Type: Read/Write

An implicit incoming remote LU.

Data Type: sint16 Qualifiers: MINVALUE(0), MAXVALUE(3600) Access Type: Read/Write

The time-out value, in seconds. If you want to manually start the invokable TP, be sure to specify at least 60 seconds; this will give the operator sufficient time to perform the necessary actions.

Data Type: sint16 Qualifiers: MINVALUE(0), MAXVALUE(254) Access Type: Read/Write

The LU number, for dependent LUs.

Data Type: String Qualifiers: MAXLEN(8), TOUPPERCASE Access Type: Read/Write

The connection on which a dependent LU is configured.

Data Type: Boolean Access Type: Read/Write

true to indicate that you have a very specialized transaction program (TP) that requires Resync Service; otherwise, false.

Data Type: String Qualifiers: MAXLEN(15) Access Type: Read/Write

The IP address or the name of the client computer.


MsSna_LuAppcLocal is used for LU 6.2 protocols.


Platforms: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 11, and Windows 10

See Also

WMISNA WMI Provider Classes
Administration and Management Programmer's Guide