Distributed Link Service

Linkcfg options for distributed link service.


Configuration settings specified withlinkcfgcorrespond to local link configuration settings in the SNA Manager.


     /LSTYPE:"Distributed Link Service"  
     /REMOTELINKTYPE:{ Channel | Ethernet802.2 | LeasedSDLC |   
                       SwitchedSDLC | TokenRing802.2 | Twinax | X.25QLLC }  

/LINKSVC" title"
Enter the name of the distributed link service. The quotes must be included. Any title name can be used.

/SERVER: servername
This is the name of the computer on which the link service is to be installed.

/LSTYPE:"Distributed Link Service"
This parameter is used to list the available options for the distributed link service. You must type in the exact string as shown above for it to work correctly. The quotes must be included.

/REMOTELINKTYPE:{ Channel | Ethernet 802.2 | LeasedSDLC | SwitchedSDLC | TokenRing802.2 | Twinax | X.25 }
This parameter defines the remote link type for the distributed link service.

/REMOTELIST:\\ server\ service[;\\ server\ service;]
This is the name of the remote link service, for example \\SNASERV1\SNADLC1;\\SNASERV2\SNADLC1.

/ALTLIST: \\server\service[;\\server\service;]
These are the names of alternate (backup) link services using the preceding format and example.

/DOMAIN: domain
Enter the name of the Host Integration Server subdomain. This is a required parameter if Host Integration Server is installed on a system account, not a local account.

/USERID: userid
Enter the name of the userid for the system account. This is a required parameter if Host Integration Server is installed on a system account, not a local account.

/PASSWORD: password
Enter the password of the system account. This is a required parameter if Host Integration Server is installed on a system account, not a local account.

See Also

Linkcfg Reference