What's new in Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access data in Microsoft 365, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. This article provides information about what's new in Microsoft Graph APIs, documentation, SDKs, and more.
For more detailed API-level updates, see the Microsoft Graph API changelog.
For details about previous updates to Microsoft Graph, see Microsoft Graph what's new history.
Features in preview status are subject to change without notice, and might not be promoted to generally available (GA) status. Don't use preview features in production apps.
November 2024: New and generally available
Security | Identities
The Defender for Identity sensors management API enables you to create detailed reports on the sensors in your workspace, providing information such as server name, sensor version, type, state, and health status. It also allows you to manage sensor settings, including adding descriptions, enabling or disabling delayed updates, and specifying the domain controller the sensor connects to for querying Entra ID. For more information, see sensor.
November 2024: New in preview only
Teamwork and communications | Calls and online meetings
Use the allowedLobbyAdmitters property on onlineMeeting to get or set the users who can admit from the lobby.
October 2024: New and generally available
Backup storage
Updated the endpoints of the following methods:
Change notifications
Enabled the $notifyOnUserSpecificProperties
query parameter as a value of the resource property in the subscription resource. You can use the notifyOnUserSpecificProperties parameter when you subscribe to notifications in a particular chat.
Identity and access | Directory management
- Get the root domain of a subdomain.
- Added recommendations to use unified RBAC APIs in unifiedRoleDefinition instead of directoryRole and directoryRoleTemplate.
- Use the membershipRule property on administrativeUnit to get or set the dynamic membership rule for an administrative unit.
- Use the membershipRuleProcessingState property on administrativeUnit to indicate whether the dynamic membership rule is actively processed.
- Use the membershipType property on administrativeUnit to get or set the membership type for an administrative unit.
Security | eDiscovery
- Enabled the deletion of Exchange mailbox items in the ediscoverySearch: purgeData method.
- Deleted the
member from the purgeType enumeration in favor of thepermanentlyDelete
member. - Export results and a report from an ediscoverySearch.
- Legal holds are holds that are tied to an eDiscovery case. To learn more about a legal hold policy and its supported methods, see ediscoveryHoldPolicy.
Teamwork and communications | Apps
Use the clientAppId property on teamsAppAuthorization to get the registration ID of the Microsoft Entra app ID associated with an app in the Microsoft Teams app catalog.
Teamwork and communications | Calls and online meetings
Use the isDeltaRosterEnabled property on incomingCallOptions and outgoingCallOptions to indicate whether delta roster is enabled for a call.
Teamwork and communications | Messaging
- Updated the chatMessage: delta method to use a new endpoint that gets the list of delta messages from all chats in which a user is a participant, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats.
- Use the reactionContentUrl property on chatMessageReaction to represent the hosted content URL for a custom reaction in a chatMessage.
- Use the
tag on the content property of the itemBody resource to represent custom emojis in the message body in a chatMessage. - Use the displayName property on chatMessageReaction to represent the reaction name in a chatMessage.
October 2024: New in preview only
Backup storage
Added new endpoints for bulk addition of protection units into a protection policy:
Updated the endpoints of the following methods:
Device and app management | Cloud licensing
- Use the new cloud licensing usageRight entity that is designed for client and workload license checks, with relationships structured to flow from the user or group to the usageRight. This new entity supports the following operations:
- Use the cloudLicensing property on a group or user to get their relationships with cloud licensing resources.
Device and app management | Cloud PC
- Enabled the
query parameter for the cloudPC: getProvisionedCloudPCs method. - Use the notificationSetting property on cloudPcUserSetting to define the Cloud PC notification prompts for a Cloud PC user.
- Enabled the
member in the alertRuleTemplate enumeration. - Enabled the
members in the ruleCondition enumeration.
Identity and access | Directory management
Get or update the uxSetting that restricts access to Microsoft Entra admin center to only administrators.
Identity and access | Identity and sign-in
Enabled suspiciousAPITraffic
as a supported value for the riskEventType property in the servicePrincipalRiskDetection resource. You can retrieve this value when you use either the List servicePrincipalRiskDetections or Get servicePrincipalRiskDetection APIs.
Reports | Identity and access reports
The Microsoft Entra Health monitoring alerts APIs enable you to detect anomalous usage patterns in business-critical identity scenarios for your tenant and receive alert notifications. Use the operations of the alert and alertConfiguration resources to retrieve and update alerts and alert configurations. For details, see the related changelog section.
Security | eDiscovery
- Enabled the deletion of Exchange mailbox items in the ediscoverySearch: purgeData method.
- Deleted the
member from the purgeType enumeration in favor of thepermanentlyDelete
Sites and lists
Updated the endpoints of the following methods:
Teamwork and communications | Calls and online meetings
- Use the externalRegistrationInformation property on virtualEventRegistration to get or set the external information for a virtual event registration.
- Use the following new methods for virtual events that are of the virtualEventTownhall type:
Teamwork and communications | Messaging
- Updated the chatMessage: delta method to use a new endpoint that gets the list of delta messages from all chats in which a user is a participant, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats.
- Get a chat message that has a forwarded message as an attachment.
- Remove multiple members from a team in a single request.
Changed the following on-premises synced properties of the user resource type that were read-only in Microsoft Graph to be updatable via Microsoft Graph:
- onPremisesDistinguishedName
- onPremisesDomainName
- onPremisesSamAccountName
- onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
- onPremisesUserPrincipalName
Contribute to Microsoft Graph
Are there scenarios you'd like Microsoft Graph to support?
Suggest and vote for new features by using the Microsoft Graph Feedback Portal. Some new features originate as popular requests from the developer community. The Microsoft Graph team regularly evaluates customer needs and releases new features to the beta (
) and v1.0 (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0
) endpoints.Join the weekly Microsoft 365 platform community call and become an active member of the Microsoft Graph community. To discover the full calendar of developer calls, visit the Microsoft 365 and Power Platform community page.
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