CPI-C Symbolic Name: General

Type the Symbolic Destination Name.

Optionally, enter a comment of not more than 25 characters.

Conversation Security
Select a Conversation Security option:

  • None turns off conversation security.

  • Same requires the same user ID and password as that of the Remote Partner LU.

  • Program specifies the user ID and password, select Program, and then click User ID.

    Mode Name
    Select a mode name from the drop-down list.

CPI-C Symbolic Name: Partner Information

Partner TP Name

  • Application TP: For an Application TP, select this option, and type the Application TP Name.

  • SNA service TP (in hexadecimal): For an SNA service TP select this option, and type the SNA service TP Number.Partner LU Name

  • Alias: To identify the Partner LU by Alias, select this option, and type the alias.

  • Fully Qualified: To identify the partner LU by a Fully Qualified name, select this option, and type the name.

    To accept the settings, click OK; to exit the dialog box without accepting the settings, click Cancel.

See Also

SNA Manager Help