Set up change notifications that include resource data (rich notifications)
Microsoft Graph allows apps to subscribe to and receive notifications of changes to resources they're interested in. While you can subscribe to basic change notifications, resources such as Microsoft Teams chat message and presence resources, for example, support rich notifications.
Rich notifications include the resource data that changed, allowing your app to run business logic without having to make a separate API call to fetch the changed resource. This article guides you through the process of setting up rich notifications in your application.
Supported resources
Rich notifications are available for the following resources.
Rich notifications for subscriptions to endpoints marked with an asterisk (*) are only available on the /beta
Resource | Supported resource paths | Limitations |
Copilot aiInteraction | Copilot AI interactions that a particular user is part of: copilot/users/{userId}/interactionHistory/getAllEnterpriseInteractions Copilot AI interactions in an organization: copilot/interactionHistory/getAllEnterpriseInteractions |
Maximum subscription quotas: |
Outlook event | Changes to all events in a user's mailbox: /users/{id}/events |
Requires $select to return only a subset of properties in the rich notification. For more information, see Change notifications for Outlook resources. |
Outlook message | Changes to all messages in a user's mailbox: /users/{id}/messages Changes to messages in a user's inbox: /users/{id}/mailFolders/{id}/messages |
Requires $select to return only a subset of properties in the rich notification. For more information, see Change notifications for Outlook resources. |
Outlook personal contact | Changes to all personal contacts in a user's mailbox: /users/{id}/contacts Changes to all personal contacts in a user's contactFolder: /users/{id}/contactFolders/{id}/contacts |
Requires $select to return only a subset of properties in the rich notification. For more information, see Change notifications for Outlook resources. |
Teams callRecording | All recordings in an organization: communications/onlineMeetings/getAllRecordings All recordings for a specific meeting: communications/onlineMeetings/{onlineMeetingId}/recordings A call recording that becomes available in a meeting organized by a specific user: users/{id}/onlineMeetings/getAllRecordings A call recording that becomes available in a meeting where a particular Teams app is installed: appCatalogs/teamsApps/{id}/installedToOnlineMeetings/getAllRecordings * |
Maximum subscription quotas: |
Teams callTranscript | All transcripts in an organization: communications/onlineMeetings/getAllTranscripts All transcripts for a specific meeting: communications/onlineMeetings/{onlineMeetingId}/transcripts A call transcript that becomes available in a meeting organized by a specific user: users/{id}/onlineMeetings/getAllTranscripts A call transcript that becomes available in a meeting where a particular Teams app is installed: appCatalogs/teamsApps/{id}/installedToOnlineMeetings/getAllTrancripts * |
Maximum subscription quotas: |
Teams channel | Changes to channels in all teams: /teams/getAllChannels Changes to channel in a specific team: /teams/{id}/channels |
- |
Teams chat | Changes to any chat in the tenant: /chats Changes to a specific chat: /chats/{id} |
- |
Teams chatMessage | Changes to chat messages in all channels in all teams: /teams/getAllMessages Changes to chat messages in a specific channel: /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages Changes to chat messages in all chats: /chats/getAllMessages Changes to chat messages in a specific chat: /chats/{id}/messages Changes to chat messages in all chats a particular user is part of: /users/{id}/chats/getAllMessages |
Doesn't support using $select to return only selected properties. The rich notification consists of all the properties of the changed instance. |
Teams conversationMember | Changes to membership in a specific team: /teams/{id}/members Changes to membership in a specific chat: /chats/{id}/members |
- |
Teams onlineMeeting * | Changes to an online meeting: /communications/onlineMeetings(joinWebUrl='{encodedJoinWebUrl}')/meetingCallEvents * |
Doesn't support using $select to return only selected properties. The rich notification consists of all the properties of the changed instance. One subscription allowed per application per online meeting. For more information, see Get change notifications for Microsoft Teams meeting call event updates. |
Teams presence | Changes to a single user's presence: /communications/presences/{id} Changes to multiple users' presence: /communications/presences?$filter=id in ({id},{id}...) |
The subscription for multiple users' presence is limited to 650 distinct users. Doesn't support using $select to return only selected properties. The rich notification consists of all the properties of the changed instance. One subscription allowed per application per delegated user. For more information, see Get change notifications for presence updates in Microsoft Teams. |
Teams team | Changes to any team in the tenant: /teams Changes to a specific team: /teams/{id} |
- |
Resource data in notification payload
Rich notifications include the following resource data in the payload:
- ID and type of the changed resource instance, returned in the resourceData property.
- All the property values of that resource instance, encrypted as specified in the subscription, returned in the encryptedContent property.
- Or, depending on the resource, specific properties returned in the resourceData property. To get only specific properties, specify them as part of the resource URL in the subscription, using a
Creating a subscription
Rich notifications are set up in the same way as basic change notifications, except you must specify the following properties:
- includeResourceData which should be set to
to explicitly request resource data. - encryptionCertificate which contains only the public key that Microsoft Graph uses to encrypt the resource data it returns to your app. For security, Microsoft Graph encrypts the resource data returned in a rich notification. You must provide a public encryption key as part of creating the subscription. For more information on creating and managing encryption keys, see Decrypting resource data from change notifications.
- encryptionCertificateId which is your own identifier for the certificate. Use this ID to match in each change notification, which certificate to use for decryption.
You must also validate both endpoints as described in Notification endpoint validation. If you choose to use the same URL for both endpoints, you receive and should respond to two validation requests.
Subscription request example
The following example subscribes to channel messages being created or updated in Microsoft Teams.
Content-Type: application/json
"changeType": "created,updated",
"notificationUrl": "",
"resource": "/teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages",
"includeResourceData": true,
"encryptionCertificate": "{base64encodedCertificate}",
"encryptionCertificateId": "{customId}",
"expirationDateTime": "2019-09-19T11:00:00.0000000Z",
"clientState": "{secretClientState}"
Subscription response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
"changeType": "created,updated",
"notificationUrl": "",
"resource": "/teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages",
"includeResourceData": true,
"encryptionCertificateId": "{custom ID}",
"expirationDateTime": "2019-09-19T11:00:00.0000000Z",
"clientState": "{secret client state}"
Subscription lifecycle notifications
Certain events can interfere with change notification flow in an existing subscription. Subscription lifecycle notifications inform you actions to take in order to maintain an uninterrupted flow. Unlike a resource change notification that informs a change to a resource instance, a lifecycle notification is about the subscription itself, and its current state in the lifecycle.
For more information about how to receive and respond to lifecycle notifications, see Reduce missing subscriptions and change notifications.
Validating the authenticity of notifications
Before running business logic based on resource data included in change notifications, you must first verify the authenticity of each change notification. Otherwise, a third party can spoof your app with false change notifications and make it run its business logic incorrectly, which can lead to a security incident.
For basic change notifications that don't contain resource data, simply validate them based on the clientState value as described in Processing the change notification. This validation is acceptable, as you can make subsequent trusted Microsoft Graph calls to get access to resource data, and therefore the impact of any spoofing attempts is limited.
For rich notifications, perform a more thorough validation before processing the data.
In this section, you explore the following validation concepts:
Validation tokens in the change notification
A change notification with resource data contains an extra property, validationTokens, which contains an array of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) generated by Microsoft Graph. Microsoft Graph generates a single token for each distinct app and tenant pair for whom there's an item in the value array. Keep in mind that change notifications might contain a mix of items for various apps and tenants that subscribed using the same notificationUrl.
Microsoft Graph doesn't send validation tokens for change notifications delivered through Azure Event Hubs because the subscription service doesn't need to validate the notificationUrl for Event Hubs.
In the following example, the change notification contains two items for the same app, and for two different tenants, therefore the validationTokens array contains two tokens that need to be validated.
"value": [
"subscriptionId": "76619225-ff6b-4489-96ca-4ef547e78b22",
"tenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee",
"changeType": "created",
"subscriptionId": "5cfe2387-163c-4006-81bb-1b5e1e060afe",
"tenantId": "bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff",
"changeType": "created",
"validationTokens": [
The change notification object is in the structure of the changeNotificationCollection resource type.
How to validate
Use the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to help you handle token validation, or a third-party library for a different platform.
Be mindful of the following principles:
- Make sure to always send an
HTTP 202 Accepted
status code as part of the response to the change notification. - Respond before validating the change notification, even if validation later fails. That is, respond immediately you receive the change notification whether you store notifications in queues for later processing or you process them on the fly.
- Accepting a change notification prevents unnecessary delivery retries and it also prevents any potential rogue actors from finding out if they passed or failed validation. You can always choose to ignore an invalid change notification after you receive it.
In particular, perform validation on every JWT token in the validationTokens collection. If any tokens fail, consider the change notification suspicious and investigate further.
Use the following steps to validate tokens and apps that generate tokens:
Validate that the token isn't expired.
Validate that the Microsoft identity platform issued the token and that the token isn't tampered with.
- Obtain the signing keys from the common configuration endpoint:
. Your app can cache this configuration for some time. The configuration is updated frequently as signing keys are rotated daily. - Verify the signature of the JWT token using those keys.
Don't accept tokens issued by any other authority.
- Obtain the signing keys from the common configuration endpoint:
Validate that the token was issued for your app that is subscribing to change notifications.
The following steps are part of standard validation logic in JWT token libraries and can typically be executed as a single function call.
- Validate the "audience" in the token matches your app ID.
- If you have more than one app receiving change notifications, make sure to check for multiple IDs.
Critical: Validate that the app that generated the token represents the Microsoft Graph change notification publisher.
- Check that the
property in the token matches the expected value of0bf30f3b-4a52-48df-9a82-234910c4a086
. - This check ensures that a different app that isn't Microsoft Graph did not send the change notifications.
- Check that the
Example JWT token
The following example shows the properties included in the JWT token that are needed for validation.
// aud is your app's id
"aud": "925bff9f-f6e2-4a69-b858-f71ea2b9b6d0",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1624649764,
"nbf": 1624649764,
"exp": 1624736464,
"aio": "E2ZgYGjnuFglnX7mtjJzwR5lYaWvAA==",
// azp represents the notification publisher and must always be the same value of 0bf30f3b-4a52-48df-9a82-234910c4a086
"azp": "0bf30f3b-4a52-48df-9a82-234910c4a086",
"azpacr": "2",
"oid": "1e7d79fa-7893-4d50-bdde-164260d9c5ba",
"rh": "0.AX0AtrpOnw1SwEmFzHslx41KkzsP8wtSSt9ImoIjSRDEoIZ9AAA.",
"sub": "1e7d79fa-7893-4d50-bdde-164260d9c5ba",
"tid": "9f4ebab6-520d-49c0-85cc-7b25c78d4a93",
"uti": "mIB4QKCeZE6hK71XUHJ3AA",
"ver": "2.0"
Example: Verifying validation tokens
// add Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect and System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt nuget packages to your project
public async Task<bool> ValidateToken(string token, string tenantId, IEnumerable<string> appIds)
var configurationManager = new ConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>(
new OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever());
var openIdConfig = await configurationManager.GetConfigurationAsync();
var handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
handler.ValidateToken(token, new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidateAudience = true,
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
ValidateLifetime = true,
ValidIssuer = $"{tenantId}/",
ValidAudiences = appIds,
IssuerSigningKeys = openIdConfig.SigningKeys
}, out _);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
Decrypting resource data from change notifications
The resourceData property of a change notification includes only the basic ID and type information of a resource instance. The encryptedData property contains the full resource data, encrypted by Microsoft Graph using the public key provided in the subscription. The property also contains values required for verification and decryption. This encryption is done to increase the security of customer data accessed via change notifications. It is your responsibility to secure the private key to ensure that a third party can't decrypt the customer data, even if they manage to intercept the original change notifications.
In this section, you learn the following concepts:
- Managing encryption keys
- Decrypting resource data
- Example: decrypting a notification with encrypted resource data
Managing encryption keys
Obtain a certificate with a pair of asymmetric keys.
You can use a self-signed certificate, since Microsoft Graph doesn't verify the certificate issuer, and uses the public key only for encryption.
Use Azure Key Vault to create, rotate, and securely manage certificates. Make sure the keys satisfy the following criteria:
- The key must be of type
. - The key size must be between 2,048 bits and 4,096 bits.
- The key must be of type
Export the certificate in Base64-encoded X.509 format, and include only the public key.
When creating a subscription:
Provide the certificate in the encryptionCertificate property, using the Base64-encoded content that the certificate was exported in.
Provide your own identifier in the encryptionCertificateId property.
This identifier allows you to match your certificates to the change notifications you receive, and to retrieve certificates from your certificate store. The identifier can be up to 128 characters.
Manage the private key securely, so that your change notification processing code can access the private key to decrypt resource data.
Rotating keys
To minimize the risk of a private key becoming compromised, periodically change your asymmetric keys. Follow these steps to introduce a new pair of keys:
Obtain a new certificate with a new pair of asymmetric keys. Use it for all new subscriptions being created.
Update existing subscriptions with the new certificate key.
- Make this update part of regular subscription renewal.
- Or, enumerate all subscriptions and provide the key. Use the PATCH operation on the subscription and update the encryptionCertificate and encryptionCertificateId properties.
Keep in mind the following principles:
- For some time, the old certificate might still be used for encryption. Your app must have access to both old and new certificates to be able to decrypt content.
- Use the encryptionCertificateId property in each change notification to identify the correct key to use.
- Discard of the old certificate only when you don't see recent change notifications referencing it.
Decrypting resource data
To optimize performance, Microsoft Graph uses a two-step encryption process:
- It generates a single-use symmetric key, and uses it to encrypt resource data.
- It uses the public asymmetric key (that you provided when subscribing) to encrypt the symmetric key and includes it in each change notification of that subscription.
Always assume that the symmetric key is different for each item in the change notification.
To decrypt resource data, your app should perform the reverse steps, using the properties under encryptedContent in each change notification:
Use the encryptionCertificateId property to identify the certificate to use.
Initialize an RSA cryptographic component with the private key. An easy way to initialize an RSA component is to use the RSACertificateExtensions.GetRSAPrivateKey(X509Certificate2) Method with an X509Certificate2 instance, which contains the private key described in Managing encryption keys.
Decrypt the symmetric key delivered in the dataKey property of each item in the change notification.
Use Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) for the decryption algorithm.
Use the symmetric key to calculate the HMAC-SHA256 signature of the value in data.
Compare it to the value in dataSignature. If they don't match, assume the payload is tampered with and don't decrypt it.
Use the symmetric key with an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (such as the .NET Aes) to decrypt the content in data.
Use the following decryption parameters for the AES algorithm:
- Padding: PKCS7
- Cipher mode: CBC
Set the "initialization vector" by copying the first 16 bytes of the symmetric key used for decryption.
The decrypted value is a JSON string that represents the resource instance in the change notification.
Example: decrypting a notification with encrypted resource data
The following JSON example shows a change notification that includes encrypted property values of a chatMessage instance in a channel message. The
value specifies the instance.
"value": [
"subscriptionId": "76222963-cc7b-42d2-882d-8aaa69cb2ba3",
"changeType": "created",
// Other properties typical in a resource change notification
"resource": "teams('d29828b8-c04d-4e2a-b2f6-07da6982f0f0')/channels('')/messages('1565045424600')/replies('1565047490246')",
"resourceData": {
"id": "1565293727947",
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Graph.ChatMessage",
"": "teams('88cbc8fc-164b-44f0-b6a6-b59b4a1559d3')/channels('19:8d9da062ec7647d4bb1976126e788b47@thread.tacv2')/messages('1565293727947')/replies('1565293727947')"
"encryptedContent": {
"data": "{encrypted data that produces a full resource}",
"dataSignature": "<HMAC-SHA256 hash>",
"dataKey": "{encrypted symmetric key from Microsoft Graph}",
"encryptionCertificateId": "MySelfSignedCert/DDC9651A-D7BC-4D74-86BC-A8923584B0AB",
"encryptionCertificateThumbprint": "07293748CC064953A3052FB978C735FB89E61C3D"
"validationTokens": [
For a full description of the data sent when change notifications are delivered, see changeNotificationCollection resource type.
Decrypt the symmetric key
This section contains some useful code snippets that use C# and .NET for each stage of decryption.
// Initialize with the private key that matches the encryptionCertificateId.
X509Certificate2 certificate = <instance of X509Certificate2 matching the encryptionCertificateId property>;
RSA rsa = certificate.GetRSAPrivateKey();
byte[] encryptedSymmetricKey = Convert.FromBase64String(<value from dataKey property>);
// Decrypt using OAEP padding.
byte[] decryptedSymmetricKey = rsa.Decrypt(encryptedSymmetricKey, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA1);
// Can now use decryptedSymmetricKey with the AES algorithm.
Compare data signature using HMAC-SHA256
byte[] decryptedSymmetricKey = <the aes key decrypted in the previous step>;
byte[] encryptedPayload = <the value from the data property, still encrypted>;
byte[] expectedSignature = <the value from the dataSignature property>;
byte[] actualSignature;
using (HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(decryptedSymmetricKey))
actualSignature = hmac.ComputeHash(encryptedPayload);
if (actualSignature.SequenceEqual(expectedSignature))
// Continue with decryption of the encryptedPayload.
// Do not attempt to decrypt encryptedPayload. Assume notification payload has been tampered with and investigate.
Decrypt the resource data content
Aes aesProvider = Aes.Create();
aesProvider.Key = decryptedSymmetricKey;
aesProvider.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
aesProvider.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
// Obtain the initialization vector from the symmetric key itself.
int vectorSize = 16;
byte[] iv = new byte[vectorSize];
Array.Copy(decryptedSymmetricKey, iv, vectorSize);
aesProvider.IV = iv;
byte[] encryptedPayload = Convert.FromBase64String(<value from data property>);
string decryptedResourceData;
// Decrypt the resource data content.
using (var decryptor = aesProvider.CreateDecryptor())
using (MemoryStream msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(encryptedPayload))
using (CryptoStream csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt))
decryptedResourceData = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd();
// decryptedResourceData now contains a JSON string that represents the resource.