Get change notifications for Microsoft Teams virtual event updates

Change notifications in Microsoft Graph support subscriptions to virtual events. Change notifications provide a low-latency model by allowing you to maintain a webhook to Microsoft Teams virtual events. Virtual event subscriptions have a maximum period of a day. To extend the lifetime of a subscription, the subscription must be renewed before the expiry period. Alternatively, a user might decide to create a new subscription for the resource after the expiry of an existing subscription. For more information, see Use the Microsoft Graph API to get change notifications.


Permission type Permissions (from least to most privileged) Supported versions
Delegated (work or school account) VirtualEvent.Read, VirtualEvent.ReadWrite v1.0, Beta
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application VirtualEvent.Read.All v1.0, Beta

Subscribable virtual events

The following table provides a summary of subscribable virtual event types, the resource URLs used in the subscription payload, and the supported change types for notification subscription.

Virtual event types Resource URL Supported change types Supported permission types
All events (tenant-level) solutions/virtualEvents/events created Application
All events (tenant-level by organizer/co-organizer IDs) solutions/virtualEvents/events/getEventsFromOrganizers(organizerIds=['id1', 'id2']) created Application
The events of a specific webinar solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId} updated Application, delegated
Attendance report ready events for a webinar solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/getAttendanceReports created Application, delegated
The session events of a webinar solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions created, updated Application, delegated
The registration events of a webinar solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations created, updated Application, delegated

Note: Replace values in with parenthesis with actual values.

Subscribe to all events created in a tenant

You can specify subscriptions for all events of a unique app and tenant in the subscription payload by using the following syntax: solutions/virtualEvents/events. The subscription designates the notification URL to receive all event-created notifications in a tenant for virtual events. Only event-created notifications are supported for this subscription. A tenant can only have one type of subscription per application. User-delegated virtual event permissions are restricted from creating this type of subscription.

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "created",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/events",
  "expirationDateTime": "2021-02-01T11:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "secretClientState"

Subscribe to all events created in a tenant with relevant organizers

You can subscribe to all events that include any members of a set of organizers or co-organizers by using the following resource: solutions/virtualEvents/events/getEventsFromOrganizers(organizerIds=['id1', 'id2']). These subscriptions receive any created notifications for all virtual events for a set of organizer or co-organizer IDs. This subscription is considered a subscription to all events created in a tenant. User-delegated virtual event permissions are restricted from creating this type of subscription.

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "created",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/events/getEventsFromOrganizers(organizerIds=['id1', 'id2'])",
  "expirationDateTime": "2021-02-01T11:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "secretClientState"

Subscribe to updated events of a specific webinar

To receive updated notifications for a particular webinar, you need to create a subscription for that unique webinar by using the following resource: solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}.

An application can have only one subscription per webinar inside a tenant. A user-delegated token allows you to set up one subscription for receiving webinar update notifications within a tenant. This subscription is only available for users who organized or co-organized webinars in the same tenant as the event host.

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "updated",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}",
  "expirationDateTime": "2021-02-01T11:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "secretClientState"

Subscribe to attendance report events for all sessions in a webinar

To receive notifications when attendance reports become available for sessions in a virtual event webinar, a subscription must be created with the following resource: solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/getAttendanceReports.

An application can have only one subscription for a webinar's attendance reports inside a tenant. A user-delegated token allows you to set up one subscription for receiving webinar update notifications within a tenant. This subscription is only available for users who organized or co-organized webinars in the same tenant as the event host.

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "created",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/getAttendanceReports",
  "expirationDateTime": "2021-02-01T11:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "secretClientState"

Subscribe to session event notifications for a webinar

To subscribe to notifications for sessions that are created or updated in a webinar, specify the resource as solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions.

An application can only have a single session level subscription per webinar in a tenant. A user-delegated token allows you to set up one subscription for receiving webinar update notifications within a tenant. This subscription is only available for users who organized or co-organized webinars in the same tenant as the event host.

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "created, updated",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions",
  "expirationDateTime": "2021-02-01T11:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "secretClientState"

Subscribe to meeting call events of a specific session

For information about how to subscribe to meeting call events of a specific session, see Get change notifications for Microsoft Teams meeting call updates.

Subscribe to registration events for a webinar

To subscribe to notifications for registration events of a webinar, specify the resource as solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations.

An application can only have a single registration level subscription per webinar inside a tenant. A user-delegated token allows you to set up one subscription for receiving webinar update notifications within a tenant. However, the subscription is only available for users who organized or co-organized webinars in the same tenant as the event host.

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "created, updated",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations",
  "expirationDateTime": "2021-02-01T11:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "secretClientState"

Receiving event notifications

Notifications include the resource URL of the changed resource. You can send a separate request to the resource URL to get information about a created or updated resource.

Notification types

The following table indicates the supported notification and change types for the virtual events resource.

Notification type Resource ID Change types
Webinar solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId} created, updated
Session solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions/{sessionId} created, updated
Registration solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations/{registrationId} created, updated
Meeting Attendance Report solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/getAttendanceReports created

Event notification examples

The following JSON examples show the responses for each supported change type of an event.

Event created

  "value": [
      "subscriptionId": "7015b436-a8b8-4260-af80-5af8cba32e62",
      "clientState": "secret client state",
      "changeType": "created",
      "tenantId": "f5b076c8-b508-4ba3-a1a7-19d1c0bcef03",
      "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/events/",
      "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
      "resourceData": {
        "": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/",
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.virtualEvent",
        "id": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/"

Event updated

  "value": [
      "subscriptionId": "7015b436-a8b8-4260-af80-5af8cba32e62",
      "clientState": "secret client state",
      "changeType": "updated",
      "tenantId": "f5b076c8-b508-4ba3-a1a7-19d1c0bcef03",
      "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/",
      "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
      "resourceData": {
        "": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/",
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.virtualEvent",
        "id": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/"

Session notification examples

The following JSON examples show the responses for each supported change type of a session.

Session created

  "value": [
      "subscriptionId": "7015b436-a8b8-4260-af80-5af8cba32e62",
      "clientState": "secret client state",
      "changeType": "created",
      "tenantId": "f5b076c8-b508-4ba3-a1a7-19d1c0bcef03",
      "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions",
      "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
      "resourceData": {
        "": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions/{sessionId}",
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.virtualEventSession",
        "id": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions/{sessionId}"

Session updated

  "value": [
      "subscriptionId": "7015b436-a8b8-4260-af80-5af8cba32e62",
      "clientState": "secret client state",
      "changeType": "updated",
      "tenantId": "f5b076c8-b508-4ba3-a1a7-19d1c0bcef03",
      "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions",
      "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
      "resourceData": {
        "": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions/{sessionId}",
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.virtualEventSession",
        "id": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions/{sessionId}"

Session meeting call updated events

For information about the types of notifications received for meeting call updates, see Event notifications types.

Registration notifications examples

The following JSON examples show the responses for each supported change type of a registration.

Registration created

  "value": [
      "subscriptionId": "7015b436-a8b8-4260-af80-5af8cba32e62",
      "clientState": "secret client state",
      "changeType": "created",
      "tenantId": "f5b076c8-b508-4ba3-a1a7-19d1c0bcef03",
      "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations",
      "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
      "resourceData": {
        "": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations/{registrationId}",
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.virtualEventRegistration",
        "id": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations/{registrationId}"

Registration updated

  "value": [
      "subscriptionId": "7015b436-a8b8-4260-af80-5af8cba32e62",
      "clientState": "secret client state",
      "changeType": "updated",
      "tenantId": "f5b076c8-b508-4ba3-a1a7-19d1c0bcef03",
      "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations",
      "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
      "resourceData": {
        "": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations/{registrationId}",
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.virtualEventRegistration",
        "id": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations/{registrationId}"

Attendance report created

Events that are created by an attendance report return the endpoint of the meetingAttendanceReport object. Users can use this endpoint in the **** property to query for the details in the meetingAttendanceReport object.

  "value": [
      "subscriptionId": "7015b436-a8b8-4260-af80-5af8cba32e62",
      "clientState": "secret client state",
      "changeType": "created",
      "tenantId": "f5b076c8-b508-4ba3-a1a7-19d1c0bcef03",
      "resource": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/getAttendanceReports",
      "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
      "resourceData": {
        "": "solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions/{sessionId}/attendanceReports/{reportId}",
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.meetingAttendanceReport",
        "id": "{reportId}"