MsSna_Lu3270 Class

Describes the base class for a 3270 LU resource.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code.


class MsSna_Lu3270 : MsSna_Resource  
   String Name;  
   String ConnectionName;  
   String Comment;  
   String PoolName;  
   sint16 Number;  
   boolean Compression;  
   boolean UserWksSecure;  


Data Type: StringQualifiers: Key, MAXLEN(8), TOUPPERCASEAccess Type: Read-Only

The LU Name.

Data Type: StringQualifiers: MAXLEN(8), TOUPPERCASEAccess Type: Read/Write

The connection on which this LU is defined.

Data Type: StringQualifiers: MAXLEN(25)Access Type: Read/Write

An optional comment field.

Data Type: StringQualifiers: MAXLEN(8)Access Type: Read-Only

The pool name. PoolName is valid only if the LU has already been assigned to a pool.

Data Type: sint16Qualifiers: MINVALUE(1), MAXVALUE(254) Access Type: Read/Write

The LU Number for LUs on 802.2, SDLC, or X.25. For a DFT connection, Number is (Port Number * 16 + LT Number).

Data Type: BooleanAccess Type: Read/Write

true to enable 3270 LU data stream compression; otherwise, false. This option must also be set in the host VTAM configuration for the LU.

Data Type: BooleanAccess Type: Read/Write

true to require both the user and the workstation be assigned to this LU in order to acquire it; otherwise, false.


Each 3270 LU must belong to a connection.


Platforms: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 11, and Windows 10

See Also

WMISNA WMI Provider Classes
Administration and Management Programmer's Guide